Did you go to public school?


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
Yes, I did, and that is completely irrelevant so to whether or not I have the "right" to criticize the public school system.
All the way through to grade eight. Didn't go to public or private high school. Got my GED later.
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This thread, just the most recent bashing public education, led me to ask this question of all the respondents here.


Did you go to public school?

I did, for all 12 years in Texas and Oklahoma. And, a public university too.

I don't think I missed very much and, in fact, believe I got a fine education.

What about y'all?

I was home-schooled until age 10, and then went to public school for the remainder.
I went to NYC public schools back in the '50s and '60s when they were the best inthe country.

We moved out to the Island in the middle of my 7th grade and the difference was very apparent. The kids, for the most part, seemed really stupid by comparison.
I went to public school back when public schools taught something. When I talk to a high school kid today it's appalling how poorly educated they are. I asked an honor student if she knew who Hitler was. She said he was a bad man who hated black people.

You can get a real good idea of the jobs that schools do when you see ridiculous interviews of those who think sending the sequester to Portugal is a good idea.
Yep, but I graduated about the time the commies were starting to take over.
Did you go to public school??

Public Schools: The War on Kids

Posted by Karen De Coster on January 15, 2012 02:09 PM

Here is a brilliant documentary on the horrors of public school prisons in America, where children are subjected to monitoring, authoritarian supervision, arbitrary rules, conformity, coerced abstinence, zero tolerance insanity, irrational fears, invasion of privacy, prison-like security, mind-controlling drugs, and the police state. I highly recommend this - it is a stunning capture of how the federal public school system has become a security garrison with satellite detainment facilities. I especially like the part (in Part II) where the filmmaker visually shows how so many of the public schools look exactly like prisons. Some of the footage you will see is staggering, and some of the interviews with public school bureaucrats are remarkably creepy. Here is the information for the movie (it is shown in six parts):"
This thread, just the most recent bashing public education, led me to ask this question of all the respondents here.


Did you go to public school?

I did, for all 12 years in Texas and Oklahoma. And, a public university too.

I don't think I missed very much and, in fact, believe I got a fine education.

What about y'all?

Yes and I got a damn good education as did my children and grand children and all led to a college education for all of them. Education is not about the school at all. It's about the student's will to learn. And a college education does not always lead to success either. Stop blaming schools and teachers for your children's stupidity.
Head start should be a parent's responsibility. Children of illegal aliens send their children to school and they cannot even speak English, taking away from teachers ability to teach effectively. Schools did not began to fail until we had a massive influx of illegal aliens children. Some just taking up space until they can drop out and join gangs and deal is a lucrative business of drug dealing and other crimes.
Did any of you assholes have to walk to school...uphill both ways....AFTER you did all your chores?

Fucking dummies. My public school educated kids.....all three of them.....would own most of you nutters here in ten minutes.

The school.....the parents....the community...........they all need to work in order for education to take place.

You nutters.....as gullible and void of common sense as you are....want to praise your education while deriding that of the modern teen. Fucking arrogance.
. You nutters.....as gullible and void of common sense as you are....want to praise your education while deriding that of the modern teen. Fucking arrogance.


I take it that you are a school teacher and proud member of the NEA?

........................And the truth shall set you free

I went to NYC public schools back in the '50s and '60s when they were the best inthe country.

We moved out to the Island in the middle of my 7th grade and the difference was very apparent. The kids, for the most part, seemed really stupid by comparison.

I too went to school in NYC in the 50's and 60's and finished up on Long Island. Got a great education. Went on to college and grad school. America has now become decadent, people caring more about American Idol and drinking the corporate kool aid instead of valuing knowledge and study. Now its the fast buck and the latest gizmo :(:(
Did you go to public school??

Public Schools: The War on Kids

Posted by Karen De Coster on January 15, 2012 02:09 PM

Here is a brilliant documentary on the horrors of public school prisons in America, where children are subjected to monitoring, authoritarian supervision, arbitrary rules, conformity, coerced abstinence, zero tolerance insanity, irrational fears, invasion of privacy, prison-like security, mind-controlling drugs, and the police state. I highly recommend this - it is a stunning capture of how the federal public school system has become a security garrison with satellite detainment facilities. I especially like the part (in Part II) where the filmmaker visually shows how so many of the public schools look exactly like prisons. Some of the footage you will see is staggering, and some of the interviews with public school bureaucrats are remarkably creepy. Here is the information for the movie (it is shown in six parts):"

Learning is not about what your school looks like. More about home and parenting. You can leaned in an outdoors sittion on the ground classroom without a toilet. I got two degrees as a single mother and sent three children to college as they worked part time to help.
OldMan must be off his Meds.

"I went to public school back in the late 50's and early 60's and it was just fine! I got a great education! I don't know what all the fuss is about."

"Who says American Cars are no good? I bought a brand new car back in 1956 and it ran like a top!"

"Who says the Lakers have no shot at the Title? They got Jerry West!"

Did you go to public school??

Public Schools: The War on Kids

Posted by Karen De Coster on January 15, 2012 02:09 PM

Here is a brilliant documentary on the horrors of public school prisons in America, where children are subjected to monitoring, authoritarian supervision, arbitrary rules, conformity, coerced abstinence, zero tolerance insanity, irrational fears, invasion of privacy, prison-like security, mind-controlling drugs, and the police state. I highly recommend this - it is a stunning capture of how the federal public school system has become a security garrison with satellite detainment facilities. I especially like the part (in Part II) where the filmmaker visually shows how so many of the public schools look exactly like prisons. Some of the footage you will see is staggering, and some of the interviews with public school bureaucrats are remarkably creepy. Here is the information for the movie (it is shown in six parts):"

Learning is not about what your school looks like. More about home and parenting. You can leaned in an outdoors sittion on the ground classroom without a toilet. I got two degrees as a single mother and sent three children to college as they worked part time to help.

There we concur.

Home and parenting

No need for a massive bureaucracy adopted to please the NEA.


This thread, just the most recent bashing public education, led me to ask this question of all the respondents here.


Did you go to public school?

I did, for all 12 years in Texas and Oklahoma. And, a public university too.

I don't think I missed very much and, in fact, believe I got a fine education.

What about y'all?

I went to public school, and I agree that it borders on child abuse.

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