Did You Hear bout the Lawsuit Against he DNC? ME Neither Till Now.....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Holy Crapola, I had not heard about any of this till today, but a whole bunch of people are suing the DNC and they ARE DEMOCRATS.


And the major media thinks that firing Comey is a bigt story instead, lol

Media Blacks Out Coverage of Suit Against the DNC

A writer for the Observer wrote on Monday: "In large part, the mainstream media [have] not covered the lawsuit in the six months between the court's initial hearings in October 2016 to its latest hearing on April 25, 2017."

The revelation that the Democratic Party is fine with rigging elections, and has no qualms about lying to its members and pretending to be neutral, is certainly interesting news. But many in the media apparently didn't want anyone to pay too much attention to this.

"For Sanders supporters, the lawsuit provides an opportunity for vindication for being cheated and attacked by the Democratic establishment," Observer reporter Michael Sainato wrote. "Now, the DNC is on record arguing that its voters have no reason to trust it to maintain free and fair elections."

"Spiva's defense is blatant proof that despite the fact that the DNC fashions itself as the party of the people, it is openly and clearly an oligarchy — a fact also made clear by its use of superdelgates," Salon writer Sophia McClennen wrote.​
Holy Crapola, I had not heard about any of this till today, but a whole bunch of people are suing the DNC and they ARE DEMOCRATS.


And the major media thinks that firing Comey is a bigt story instead, lol

Media Blacks Out Coverage of Suit Against the DNC

A writer for the Observer wrote on Monday: "In large part, the mainstream media [have] not covered the lawsuit in the six months between the court's initial hearings in October 2016 to its latest hearing on April 25, 2017."

The revelation that the Democratic Party is fine with rigging elections, and has no qualms about lying to its members and pretending to be neutral, is certainly interesting news. But many in the media apparently didn't want anyone to pay too much attention to this.

"For Sanders supporters, the lawsuit provides an opportunity for vindication for being cheated and attacked by the Democratic establishment," Observer reporter Michael Sainato wrote. "Now, the DNC is on record arguing that its voters have no reason to trust it to maintain free and fair elections."

"Spiva's defense is blatant proof that despite the fact that the DNC fashions itself as the party of the people, it is openly and clearly an oligarchy — a fact also made clear by its use of superdelgates," Salon writer Sophia McClennen wrote.​

Haha...this is very interesting.
This will intensify soon I'm sure. The DNC is as crooked as they come and have never been in a more desperate state. They continue to fuck up and lose credibility. I can honestly say; nobody I know that is a truly stand up person is a Democrat these days, yet everyone shady and or a low-life is....Ironic?
Holy Crapola, I had not heard about any of this till today, but a whole bunch of people are suing the DNC and they ARE DEMOCRATS.


And the major media thinks that firing Comey is a bigt story instead, lol

Media Blacks Out Coverage of Suit Against the DNC

A writer for the Observer wrote on Monday: "In large part, the mainstream media [have] not covered the lawsuit in the six months between the court's initial hearings in October 2016 to its latest hearing on April 25, 2017."

The revelation that the Democratic Party is fine with rigging elections, and has no qualms about lying to its members and pretending to be neutral, is certainly interesting news. But many in the media apparently didn't want anyone to pay too much attention to this.

"For Sanders supporters, the lawsuit provides an opportunity for vindication for being cheated and attacked by the Democratic establishment," Observer reporter Michael Sainato wrote. "Now, the DNC is on record arguing that its voters have no reason to trust it to maintain free and fair elections."

"Spiva's defense is blatant proof that despite the fact that the DNC fashions itself as the party of the people, it is openly and clearly an oligarchy — a fact also made clear by its use of superdelgates," Salon writer Sophia McClennen wrote.​

Haha...this is very interesting.
This will intensify soon I'm sure. The DNC is as crooked as they come and have never been in a more desperate state. They continue to fuck up and lose credibility. I can honestly say; nobody I know that is a truly stand up person is a Democrat these days, yet everyone shady and or a low-life is....Ironic?
It won't be a big deal with the media. This story does not aid them in their manipulation of the 2018 Election.

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