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There are some cereals that have PAINT THINNER in it. It's what is that TSP , or TPS they of course tell you it is a safe amount but if you go to the site you can see the ingredients right on the box where it says nutrition.

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner In Children’s Cereals

The challenge to be informed about what we are eating grows ever more complex. Many people trust Trader Joe’s as one of the smaller grocery store chains offering higher quality foods without unnecessary additives, and other harmful ingredients that can cause cancer, neurological damage, or developmental delays. But one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there. (The ingredient is found in other popular cereals as well).

Trisodium phosphate, otherwise known as trisodium orthophosphate, sodium phosphate, or TSP, is well known by construction workers, DIYers, and developers, but not to most parents shopping for their morning meal. It is an inorganic phosphate which can be detrimental to our health. It is often used in place of mineral spirits to remove paint!

It isn’t just Trader Joe’s that sells cereal containing TSP; it is in hundreds of foods, in dozens of stores, as an ‘additive’ which the FDA has called ‘safe,’ but even the activist environmental .....................

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner in Children’s Cereals

one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there.


“TSP itself is safe and the amount of TSP in cereals is tiny. It’s a water-soluble salt that helps adjust acidity.”

In other words, you can't strip paint with your kid's cereal.

The poison is the dose.

In other words, if you stopped eating any foods and drinking any liquids that had the tiniest amount of "dangerous chemicals", you'd live a very boring, short life and then you'd die of thirst and/or starvation.

Put it this way if someone gave you an eye dropper full of paint thinner would you drink it Hmmm c'mon now you know you wouldn't lol

TSP isn't concentrated in cereal.
Put an eye dropper of pure TSP into a gallon of water and I'd drink every drop of that gallon.

and then wonder why you have cancer from all this bs in your seventies only to have the dumb ass doctor tell you " Oh it's genetic" LOL....

Meanwhile we eat pure bs foods, are radiated by cell phones, and head sets, cell phone towers, high frequency radio waves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but nobody can figure out why cancer rates are off the charts esp. in kids LMFAO.

You think TSP causes cancer?
There are some cereals that have PAINT THINNER in it. It's what is that TSP , or TPS they of course tell you it is a safe amount but if you go to the site you can see the ingredients right on the box where it says nutrition.

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner In Children’s Cereals

The challenge to be informed about what we are eating grows ever more complex. Many people trust Trader Joe’s as one of the smaller grocery store chains offering higher quality foods without unnecessary additives, and other harmful ingredients that can cause cancer, neurological damage, or developmental delays. But one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there. (The ingredient is found in other popular cereals as well).

Trisodium phosphate, otherwise known as trisodium orthophosphate, sodium phosphate, or TSP, is well known by construction workers, DIYers, and developers, but not to most parents shopping for their morning meal. It is an inorganic phosphate which can be detrimental to our health. It is often used in place of mineral spirits to remove paint!

It isn’t just Trader Joe’s that sells cereal containing TSP; it is in hundreds of foods, in dozens of stores, as an ‘additive’ which the FDA has called ‘safe,’ but even the activist environmental .....................

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner in Children’s Cereals

one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there.


“TSP itself is safe and the amount of TSP in cereals is tiny. It’s a water-soluble salt that helps adjust acidity.”

In other words, you can't strip paint with your kid's cereal.

The poison is the dose.

In other words, if you stopped eating any foods and drinking any liquids that had the tiniest amount of "dangerous chemicals", you'd live a very boring, short life and then you'd die of thirst and/or starvation.

Yeah and the FDA tells women just how safe breast implants are, as like yesterday it has come out those breast implants are causing breast cancer.

That shit shouldn't be in cereal period.

Why shouldn't it be in cereal?

A video posted to YouTube Monday shows Las Vegas residents reacting to the news that their favorite cereals contain trisodium phosphate, more commonly referred to as paint thinner.

Wow, an idiot made a video.

Those were the clowns who failed out of chemistry class.
There are some cereals that have PAINT THINNER in it. It's what is that TSP , or TPS they of course tell you it is a safe amount but if you go to the site you can see the ingredients right on the box where it says nutrition.

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner In Children’s Cereals

The challenge to be informed about what we are eating grows ever more complex. Many people trust Trader Joe’s as one of the smaller grocery store chains offering higher quality foods without unnecessary additives, and other harmful ingredients that can cause cancer, neurological damage, or developmental delays. But one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there. (The ingredient is found in other popular cereals as well).

Trisodium phosphate, otherwise known as trisodium orthophosphate, sodium phosphate, or TSP, is well known by construction workers, DIYers, and developers, but not to most parents shopping for their morning meal. It is an inorganic phosphate which can be detrimental to our health. It is often used in place of mineral spirits to remove paint!

It isn’t just Trader Joe’s that sells cereal containing TSP; it is in hundreds of foods, in dozens of stores, as an ‘additive’ which the FDA has called ‘safe,’ but even the activist environmental .....................

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner in Children’s Cereals

one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there.


“TSP itself is safe and the amount of TSP in cereals is tiny. It’s a water-soluble salt that helps adjust acidity.”

In other words, you can't strip paint with your kid's cereal.

The poison is the dose.

In other words, if you stopped eating any foods and drinking any liquids that had the tiniest amount of "dangerous chemicals", you'd live a very boring, short life and then you'd die of thirst and/or starvation.

Put it this way if someone gave you an eye dropper full of paint thinner would you drink it Hmmm c'mon now you know you wouldn't lol

TSP isn't concentrated in cereal.
Put an eye dropper of pure TSP into a gallon of water and I'd drink every drop of that gallon.

and then wonder why you have cancer from all this bs in your seventies only to have the dumb ass doctor tell you " Oh it's genetic" LOL....

Meanwhile we eat pure bs foods, are radiated by cell phones, and head sets, cell phone towers, high frequency radio waves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but nobody can figure out why cancer rates are off the charts esp. in kids LMFAO.

Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Or is it strictly distilled H2O for you?

Before I started investigating what’s in my food, I had no idea there were several harmful ingredients lurking in my spice cabinet!

Spices have incredible medicinal properties including curbing hunger (cayenne), boosting metabolism (paprika), killing cancer cells (turmeric) and fighting inflammation (cinnamon), but these benefits are more likely to be realized if the spices are purchased and consumed correctly.

Conventional Spices Contain Harmful Ingredients
There are many reasons for adding spices to food, including enhancing flavor, boosting nutritional value, and also preserving freshness. Unfortunately, when we buy conventional spices, they often contain more negative qualities than positive. Like conventional food found in supermarkets, many of the spices we find on the shelves are treated with chemicals, contain GMOs and are irradiated. Virtually all conventional spices sold in the United States are fumigated [sterilized] with hazardous chemicals that are banned in Europe.

Are There Harmful Ingredients Lurking In Your Spice Cabinet?
There are some cereals that have PAINT THINNER in it. It's what is that TSP , or TPS they of course tell you it is a safe amount but if you go to the site you can see the ingredients right on the box where it says nutrition.

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner In Children’s Cereals

The challenge to be informed about what we are eating grows ever more complex. Many people trust Trader Joe’s as one of the smaller grocery store chains offering higher quality foods without unnecessary additives, and other harmful ingredients that can cause cancer, neurological damage, or developmental delays. But one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there. (The ingredient is found in other popular cereals as well).

Trisodium phosphate, otherwise known as trisodium orthophosphate, sodium phosphate, or TSP, is well known by construction workers, DIYers, and developers, but not to most parents shopping for their morning meal. It is an inorganic phosphate which can be detrimental to our health. It is often used in place of mineral spirits to remove paint!

It isn’t just Trader Joe’s that sells cereal containing TSP; it is in hundreds of foods, in dozens of stores, as an ‘additive’ which the FDA has called ‘safe,’ but even the activist environmental .....................

FDA Approved: Paint Thinner in Children’s Cereals

one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there.


“TSP itself is safe and the amount of TSP in cereals is tiny. It’s a water-soluble salt that helps adjust acidity.”

In other words, you can't strip paint with your kid's cereal.

The poison is the dose.

In other words, if you stopped eating any foods and drinking any liquids that had the tiniest amount of "dangerous chemicals", you'd live a very boring, short life and then you'd die of thirst and/or starvation.

Put it this way if someone gave you an eye dropper full of paint thinner would you drink it Hmmm c'mon now you know you wouldn't lol

TSP isn't concentrated in cereal.
Put an eye dropper of pure TSP into a gallon of water and I'd drink every drop of that gallon.

and then wonder why you have cancer from all this bs in your seventies only to have the dumb ass doctor tell you " Oh it's genetic" LOL....

Meanwhile we eat pure bs foods, are radiated by cell phones, and head sets, cell phone towers, high frequency radio waves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but nobody can figure out why cancer rates are off the charts esp. in kids LMFAO.

Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Or is it strictly distilled H2O for you?

The goal is avoid as much possible, make sure it's not GMO and Organic ( which isn't always safe)

The bigger goal more people need to wake the fk up to the attack upon humanity so we can in turn stop this bs from being put into our food supply.

When we yell they listen. If we did nothing and continued to think as you do they get rich , we get cancer and in the end who really gives a fk if you get cancer other than you , or watching a loved one die from it when in reality some of it might have been prevented by not eating tainted fkd up food.

These corporations don't give a dam man , all they care about is splitting the food and how far they can stretch it.

If they tell you hey eat this steak made out of shit it's good for you does that mean it really is good for you..
C'mon .
one mom recently found trisodium phosphate, an industrial strength paint thinner in her children’s Trader Joe’s breakfast cereal, and she is wondering what it is doing there.


“TSP itself is safe and the amount of TSP in cereals is tiny. It’s a water-soluble salt that helps adjust acidity.”

In other words, you can't strip paint with your kid's cereal.

The poison is the dose.

In other words, if you stopped eating any foods and drinking any liquids that had the tiniest amount of "dangerous chemicals", you'd live a very boring, short life and then you'd die of thirst and/or starvation.

Put it this way if someone gave you an eye dropper full of paint thinner would you drink it Hmmm c'mon now you know you wouldn't lol

TSP isn't concentrated in cereal.
Put an eye dropper of pure TSP into a gallon of water and I'd drink every drop of that gallon.

and then wonder why you have cancer from all this bs in your seventies only to have the dumb ass doctor tell you " Oh it's genetic" LOL....

Meanwhile we eat pure bs foods, are radiated by cell phones, and head sets, cell phone towers, high frequency radio waves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but nobody can figure out why cancer rates are off the charts esp. in kids LMFAO.

Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Or is it strictly distilled H2O for you?

The goal is avoid as much possible, make sure it's not GMO and Organic ( which isn't always safe)

The bigger goal more people need to wake the fk up to the attack upon humanity so we can in turn stop this bs from being put into our food supply.

When we yell they listen. If we did nothing and continued to think as you do they get rich , we get cancer and in the end who really gives a fk if you get cancer other than you , or watching a loved one die from it when in reality some of it might have been prevented by not eating tainted fkd up food.

These corporations don't give a dam man , all they care about is splitting the food and how far they can stretch it.

If they tell you hey eat this steak made out of shit it's good for you does that mean it really is good for you..
C'mon .

The goal is avoid as much possible,

That's an awesome idea!!
Do you drink orange juice or coffee?
Put it this way if someone gave you an eye dropper full of paint thinner would you drink it Hmmm c'mon now you know you wouldn't lol

TSP isn't concentrated in cereal.
Put an eye dropper of pure TSP into a gallon of water and I'd drink every drop of that gallon.

and then wonder why you have cancer from all this bs in your seventies only to have the dumb ass doctor tell you " Oh it's genetic" LOL....

Meanwhile we eat pure bs foods, are radiated by cell phones, and head sets, cell phone towers, high frequency radio waves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but nobody can figure out why cancer rates are off the charts esp. in kids LMFAO.

Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Or is it strictly distilled H2O for you?

The goal is avoid as much possible, make sure it's not GMO and Organic ( which isn't always safe)

The bigger goal more people need to wake the fk up to the attack upon humanity so we can in turn stop this bs from being put into our food supply.

When we yell they listen. If we did nothing and continued to think as you do they get rich , we get cancer and in the end who really gives a fk if you get cancer other than you , or watching a loved one die from it when in reality some of it might have been prevented by not eating tainted fkd up food.

These corporations don't give a dam man , all they care about is splitting the food and how far they can stretch it.

If they tell you hey eat this steak made out of shit it's good for you does that mean it really is good for you..
C'mon .

The goal is avoid as much possible,

That's an awesome idea!!
Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Oh those pesticides are on both , Organic yep on both Awww shit now all I have to worry about is pesticides in the dirt.
TSP isn't concentrated in cereal.
Put an eye dropper of pure TSP into a gallon of water and I'd drink every drop of that gallon.

and then wonder why you have cancer from all this bs in your seventies only to have the dumb ass doctor tell you " Oh it's genetic" LOL....

Meanwhile we eat pure bs foods, are radiated by cell phones, and head sets, cell phone towers, high frequency radio waves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but nobody can figure out why cancer rates are off the charts esp. in kids LMFAO.

Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Or is it strictly distilled H2O for you?

The goal is avoid as much possible, make sure it's not GMO and Organic ( which isn't always safe)

The bigger goal more people need to wake the fk up to the attack upon humanity so we can in turn stop this bs from being put into our food supply.

When we yell they listen. If we did nothing and continued to think as you do they get rich , we get cancer and in the end who really gives a fk if you get cancer other than you , or watching a loved one die from it when in reality some of it might have been prevented by not eating tainted fkd up food.

These corporations don't give a dam man , all they care about is splitting the food and how far they can stretch it.

If they tell you hey eat this steak made out of shit it's good for you does that mean it really is good for you..
C'mon .

The goal is avoid as much possible,

That's an awesome idea!!
Do you drink orange juice or coffee?

Oh those pesticides are on both , Organic yep on both Awww shit now all I have to worry about is pesticides in the dirt.

You drink organic OJ and organic coffee?

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