Zone1 Did you know that Wal Mart is racist.

So says this criminal shoplifter, must be true. Right?


Gee. How come we see NONE of black people in the lines coming to this poor abused child's aid?

Oh, I get it. She was merely channeling her inner Rosa Parks.

#4 and #5 comments are racist responses to this topic.

We should wait for a larger sampling in order to establish this board's baseline and then do a comparison to Walmart.

edit - and #6 and #7.
#4 and #5 comments are racist responses to this topic.

We should wait for a larger sampling in order to establish this board's baseline and then do a comparison to Walmart.

edit - and #6 and #7.
Maybe you should think before you post.

Of course, in that event, you’d never post.
Maybe you should think before you post.

Of course, in that event, you’d never post.
My comments usually cause the racists to be cautious.

that's a good thing in that we know that they care enough to hide their racism!

I'm no expert at ferreting out racism and could make some wrong calls too. But I still know that I've had a squelching effect when the worst are conspicuous by their absence.

As to how this will apply to Walmart? All corporations in America will be followers (probably willing), as opposed to taking the lead on racism.
Maybe you should think before you post.

Of course, in that event, you’d never post.
If you are going to voice your personal feeling on racism then it will have to be within the boundaries of a 'Christian construct' that will attempt to legitimize racism within your bibles.
#4 and #5 comments are racist responses to this topic.

We should wait for a larger sampling in order to establish this board's baseline and then do a comparison to Walmart.

edit - and #6 and #7.

I guess you'd better call the racism cops.

Let me know when they're on their way to arrest me. I'll put on a pot of coffee and unlock the front door and be waiting in my workroom in the basement.

Posters #4, #6 and #7, how about y'all? Come on over for coffee and we could make it easier on the cops by all being in one place.

My comments usually cause the racists to be cautious.

that's a good thing in that we know that they care enough to hide their racism!

I'm no expert at ferreting out racism and could make some wrong calls too. But I still know that I've had a squelching effect when the worst are conspicuous by their absence.

As to how this will apply to Walmart? All corporations in America will be followers (probably willing), as opposed to taking the lead on racism.
You have an inflated but utterly baseless sense of what your posts mean or accomplish.

It’s good to be opposed to racism. But your comments are largely disregarded since most of us realize what a bloviating gasbag Canuck Commie you are.
#4 and #5 comments are racist responses to this topic.

We should wait for a larger sampling in order to establish this board's baseline and then do a comparison to Walmart.

edit - and #6 and #7.

Comment #4, just trying to help this poor abused woman.
Babbling bozo ^ says what?
Says to you that which you don't dare say!
There's another thread created to make expressions of racism less risky! But I've already been there.

Can your bible afford you some legitimacy?

I guess you'd better call the racism cops.

Let me know when they're on their way to arrest me. I'll put on a pot of coffee and unlock the front door and be waiting in my workroom in the basement.

Posters #4, #6 and #7, how about y'all? Come on over for coffee and we could make it easier on the cops by all being in one place.

Some like you don't hide, but they're still rare on account of my successful efforts to stigmatize racism on this thread. Heil Hitler's apologists!

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