Did you notice what is missing in the Funeral of the criminal George Floyd? Just another product of the liberal agenda.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
One family already thinking about spending all that loot. The ghetto lotto.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
You're the turd that thinks the police should be able to murder people and get away with it.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
You're the turd that thinks the police should be able to murder people and get away with it.
Wow, Rules for Radicals #13, I saw the whole video not the edited version from the Lame Stream Media. Twice, not once, the police tried to politely put drugged up FLOYD into the police car, and both times he resisted them. Again, liberal technics were used by Floyd,(to resist at all means), and then the police took him to the ground. So when the body cams get presented to the jury, they will acquit the 3 other policemen, and find Chauvin guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I have no problems with that, but you a lover of criminals want to hang the cop, but not shed a tear for the retired cop who was gunned down in Illinois. This is why i dont give a shit about a criminal thug, who could of avoided the whole episode by not passing counter fit money or at least not resisting arrest. Go play with your ANTIFA mob, might get lucky. You pajama boy you.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
You're the turd that thinks the police should be able to murder people and get away with it.
Wow, Rules for Radicals #13, I saw the whole video not the edited version from the Lame Stream Media. Twice, not once, the police tried to politely put drugged up FLOYD into the police car, and both times he resisted them. Again, liberal technics were used by Floyd,(to resist at all means), and then the police took him to the ground. So when the body cams get presented to the jury, they will acquit the 3 other policemen, and find Chauvin guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I have no problems with that, but you a lover of criminals want to hang the cop, but not shed a tear for the retired cop who was gunned down in Illinois. This is why i dont give a shit about a criminal thug, who could of avoided the whole episode by not passing counter fit money or at least not resisting arrest. Go play with your ANTIFA mob, might get lucky. You pajama boy you.
That's an awful lot of shit to write just to confirm what I said.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
You're the turd that thinks the police should be able to murder people and get away with it.
Wow, Rules for Radicals #13, I saw the whole video not the edited version from the Lame Stream Media. Twice, not once, the police tried to politely put drugged up FLOYD into the police car, and both times he resisted them. Again, liberal technics were used by Floyd,(to resist at all means), and then the police took him to the ground. So when the body cams get presented to the jury, they will acquit the 3 other policemen, and find Chauvin guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I have no problems with that, but you a lover of criminals want to hang the cop, but not shed a tear for the retired cop who was gunned down in Illinois. This is why i dont give a shit about a criminal thug, who could of avoided the whole episode by not passing counter fit money or at least not resisting arrest. Go play with your ANTIFA mob, might get lucky. You pajama boy you.
That's an awful lot of shit to write just to confirm what I said.
Confirmed that you are a worthless piece of excrement or a pajama boy? Or both?
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
You're the turd that thinks the police should be able to murder people and get away with it.
Wow, Rules for Radicals #13, I saw the whole video not the edited version from the Lame Stream Media. Twice, not once, the police tried to politely put drugged up FLOYD into the police car, and both times he resisted them. Again, liberal technics were used by Floyd,(to resist at all means), and then the police took him to the ground. So when the body cams get presented to the jury, they will acquit the 3 other policemen, and find Chauvin guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I have no problems with that, but you a lover of criminals want to hang the cop, but not shed a tear for the retired cop who was gunned down in Illinois. This is why i dont give a shit about a criminal thug, who could of avoided the whole episode by not passing counter fit money or at least not resisting arrest. Go play with your ANTIFA mob, might get lucky. You pajama boy you.
That's an awful lot of shit to write just to confirm what I said.
Confirmed that you are a worthless piece of excrement or a pajama boy? Or both?
Whatever. The two sides of this issue are for or against police brutality. What side are you on? Those shitty former, fired, disgraced cops are not worth defending. Just say "fuck them motherfuckers". It's easy.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.
It is because of people like you voting for people who are Democrats, why this man is dead, and all you can do is divert from the issues, in a lame attempt to make your side not the bad guys. Go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of excrement.
You're the turd that thinks the police should be able to murder people and get away with it.
Wow, Rules for Radicals #13, I saw the whole video not the edited version from the Lame Stream Media. Twice, not once, the police tried to politely put drugged up FLOYD into the police car, and both times he resisted them. Again, liberal technics were used by Floyd,(to resist at all means), and then the police took him to the ground. So when the body cams get presented to the jury, they will acquit the 3 other policemen, and find Chauvin guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I have no problems with that, but you a lover of criminals want to hang the cop, but not shed a tear for the retired cop who was gunned down in Illinois. This is why i dont give a shit about a criminal thug, who could of avoided the whole episode by not passing counter fit money or at least not resisting arrest. Go play with your ANTIFA mob, might get lucky. You pajama boy you.
That's an awful lot of shit to write just to confirm what I said.
Confirmed that you are a worthless piece of excrement or a pajama boy? Or both?
Whatever. The two sides of this issue are for or against police brutality. What side are you on? Those shitty former, fired, disgraced cops are not worth defending. Just say "fuck them motherfuckers". It's easy.
The issue is , are you for criminals and their ability to point a gun at a pregnant woman or you against such criminal activity? If that son of a bitch, never got himself in jail, in the first place he might of been a manager at a local McDonalds, living the good life.
The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.

It's you and Liberal policies that killed this man. The stats don't lie. Pulling back the police and blaming whites is only going to get more blacks killed by other blacks.
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Floyd is to blame for his actions that got the police called.
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Floyd is to blame for his actions that got the police called.
Liberal policies of destroying the black families is why George Floyd is dead today.
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Floyd is to blame for his actions that got the police called.
Still doing it and don't even know it, do you.
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Floyd is to blame for his actions that got the police called.
Still doing it and don't even know it, do you.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?

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