Did you notice what is missing in the Funeral of the criminal George Floyd? Just another product of the liberal agenda.

The man is not even in his grave yet and the rancid right is lining up to piss on it.

actually the present ongoing vilification is not directed
against the deceased Floyd-----it directed against the
vile, over-the-top, maudlin, exploitative response to the
death of Floyd
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Floyd is to blame for his actions that got the police called.
Still doing it and don't even know it, do you.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
None of you idiot tRumplings ever tell the truth so how would I know if it hurts or not?
His funeral was turned into a political rally by Al Sharpton and even his family. This stopped being about George Floyd 48 hours after his death
This was the Paul Wellstone funeral/political rally part two. This was unseemly and crass then and it is now.
I went and did a Google Search "where is George Floyd's father?, and there was nothing that came up on the computer. So we are seeing the fruits of the liberal's labor where the destruction of the family and its values has been the worst in the black community. Every station is saying the George will be buried next to his mother, who he cried out to during his last few words. But not once has the "news" and i use that term sarcastically, has tried to explain where the father was, or is. George grew up a product of liberalism, turned to drugs and crime, assaulted a pregnant black woman, then got released and was picked up doing drugs and passing counter fit money. Yeah, he was an angel, one created by the left and i am sure he will be with the Kennedy brothers burning in hell.

Father of 3 children, he was not married to either women who bore his children. Another wonderful product of the left.

How Liberal Policies Destroyed Black Families
The majority of black babies are being born to single mothers—a prescription for a life of poverty and crime. And despite the warnings that have sounded off loudly for over half a century, Democrats have done nothing to stop blacks, their most steadfast constituents, from having babies they can’t take care of. This problem has perpetuated itself for generations, producing generational poverty among blacks.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Floyd is to blame for his actions that got the police called.
Still doing it and don't even know it, do you.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
None of you idiot tRumplings ever tell the truth so how would I know if it hurts or not?
No, you scum libs never tell the truth. You talking means you are lying.

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