Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
YOu are confused about how people that supported Bush then, can support TRump now, even though Trump at one point said that Bush lied.

Iā€™m not confused at all. I understand full well that Americaā€™s white evangelical Christian nationalists back in March 2003 were not concerning themselves in the slightest way with whether or not Bush was telling the truth or lying, or any shady crap in between, about Saddam Hussein hiding WMD from UN inspectors.

Truth, facts and material evidence on a potential Islamist threat to the existence of a Christian Nation did not matter to the white conservative evangelical Christian Republican base for finding ā€œjust causeā€ by their evangelical (Jesus is my fave philosopher ) Christian President to launch Operation Iraqi Freedom with the mission to disarm Saddam Hussein of WMD (that were not there)

I ubderstand because it is clear that the solid base of Republican voters were operating under the ā€˜faith basedā€™ mass self-delusion that their godly ā€œChosenā€ Christian Nation was invading a Muslim Nation, if not Godā€™s Will, then at least Blessed by GOD Himself. .

The invasion of Iraq joined Christian faith with American foreign affairs.

On March 19, as Bush added the words "God bless our troops" to the order launching Operation Iraqi Freedom to disarm Saddam Hussein, he was not just dressing up policy with pious languageā€”he was summing up more than a year's intensive thinking about the relation of his Christian faith and American foreign affairs.​
Leading conservative Catholics, Jews, and evangelicals, were getting the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to spread the Gospel Turing the barrel of a gun.

What rational person could argue with that? So when Iraq became the deadly costly clusterfuck that it was - What about Godā€™s PLAN ??? Oh! God often works in mysterious ways.

Mysterious Indeed . God Mysteriously Chose this to try again becausec God can BLESS whatever the hell he wants.

TRUMP: But think of that as of a couple months ago, $7 trillion in the Middle East, and the Middle East is far worse now than it was 17 years ago when they went in, and not so intelligently, I have to say, went in.ā€ ā€” rAP FACT CHECK: Trump's inflated claim on costs of war

There were lots of different reasons to support the invasion. Different people had different motivations.
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Further more, your whining about the cost of the war is irrelevant to any discussion about the national debate leading up to the war.

It is when those who Consider the astronomical cost of the war in lives and dollars to be a success.

Nope. DIscussing the scale of the stakes is not relevant to discussing the fact that we had the national discussion and your side failed to make it's case.

That was the point we were discussing. YOu went to an emotional appeal because you could not defend your position logically.

We HAD a robust discussion on the policy before the invasion. Rehashing some of the minute points now, out of context, asking me, twenty years after the fact to answer questions that were answered to the satisfaction of the nation by other people THEN, is moot.

Discussing history is valid. Reenacting debates, and pretending that you are making a point because I am not as versed as the leaders of the time were at the time, is not.

Neither is appealing to emotion when you get called on it.

Formulated in 1996 for then-Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Clean Break report, prepared by an Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS) team headed by former Department of Defense senior official Richard Perle, has become known for its prescient statements regarding the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the subsequent military interventions and civil wars in Libya and Syria.

The largely neoconservative study group who put the report together, of both US and Israeli citizenship, include Douglas J. Feith,

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy during the Bush administration, and Meyrav Wurmser, who helped to found the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Collectively, the group have attended Bilderberg meetings and held roles in the US State Department, as well as membership in a number of think tanks, such as the Hudson Institute, the Trilateral Commission, and the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

This document is a PDF conversion of a web transcription of the report which can be found below:

The neo cons supported the war. There are supposedly a lot of jews among their number. What is your point? How does that relate to anything in my post that you were responding to?

The invasion of Iraq was to satisfy the Israelis.. Same with the demands to destabilize and isolate Syria. Haven't you ever read Clean Break Strategy?

There were lots of different reasons to support the invasion. Different people had different motivations.

There were equally different reasons to oppose the invasion.

Have you ever been to Iraq or Iran? Did you ever work in the oil business in the Middle East? You don't seem to know anything at all about the situation or why Bush's invasion was based on lies and was an unmitigated disaster.

I don't need to travel to the ME, to know that there were plenty of people HERE who supported the war for reasons that had nothing to do with the "satisfying the Israelis".
You asked me who I considered responsible for reporting accurate intelligence
You are a liar.

And Iā€™m beginning to see by the questions you answer and by the questions put forth that you do not answer how they form the pattern ....

Dude. I stopped reading there. You are just playing stupid troll games.

You've admitted what this is about. YOu are confused about how people that supported Bush then, can support TRump now, even though Trump at one point said that Bush lied.

You are just a pathetic partisan zealot.

Trump supported the invasion of Iraq on the Howard Stern show.

Yep. At one point he supported the war, and at a later time he stated his belief that Bush lied to get us into that war.

I mean, wow. People change their opinions over time, especially in the light of new information.

That you feel that is some type of gotcha, is just you being a partisan zealot.
YOu are confused about how people that supported Bush then, can support TRump now, even though Trump at one point said that Bush lied.

Iā€™m not confused at all. I understand full well that Americaā€™s white evangelical Christian nationalists back in March 2003 were not concerning themselves in the slightest way with whether or not Bush was telling the truth or lying, or any shady crap in between, about Saddam Hussein hiding WMD from UN inspectors.

Truth, facts and material evidence on a potential Islamist threat to the existence of a Christian Nation did not matter to the white conservative evangelical Christian Republican base for finding ā€œjust causeā€ by their evangelical (Jesus is my fave philosopher ) Christian President to launch Operation Iraqi Freedom with the mission to disarm Saddam Hussein of WMD (that were not there)

I ubderstand because it is clear that the solid base of Republican voters were operating under the ā€˜faith basedā€™ mass self-delusion that their godly ā€œChosenā€ Christian Nation was invading a Muslim Nation, if not Godā€™s Will, then at least Blessed by GOD Himself. .

The invasion of Iraq joined Christian faith with American foreign affairs.

On March 19, as Bush added the words "God bless our troops" to the order launching Operation Iraqi Freedom to disarm Saddam Hussein, he was not just dressing up policy with pious languageā€”he was summing up more than a year's intensive thinking about the relation of his Christian faith and American foreign affairs.​
Leading conservative Catholics, Jews, and evangelicals, were getting the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to spread the Gospel Turing the barrel of a gun.

What rational person could argue with that? So when Iraq became the deadly costly clusterfuck that it was - What about Godā€™s PLAN ??? Oh! God often works in mysterious ways.

Mysterious Indeed . God Mysteriously Chose this to try again becausec God can BLESS whatever the hell he wants.

TRUMP: But think of that as of a couple months ago, $7 trillion in the Middle East, and the Middle East is far worse now than it was 17 years ago when they went in, and not so intelligently, I have to say, went in.ā€ ā€” rAP FACT CHECK: Trump's inflated claim on costs of war

There were lots of different reasons to support the invasion. Different people had different motivations.

Wow. That was a big heaping helping of crazy and anti-Christian bigotry and anti-white racism all mixed together.

POINT ONE. Bush's/Trump's base, that you are so.... fixated on,

does not equal with The Religious RIght. The RR is a PART of the REpublican Base, not the whole of it, you seem confused on that point

AND, your bigoted take on their...no, your bigoted characterization of them, is just... you being a nut.
Which one? The first one or the second one?

Both were hoaxes.

You asked me who I considered responsible for reporting accurate intelligence
You are a liar.

And Iā€™m beginning to see by the questions you answer and by the questions put forth that you do not answer how they form the pattern ....

Dude. I stopped reading there. You are just playing stupid troll games.

You've admitted what this is about. YOu are confused about how people that supported Bush then, can support TRump now, even though Trump at one point said that Bush lied.

You are just a pathetic partisan zealot.

Trump supported the invasion of Iraq on the Howard Stern show.

Yep. At one point he supported the war, and at a later time he stated his belief that Bush lied to get us into that war.

I mean, wow. People change their opinions over time, especially in the light of new information.

That you feel that is some type of gotcha, is just you being a partisan zealot.

Trump couldn't find Iraq on a map.
Twenty years after the fact, I can't be bothered with your conspiracy theories on how exactly the ball was dropped.
Because to Iraq invasion supporters such as yourself (a) those who were opposed to disarming Iraq through violence and regime change and in favor of disarming Iraq by the peaceful means of world supported inspections were motivated by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and MARXISTS topped off with anti-white racism as well. Such as ā€˜Gonna be a dumb warā€™ Barrack HUSSEIN Obama........... and (b) the ball was not dropped by Americaā€™s chosen People, the true patriots that love JESUS and defend America. Any suggestion that true patriots were wrong has to be a conspiracy theory dreamed up by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and Marxists topped off with their anti-white racism. ...... and (c) The ball was dropped by Arabs for the very simple reason that when the God Blessed Christian Nation of AMERICA gave them an opportunity, its obvious that was the mistake. Those different kind of people blew it.

and B. Arabs suck at democracy.

Then a new white Christian America First actor comes around and says NEVER MORE - Help the ARAB nevermore.

At a forum hosted by NBC on 7 September, Trump suggested oil seizure would have been a way to pay for the Iraq war, saying: ā€œWe go in, we spend $3tn, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then ā€¦ what happens is we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils.ā€​
He added: ā€œOne of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is Isis would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves.ā€​
The idea predates Trumpā€™s presidential campaign. As far back as 2011, he was telling the Wall Street Journal that this was his policy for Iraq. ā€œYou heard me, I would take the oil,ā€ he said. ā€œI would not leave Iraq and let Iran take the oil.ā€ And he insisted to ABC News that this did not amount to national theft.​
ā€œYouā€™re not stealing anything,ā€ Trump said. ā€œWeā€™re reimbursing ourselves ā€¦ at a minimum, and I say more. Weā€™re taking back $1.5tn to reimburse ourselves.ā€​
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Twenty years after the fact, I can't be bothered with your conspiracy theories on how exactly the ball was dropped.
Because to Iraq invasion supporters such as yourself (a) those who were opposed to disarming Iraq through violence and regime change and in favor of disarming Iraq by the peaceful means of world supported inspections were motivated by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and MARXISTS topped off with anti-white racism as well. Such as ā€˜Gonna be a dumb warā€™ Barrack HUSSEIN Obama........... and (b) the ball was not dropped by Americaā€™s chosen People, the true patriots that love JESUS and defend America. Any suggestion that true patriots were wrong has to be a conspiracy theory dreamed up by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and Marxists topped off with their anti-white racism. ...... and (c) The ball was dropped by Arabs for the very simple reason that when the God Blessed Christian Nation of AMERICA gave them an opportunity, its obvious that was the mistake. Those different kind of people blew it.

and B. Arabs suck at democracy.

Then a new white Christian America First actor comes around and says NEVER MORE - Help the ARAB nevermore.

At a forum hosted by NBC on 7 September, Trump suggested oil seizure would have been a way to pay for the Iraq war, saying: ā€œWe go in, we spend $3tn, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then ā€¦ what happens is we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils.ā€​
He added: ā€œOne of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is Isis would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves.ā€​
The idea predates Trumpā€™s presidential campaign. As far back as 2011, he was telling the Wall Street Journal that this was his policy for Iraq. ā€œYou heard me, I would take the oil,ā€ he said. ā€œI would not leave Iraq and let Iran take the oil.ā€ And he insisted to ABC News that this did not amount to national theft.​
ā€œYouā€™re not stealing anything,ā€ Trump said. ā€œWeā€™re reimbursing ourselves ā€¦ at a minimum, and I say more. Weā€™re taking back $1.5tn to reimburse ourselves.ā€​

Trump is a bloody moron. The oil business HATES a war zone. Production collapses, costs double. Everthing is COST PLUS.. and it takes years to recover production levels. Idiots. Everybody in the ME knows that.
The RR is a PART of the REpublican Base, not the whole of it, you seem confused on that point
Iā€™m not confused. White Evangelical Christians are the voters that give Republicans their only realistic path to ever winning the White House and holding a majority in Senate.

That Christian NATION oriented voter base holds the view as you do that former President Obama is an anti-American, anti-Israel, Marxists topped off with anti-white racism. There is no way that voter base would ever hear or consider his legitimate views regarding Iraq when there is a white evangelical patriotic Christian man in the White
House telling them what he wants them to believe.

That is just the reality and it needs to be kept in the open specifically when discussing the invasion of Iraq and the devastating consequences thereafter.

Because of that voting block cannot be held accountable (You and struth included) for its crucial role leading Dubya to make his DISASTROUS and impatient decision, then future generations will never learn the lessons to be gained from that horrible war. It was a mistake that George W. Bush made with the full support and cheerleading of white evangelical Christian America to invade a Muslim sovereign nation which at the time was no whereā€™s near any kind of immanent or obvious threat to our national security. The decision to invade was made for other reasons in You view. That is morally wrong and and legalistically stupid.

And we see with Trump still stirring up the same religious base with continuing still with his own very God ordained big lie,

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"​
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Twenty years after the fact, I can't be bothered with your conspiracy theories on how exactly the ball was dropped.
Because to Iraq invasion supporters such as yourself (a) those who were opposed to disarming Iraq through violence and regime change and in favor of disarming Iraq by the peaceful means of world supported inspections were motivated by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and MARXISTS topped off with anti-white racism as well. Such as ā€˜Gonna be a dumb warā€™ Barrack HUSSEIN Obama........... and (b) the ball was not dropped by Americaā€™s chosen People, the true patriots that love JESUS and defend America. Any suggestion that true patriots were wrong has to be a conspiracy theory dreamed up by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and Marxists topped off with their anti-white racism. ...... and (c) The ball was dropped by Arabs for the very simple reason that when the God Blessed Christian Nation of AMERICA gave them an opportunity, its obvious that was the mistake. Those different kind of people blew it.

1. Not at all. THere were plenty of valid reasons to oppose the war. Nothing I have ever said implied otherwise.

2. With regard to the failure of intelligence, some of those that failed, in our intelligence agencies would have been "patriots". NOthing I have ever said implied otherwise.

3. Your hysterical ranting about... Anti-Americans and/or Patriots and/or Christians, is very, very strange and seems...completely irrelevant to the topic.

4. The transition to democracy was a lot harder than we had reason to expect AND the Iraqis needed a lot more help defending it, then we had reason to hope. Those are historical facts and that should be considered in any analysis of the War.

5. Trump's comments on the war, are irrelevant. He was not even in politics at the time of the invasion.
Twenty years after the fact, I can't be bothered with your conspiracy theories on how exactly the ball was dropped.
Because to Iraq invasion supporters such as yourself (a) those who were opposed to disarming Iraq through violence and regime change and in favor of disarming Iraq by the peaceful means of world supported inspections were motivated by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and MARXISTS topped off with anti-white racism as well. Such as ā€˜Gonna be a dumb warā€™ Barrack HUSSEIN Obama........... and (b) the ball was not dropped by Americaā€™s chosen People, the true patriots that love JESUS and defend America. Any suggestion that true patriots were wrong has to be a conspiracy theory dreamed up by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and Marxists topped off with their anti-white racism. ...... and (c) The ball was dropped by Arabs for the very simple reason that when the God Blessed Christian Nation of AMERICA gave them an opportunity, its obvious that was the mistake. Those different kind of people blew it.

1. Not at all. THere were plenty of valid reasons to oppose the war. Nothing I have ever said implied otherwise.

2. With regard to the failure of intelligence, some of those that failed, in our intelligence agencies would have been "patriots". NOthing I have ever said implied otherwise.

3. Your hysterical ranting about... Anti-Americans and/or Patriots and/or Christians, is very, very strange and seems...completely irrelevant to the topic.

4. The transition to democracy was a lot harder than we had reason to expect AND the Iraqis needed a lot more help defending it, then we had reason to hope. Those are historical facts and that should be considered in any analysis of the War.

5. Trump's comments on the war, are irrelevant. He was not even in politics at the time of the invasion.

Trump babbled that he had taken control of Syrian oil. He was still stupid.. Syria has very littlle oil ad what they have is crap.
The RR is a PART of the REpublican Base, not the whole of it, you seem confused on that point
Iā€™m not confused. White Evangelical Christians are the voters that give Republicans their only realistic path to ever winning the White House and holding a majority in Senate.

That Christian NATION oriented voter base holds the view as you do that former President Obama is an anti-American, anti-Israel, Marxists topped off with anti-white racism. There is no way that voter base would ever hear or consider his legitimate views regarding Iraq when there is a white evangelical patriotic Christian man in the White
House telling them what he wants them to believe.

That is just the reality and it needs to be kept in the open specifically when discussing the invasion of Iraq and the devastating consequences thereafter.

Because of that voting block cannot be held accountable (You and struth included) for its crucial role leading Dubya to make his DISASTROUS and impatient decision, then future generations will never learn the lessons to be gained from that horrible war. It was a mistake that George W. Bush made with the full support and cheerleading of white evangelical Christian America to invade a Muslim sovereign nation which at the time was no whereā€™s near any kind of immanent or obvious threat to our national security. The decision to invade was made for other reasons in You view. That is morally wrong and and legalistically stupid.

And we see with Trump still stirring up the same religious base with continuing still with his own very God ordained big lie,

"The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!"​
with the full support of Xiden, the Clintons and the Dems.

But sadly, you continue to spread propaganda and lies.

oh and Obama is a Marxist, and anti-Israel....as far as racist...I don't think that's true. but he certainly encouraged a lot of division, when he had a chance to unite...but frankly, that's not uncommon among leftist in general...it's what they do to gain and maintain power. As far as anti-American....I mean, I don't think he wants to destroy America...he certainly wants a nation...he just doesn't like a free market, democratic republic, with a limited Govt. He's a leftist..
Twenty years after the fact, I can't be bothered with your conspiracy theories on how exactly the ball was dropped.
Because to Iraq invasion supporters such as yourself (a) those who were opposed to disarming Iraq through violence and regime change and in favor of disarming Iraq by the peaceful means of world supported inspections were motivated by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and MARXISTS topped off with anti-white racism as well. Such as ā€˜Gonna be a dumb warā€™ Barrack HUSSEIN Obama........... and (b) the ball was not dropped by Americaā€™s chosen People, the true patriots that love JESUS and defend America. Any suggestion that true patriots were wrong has to be a conspiracy theory dreamed up by anti-American, anti-Israel, atheistic, Islamo-terror sympathizers and Marxists topped off with their anti-white racism. ...... and (c) The ball was dropped by Arabs for the very simple reason that when the God Blessed Christian Nation of AMERICA gave them an opportunity, its obvious that was the mistake. Those different kind of people blew it.

1. Not at all. THere were plenty of valid reasons to oppose the war. Nothing I have ever said implied otherwise.

2. With regard to the failure of intelligence, some of those that failed, in our intelligence agencies would have been "patriots". NOthing I have ever said implied otherwise.

3. Your hysterical ranting about... Anti-Americans and/or Patriots and/or Christians, is very, very strange and seems...completely irrelevant to the topic.

4. The transition to democracy was a lot harder than we had reason to expect AND the Iraqis needed a lot more help defending it, then we had reason to hope. Those are historical facts and that should be considered in any analysis of the War.

5. Trump's comments on the war, are irrelevant. He was not even in politics at the time of the invasion.

Trump babbled that he had taken control of Syrian oil. He was still stupid.. Syria has very littlle oil ad what they have is crap.
Gosh you aren't too bright....he was leaving troops to protect the fields...the fields that could have been taken and used by terrorist like Obama and Xiden's JV team, ISIS, to fund their war.
A funny phenomena is occurring in the GOP right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever.

I don't remember any republican at all what so ever, standing with me against the War in Iraq. I remember these idiot Trumpers calling my a traitor and unpatriotic because I was against the war.

Even a few years ago these people wouldn't admit that the war was a huge failure.

Now these pathetic liars try to act like they were against the war all along, that is how pathetic Trumpers are. These people don't even know what they support or oppose, they wait for Foxnews to tell them what to think, and then just go with it...

I can't take your poll because it doesn't say WHEN --- I supported it early on because it was definitely time to mess up some Muslims; but not because of WMD, that was an obvious lie.

But then Rumsfeld and Cheney (Bush's puppetmasters) could not extricate us --- I think they were trying on security colonialism since they did the same thing in Afghanistan: nationbuilding. Oh, yeah, THAT really worked! It works if you level most of the country first, e.g. German and Japan, but not if you don't and there isn't anything there but sand and caves anyway, few people and all of them herd goats. I was very against the forever war in Iraq, and that useless idiot Bush by the next presidential election. In a real war, people go in, crush the enemy if they can, and get out. Duh. This was advertised as a real war, but wow, was it ever not.

Thirty full years we'd stayed out of Vietnam-type wars ---- but Bush broke that. :banghead:
DIscussing the scale of the stakes is not relevant to discussing the fact that we had the national discussion and your side failed to make it's case.

Did the ā€œlet inspectors continueā€ side have access to the same ā€œfinal minutes of decisionā€ intelligence that your ā€œput a boot in their assā€ side was privto?

We HAD a robust discussion on the policy before the invasion.

Yes we did have a robust discussion but the claim made by your side to justify the invasion of Iraq turned outs to be completely untrue.

We could not learn fact that until after the invasion was launched to disarm Iraq of WMD when there was a wiser option in place.

A few more months of that peaceful process would have netted the same result without was. The Iraq regime was disarmed and verified by the 1441 indirections.

You say you won the debate prior to the start of an unnecessary $5 trillion, half a million lives war and that gives you the authority to obstruct further inquiry what based on what we can find out what happened in secret leading to the decision made after March 6th with regard to intelligence supposedly on Bushā€™s desk at that pivotal moment in historyā€™s

I want to have available to me snd the entire world to be able to se the sources and the content that led Bush to state this:

ā€œIntelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.ā€ DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.​

And I want to know why the Bush Administration did not follow up on this offer.
Sunday, December 22, 2002 FOX NEWS WASHINGTON ā€” Saddam Hussein's adviser Amir al-Saadi on Sunday invited the CIA to send its agents to Iraq to point out to U.N. inspectors sites the Bush administration suspects of weapons development.​
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Yes we did have a robust discussion abd the claim made by your side to justify the invasion of Iraq turned outs to be completely untrue.
There was that aspect of it.

I still wouldn't have minded if they had taken that famous apparent 3 1/2 week victory as a good reason to leave --- however, I understand that Saddam hiding in his spider hole coming out periodically to the cheers of his subjects was NOT a good guy to leave in charge of Iraq if we'd just made war on him for the purpose of regime change, however idiotic that reason actually turned out to be (because no WMD, and no participation by Iraq in 9/11). They did have to wait another year to get Saddam.

But THENTHENTNHEN our forces should have left out, immediately, not a jeep left, no embassy, no nothing. Just a lot of rubble they could think about while slowly rebuilding.
Pretty sure my exact response at the time was essentially, Saddam was ripe for the taking. He needed to be defeated. And 9/11 was a simple-easy reason to sell his removal to the American Public. At the same time, it gave us a good reason to build a base there.
Both of these have validity. With that, you can call Bush a liar, and pronounce the whole thing was a sham and revenge for his father.
But that is a simplistic view.
Having said all of this... Bush II's handing of the 2nd Iraq war was atrocious. Absolutely terrible.
1. Not at all. THere were plenty of valid reasons to oppose the war. Nothing I have ever said implied otherwise.
What about what I mentioned regarding the motivation and attitude that led your war mongering side to dismiss valid reasons such as letting the inspections play out as 6 out of 10 Americans preferred?

For suggesting that I know I was called a SADDAM LOVING anti-American Islamist.

We were not having a legitimate debate prior to the war versus rational intelligent people. and Bush went with them. Now you donā€™t want to talk about it.

You are Poud that religious Christian warmongers won the Day with your DUBYA and now we are obligated to just shut up about it.
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DIscussing the scale of the stakes is not relevant to discussing the fact that we had the national discussion and your side failed to make it's case.

Did the ā€œlet inspectors continueā€ side have access to the same ā€œfinal minutes of decisionā€ intelligence that your ā€œput a boot in their assā€ side was privto?

We HAD a robust discussion on the policy before the invasion.

Yes we did have a robust discussion but the claim made by your side to justify the invasion of Iraq turned outs to be completely untrue.

We could not learn fact that until after the invasion was launched to disarm Iraq of WMD when there was a wiser option in place.

A few more months of that peaceful process would have netted the same result without was. The Iraq regime was disarmed and verified by the 1441 indirections.

You say you won the debate prior to the start of an unnecessary $5 trillion, half a million lives war and that gives you the authority to obstruct further inquiry what based on what we can find out what happened in secret leading to the decision made after March 6th with regard to intelligence supposedly on Bushā€™s desk at that pivotal moment in historyā€™s

I want to have available to me snd the entire world to be able to se the sources and the content that led Bush to state this:

ā€œIntelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.ā€ DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.​

And I want to know why the Bush Administration did not follow up on this offer.
Sunday, December 22, 2002 FOX NEWS WASHINGTON ā€” Saddam Hussein's adviser Amir al-Saadi on Sunday invited the CIA to send its agents to Iraq to point out to U.N. inspectors sites the Bush administration suspects of weapons development.​

1. We were wrong about the wmds. GOT IT.

2. You don't get to see the raw intelligence. YOu never do. It doesn't matter. Your assumption that Bush was just being evil, is just you being a partisan hack.

3. Bush did not take Saddam up on his offer, because Saddam had exhausted America's patience. No more fucking around. How many times do you need that explained to you.

4. And none of this reflects badly on Trump or the Bush/Trump supporters.

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