Did you think Kamala was flying them to Martha's Vineyard? - 81% (362,000/448,000) of her irregular Haitians somehow went to states that voted against

So what's your explanation for why they are flying 81% of these TPS migrants into red states?
First of all, the OP has no data source for his chart. When you hit the link it takes you to Twitter where ..SURPRISE…it is the same chart with no link to the source of his information.

Second, the idea that these Haitians are going to vote in November is something only brain dead Trumpers could possibly believe.
I would say you're not well, but you actually are. You're just a sad racist.

How'd that strategy turn out for you in 2022?

See you in November, loser.

There ya go, the race card. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, you don't give a damn about the American people in Springfield or anywhere else.

Why would anyone want the illiterate Haitians in their community in any numbers, let alone 20,000?

PS These Haitians have already killed 2 Americans in the Springfield area, and injured more than a dozen school children.

Flown there by Biden-Harris, on our money, given 'parole', and the vast majority receiving government benefits. Do you always take it up the a$$?
First of all, the OP has no data source for his chart. When you hit the link it takes you to Twitter where ..SURPRISE…it is the same chart with no link to the source of his information.

Second, the idea that these Haitians are going to vote in November is something only brain dead Trumpers could possibly believe.
Where did he say they going to vote in November?
Especially the GOP. They got caught with their pants down again and won't even acknowledge the problem for fear it might help Trump win!

DeWine has always been useless. A useful idiot for the deep state.

Martha's Vineyard had a few dozen illegals driven there on orders of Governor DeSantis, the people called the Massachusetts Governor who within 72 hours sent the National Guard(!) to remove them.
First of all, the OP has no data source for his chart. When you hit the link it takes you to Twitter where ..SURPRISE…it is the same chart with no link to the source of his information.

Second, the idea that these Haitians are going to vote in November is something only brain dead Trumpers could possibly believe.

I didn't mention voting, but thanks for mentioning that.

DeWine has always been useless. A useful idiot for the deep state.

Martha's Vineyard had a few dozen illegals driven there on orders of Governor DeSantis, the people called the Massachusetts Governor who within 72 hours sent the National Guard(!) to remove them.

Why isn't anyone sending the national guard to remove the illegals from Springfield and Charleroi?
How convenient that the stories floated by Republican and Trump are coming from the X platform

Hmm so Trump floats that he wants to put Musk in charge of some government function

Now anything that floats and supports trump politically is coming from the X platform

These guys do not care as long as they can make money using the government as their private stairsteps to riches , fame , and glory for the all mighty dollar.

quid pro quo

“quid pro quo,” giving something of value in return for a specific action, is central to federal public corruption prosecutions.

The former president said Musk has agreed to lead the task force "if he has the time." Trump said the commission would develop an action plan to eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months.

Putting the fox in charge of the hen house

paid for by the people


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