Didn’t fence-sitters vote for Biden and all his shenanigans by not voting against it?

BlackGaterMAC been fence-shitting so long they can no longer walk on two legs.
Eunichs observe as the Country collapses into what? Somewhere between NK and new-Venezula?

Fact, China owns the Deep State ($$$) and will soon own the Americas too. They play the long game. BlackGaterMac will sit there and crow behind razor wire (on a camp bench of course)...."I was against all of it! except I only bashed Trump" I was with you XZING! Trust me, I really hated Obiden also. I loved your FLU and I did not oppose Trannies and stuff.
BlackGaterMAC been fence-shitting so long they can no longer walk on two legs.
Dimfucks like you and BL have been voting for evil for so long the parties no longer bother nominating anything but.

Anyway, despite all the whining and begging, I'm not voting for your douchebag. Might as well get over it.
You can stand there and pout over not getting your way for the next half century while your kids and their kids get fucked thanks to you not taking any action but that seems retarded as hell.
I think that's the difference between an honest voter, and douchebags like you. I'm not voting to "get my way". I'm voting to endorse the best candidate. It's the dipshits trying to game the system who are saddling us with shitty leaders. Stop!
All the smart people I know always select the best option available to them. This shit is so rudimentary.
You have to have a President, unfortunately one of two will win and there’s nothing your little tiny coalition comprised of the smartest dudes on the planet can do about it.
Yep, and those arent my best options.
Sure…I voted for a guy who said he’d make a deal on amnesty for DACA, who spent on the Democrat Virus, who banned bump stocks.

I voted against this guy.

You, in effect, voted for a guy who assisted in the creation of DACA, who wants amnesty for 50 million cockroaches, who added 10 million new cockroaches to the cockroach population, who continues to spend on the Democrat Virus and who wants to ban all “assault” rifles.

I voted against this as well.
hahahaha…yeah stick with that crazy….”one of the two won’t win” “I just know the Eagles will win that game against the Cowboys and Giants one day.”
More of that illogical shit I was talking about.
Apples arent oranges.
Let me dumb this way down for you…
Lets say candidate 1 and candidate 2 are identical in every way but one….
Lets say candidate 1 is promising to cram 10 million illegals down your throat and candidate 2 is promising to cram only 5 million illegals down your throat.
How trivial is it for you to decide who to vote for?
This is the type of thing that fascinates the living shit out of me… Why you fence-sitters refuse to make very simple distinctions, and take the best option available to you is mind-blowing. I get the whole “one day I’ll make a difference” sentiment, its noble and fucking retarded at the same time because NEWSFLASH!!!….You and the 73 others like you aren’t going to make a shit of difference, sadly, your coalition is just too micro and your third parties are comprised of hippies and stoners pitching bullshit that noody is interested in.
You can stand there and pout over not getting your way for the next half century while your kids and their kids get fucked thanks to you not taking any action but that seems retarded as hell.
my kid makes 6 figures he aint getting fucked.....and fucking trump is your best option....im looking for someone who can actually bring people together....and he and the other asswipe can only bring those who agree with them together.....
Good job…so you kept the worst candidate from winning?

There is no "worst" candidate when you are speaking of Trump vs Biden.

That is like asking which is worse, being shot or being stabbed.
All the smart people I know always select the best option available to them. This shit is so rudimentary.
You have to have a President, unfortunately one of two will win and there’s nothing your little tiny coalition comprised of the smartest dudes on the planet can do about it.
why is it "unfortunate" that one will win?...
More of that illogical shit I was talking about.
Apples arent oranges.

There is no "worst" candidate when you are speaking of Trump vs Biden.

That is like asking which is worse, being shot or being stabbed.
Fellas….it’s this loony shit that keeps people from taking you seriously.
Pretending the system isn’t binary is fucking retarded.
Pretending Biden and Trump are equally bad for America is fucking retarded.

ALL sane people know this, this is why your tiny little group of uber intelligent badasses has and always be a tiny little group.

Fellas….it’s this loony shit that keeps people from taking you seriously.
Pretending the system isn’t binary is fucking retarded.
Pretending Biden and Trump are equally bad for America is fucking retarded.

ALL sane people know this, this is why your tiny little group of uber intelligent badasses has and always be a tiny little group.

What we are saying is, it continues to be like this because of retards like you.

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