"Didn't You Guys Burn Down The White House?"

...and does all he can to keep Muslims out.
Incorrect numbnuts ... :cuckoo:

It was just announced today that Pres. Trump is holding an Iftar dinner for 30+ Muslim American leaders during Ramadan in the White House.

Thank you Pres. Trump...... :thup:

You think people are stupid. This clearly is political. Muslims are not going to back Trump. Not when they are being attacked by Trump and Republicans.
Words cannot adequately convey the sheer stupidity of our President.

Or, for that matter, his supporters.

President reportedly invoked war of 1812 when Canadian PM asked how he could justify tariffs on national security grounds.

Trump to Trudeau in testy tariff call: 'Didn't you guys burn down the White House?'

I think you need to grow a sense of humor, what's wrong with a little levity in a contentions phone call? Regressives are idiots.


You are a charter member of Liars for Trump. He was not joking. He is a ignorant fool.
Words cannot adequately convey the sheer stupidity of our President.

Or, for that matter, his supporters.

President reportedly invoked war of 1812 when Canadian PM asked how he could justify tariffs on national security grounds.

Trump to Trudeau in testy tariff call: 'Didn't you guys burn down the White House?'

I think you need to grow a sense of humor, what's wrong with a little levity in a contentions phone call? Regressives are idiots.


You are a charter member of Liars for Trump. He was not joking. He is a ignorant fool.

I guess that makes you a charter member of Liars for Anything Liberal.
Words cannot adequately convey the sheer stupidity of our President.

Or, for that matter, his supporters.

President reportedly invoked war of 1812 when Canadian PM asked how he could justify tariffs on national security grounds.

Trump to Trudeau in testy tariff call: 'Didn't you guys burn down the White House?'

I think you need to grow a sense of humor, what's wrong with a little levity in a contentions phone call? Regressives are idiots.


You are a charter member of Liars for Trump. He was not joking. He is a ignorant fool.

Hey dumb ass were you on the damn phone listening in? For all you know he laughed after he said it, of course the hate site you rely on for you propaganda and marching order wouldn't mention anything like that. Screw off.

I have a hard time with this one...who is more stupid Trump or his slaves ? :(.
As usual, Crooked Hillary folks get butthurt when reality sets in and their attacks boomerang. The Donald was correct, as usual. Get over it you butthurt, SJWs! :p
Poor little demtard snowflakes... the White House has been turned back into the White House from the mosque the kenyan muslim made it into.

Weird how leftards loved the magic muslim dog turd so much when muslims love to kill homos. Throw them off roofs, shoot them up in a Florida night club, saw their heads off, whatever, muslims love to kill homos, and "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA"... a MUSLIM name, is a muslim, but the little demtards LOVED and WORSHIPED HIM, hell they still do... why?
So Obama invoked the crusades when talking about terrorism.

Once again a Trump zealots proves to us all how alike Trump and Obama are.

Thanks! :113:
Again an anti Trump zealot proves to us all how little they think before posting. The Trump campigan of 2016 and the Obama one of 2008 are amazingly similar from how they both came out of nowhere were able to read the mood of the country knew how to use social media to their advantage and were both media savy which was something I pointed out during the campigan . In your attempt to insult me all you did was prove I actually pay attention to what is going on in the world of politics.

No insult at all, it is sort of refreshing to find a Trump zealot with the honesty to admit there is little difference between the two men.
Poor little demtard snowflakes... the White House has been turned back into the White House from the mosque the kenyan muslim made it into.

Weird how leftards loved the magic muslim dog turd so much when muslims love to kill homos. Throw them off roofs, shoot them up in a Florida night club, saw their heads off, whatever, muslims love to kill homos, and "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA"... a MUSLIM name, is a muslim, but the little demtards LOVED and WORSHIPED HIM, hell they still do... why?

You are an incredible asshole.You seem to know very little about the Islamic faith, and absolutely nothing about the Christian faith, although you advertise yourself as a Christian.You don't even get your facts straight. President Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ. You paint all Muslims as evil people, when this is definitely not the case, making you the bearer of false witness. You are shameless.
We invaded Canada which was not sovereign in the War of 1812, several times. They kicked American ass out of their country.

The force that burned Washington was a British, not a Canadian, force.

Trump looks foolish, embarrasses America, and the RWNJs cheer.
...and does all he can to keep Muslims out.
Incorrect numbnuts ... :cuckoo:

It was just announced today that Pres. Trump is holding an Iftar dinner for 30+ Muslim American leaders during Ramadan in the White House.

Thank you Pres. Trump...... :thup:
He’s still doing all he can to keep Muslims out, you carpet kisser.

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