Diehard Trump Fans Revolt Over Syria Missile Strikes

question is , did 'assad' have chemical weapons . 'susan rice' says NO . Article right above this post OldLady !!
It's very likely that Bannon was a lone voice against this action but marginalized by the "Generals" he's still attending the briefings (just behind trump's seat today) his seat not at the actual table...


WTF are they in a closet?
Mar a lago situation room.....
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.
Some of President Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters are turning against him over his sudden move Thursday night to launch missile strikes in Syria.

Conservative pundits and members of the white nationalist-friendly alt-right, who triumphantly boosted Trump’s “America First,” anti-interventionist campaign message, found themselves at a loss. The Breitbart News commentariat was outraged by support for the attack from “neo-conservatives” like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Brexit orchestrator and Trump ally Nigel Farage said the President’s voters were likely “worried” about the implications of the military intervention, while Jim Hoff, the editor of the far-right blog Gateway Pundit, retweeted a 2013 Trump post in which the real estate mogul warned “many very bad things will happen” if the U.S. attacks Syria.

Backers of Trump’s anti-immigration, anti-refugee policies were similarly put out.

“All I want once in my life, is a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars. Too much to ask,” Virginia Dare, a white nationalist website, wrote on Twitter.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter mocked Trump for making this significant foreign policy shift after seeing photographs on cable news of Syrian children killed in a chemical attack, which U.S. officials believe was carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime:

So the question is do you support Trump in this case, or do you support alt-right white nationalists.

Binary question, troll-tard.

Lord but you people are stupid. This isn't an either or situation. If you disagree with Trump attacking Syria, it doesn't mean you support white nationalists. It means you think that attacking Syria was wrong for any number of reasons.

It appears the whole attack was bullshit, designed to boost an unpopular President's street cred. No planes were destroyed, no Syrians were killed, and the US spent $100 million propping up Trump's puplic opinion poll numbers. And he told the Russians he was going to do it so as not to piss off Putin.

What isn't clear is what Trump's Syrian policy is, other than to ban immigration from Syria. Last week he said Assad should stay and the Syrian people decide his future. Yesterday he said Assad was evil and something had to be done, although he didn't say what.

Not that he's done anything that can be deciphered, bombing someone is not the place to start.

Well it got the focus off of Russia for a while...lol

But.. they blew up the area where they launched the chemical weapons , which will stop the chemical weapons for a while..I heard last night..


Except they didn't blow up the runways. A few fuel depots and storage areas, and a couple of planes, but they can give it a good sweeping and dusting and be back in business tomorrow, or the next day. This was just a show so Trump could claim he did something. Bottom line, he did nothing.
Some of President Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters are turning against him over his sudden move Thursday night to launch missile strikes in Syria.

Conservative pundits and members of the white nationalist-friendly alt-right, who triumphantly boosted Trump’s “America First,” anti-interventionist campaign message, found themselves at a loss. The Breitbart News commentariat was outraged by support for the attack from “neo-conservatives” like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Brexit orchestrator and Trump ally Nigel Farage said the President’s voters were likely “worried” about the implications of the military intervention, while Jim Hoff, the editor of the far-right blog Gateway Pundit, retweeted a 2013 Trump post in which the real estate mogul warned “many very bad things will happen” if the U.S. attacks Syria.

Backers of Trump’s anti-immigration, anti-refugee policies were similarly put out.

“All I want once in my life, is a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars. Too much to ask,” Virginia Dare, a white nationalist website, wrote on Twitter.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter mocked Trump for making this significant foreign policy shift after seeing photographs on cable news of Syrian children killed in a chemical attack, which U.S. officials believe was carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime:

So the question is do you support Trump in this case, or do you support alt-right white nationalists.

Binary question, troll-tard.

Lord but you people are stupid. This isn't an either or situation. If you disagree with Trump attacking Syria, it doesn't mean you support white nationalists. It means you think that attacking Syria was wrong for any number of reasons.

It appears the whole attack was bullshit, designed to boost an unpopular President's street cred. No planes were destroyed, no Syrians were killed, and the US spent $100 million propping up Trump's puplic opinion poll numbers. And he told the Russians he was going to do it so as not to piss off Putin.

What isn't clear is what Trump's Syrian policy is, other than to ban immigration from Syria. Last week he said Assad should stay and the Syrian people decide his future. Yesterday he said Assad was evil and something had to be done, although he didn't say what.

Not that he's done anything that can be deciphered, bombing someone is not the place to start.
Really? You don't think Assad used chemical weapons or you don't think Trump's bombing run did any good?
Putin is pissed, btw. He suspended the deconfliction agreement, and that is step #1 toward retaliation.

Putin says he's pissed because it suits his purposes to say it. Tearing up a meaningless agreement which he hasn't followed, and which was signed by Obama, is merely theatre for the masses.

Trump didn't destroy any of Assad's planes or kill any of his armed forces personnel (unlike Syrian civilians which Trump has no problem about killing). Trump is desperate to shore up his popularity but it's just plain weird that he bombed an entire air base and didn't destroy Assad's planes. Really???

So far Trump is a total foreign policy disaster, which if left unchecked, could get someone genuinely pissed off enough to launch a terrorist attack against the US, or attack US troops in the field.
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.
-------------------------------------------------- [frightened eh :afro:] -------------- hey DragonLady , WE , who is WE ?? Do you walk around with a mouse in yer pocket DLady ?? Anyway a measured response is probably a wussified mrobama response and with the Trump you might want to get used to his American style response DLady . -------------- WE , i think that YOU fuerigners [canadian i think] better get used to American Style with President Trump DragonLady .
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.
-------------------------------------------------- [frightened eh :afro:] -------------- hey DragonLady , WE , who is WE ?? Do you walk around with a mouse in yer pocket DLady ?? Anyway a measured response is probably a wussified mrobama response and with the Trump you might want to get used to his American style response DLady . -------------- WE , i think that YOU fuerigners [canadian i think] better get used to American Style with President Trump DragonLady .

We don't have to get used to anything.
So the question is do you support Trump in this case, or do you support alt-right white nationalists.

Binary question, troll-tard.
Those were some of the people who were quoted I guess, but there's no doubt some people voted for him because he promised to keep the US out of war.
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.
-------------------------------------------------- [frightened eh :afro:] -------------- hey DragonLady , WE , who is WE ?? Do you walk around with a mouse in yer pocket DLady ?? Anyway a measured response is probably a wussified mrobama response and with the Trump you might want to get used to his American style response DLady . -------------- WE , i think that YOU fuerigners [canadian i think] better get used to American Style with President Trump DragonLady .

We don't have to get used to anything.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if'n you are a fureigner , well you better get used to President Trumps unknown style and methods DLady !!
Some of President Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters are turning against him over his sudden move Thursday night to launch missile strikes in Syria.

Conservative pundits and members of the white nationalist-friendly alt-right, who triumphantly boosted Trump’s “America First,” anti-interventionist campaign message, found themselves at a loss. The Breitbart News commentariat was outraged by support for the attack from “neo-conservatives” like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Brexit orchestrator and Trump ally Nigel Farage said the President’s voters were likely “worried” about the implications of the military intervention, while Jim Hoff, the editor of the far-right blog Gateway Pundit, retweeted a 2013 Trump post in which the real estate mogul warned “many very bad things will happen” if the U.S. attacks Syria.

Backers of Trump’s anti-immigration, anti-refugee policies were similarly put out.

“All I want once in my life, is a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars. Too much to ask,” Virginia Dare, a white nationalist website, wrote on Twitter.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter mocked Trump for making this significant foreign policy shift after seeing photographs on cable news of Syrian children killed in a chemical attack, which U.S. officials believe was carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime:

So the question is do you support Trump in this case, or do you support alt-right white nationalists.

Binary question, troll-tard.

Lord but you people are stupid. This isn't an either or situation. If you disagree with Trump attacking Syria, it doesn't mean you support white nationalists. It means you think that attacking Syria was wrong for any number of reasons.

It appears the whole attack was bullshit, designed to boost an unpopular President's street cred. No planes were destroyed, no Syrians were killed, and the US spent $100 million propping up Trump's puplic opinion poll numbers. And he told the Russians he was going to do it so as not to piss off Putin.

What isn't clear is what Trump's Syrian policy is, other than to ban immigration from Syria. Last week he said Assad should stay and the Syrian people decide his future. Yesterday he said Assad was evil and something had to be done, although he didn't say what.

Not that he's done anything that can be deciphered, bombing someone is not the place to start.

Well it got the focus off of Russia for a while...lol

But.. they blew up the area where they launched the chemical weapons , which will stop the chemical weapons for a while..I heard last night..


Except they didn't blow up the runways. A few fuel depots and storage areas, and a couple of planes, but they can give it a good sweeping and dusting and be back in business tomorrow, or the next day. This was just a show so Trump could claim he did something. Bottom line, he did nothing.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and YOU , well YOU better get used to President Trumps American style Bulldog !!
and you wussy guys and fureign gals can bet that Trumps style and methods are noticed by the 'nork' , china and iran and other American enemies eh ??
Some of President Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters are turning against him over his sudden move Thursday night to launch missile strikes in Syria.

Conservative pundits and members of the white nationalist-friendly alt-right, who triumphantly boosted Trump’s “America First,” anti-interventionist campaign message, found themselves at a loss. The Breitbart News commentariat was outraged by support for the attack from “neo-conservatives” like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Brexit orchestrator and Trump ally Nigel Farage said the President’s voters were likely “worried” about the implications of the military intervention, while Jim Hoff, the editor of the far-right blog Gateway Pundit, retweeted a 2013 Trump post in which the real estate mogul warned “many very bad things will happen” if the U.S. attacks Syria.

Backers of Trump’s anti-immigration, anti-refugee policies were similarly put out.

“All I want once in my life, is a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars. Too much to ask,” Virginia Dare, a white nationalist website, wrote on Twitter.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter mocked Trump for making this significant foreign policy shift after seeing photographs on cable news of Syrian children killed in a chemical attack, which U.S. officials believe was carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime:

This Trump supporter isn't worried. I don't object to bombing Muslims.
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.
I disagree. Some people only understand strength, will take advantage of diplomacy. I think Trump's response was in line and I think it's message was heard loud and clear.
It's very likely that Bannon was a lone voice against this action but marginalized by the "Generals" he's still attending the briefings (just behind trump's seat today) his seat not at the actual table...


WTF are they in a closet?
Mar a lago situation room.....
They said last night that President Xi wasn't aware of what was going on last night until minutes before the President's address. Must have been scratching his head at all the time Trump was excusing himself for the little boys' room, though.
I'm surprised that Dragon Lady and Bulldog don't recognize what the deal is BUT seems to me that this is reason for the 'chinaman' to sit up and take notice OldLady !!
The US's leverage over China is not military. We are not going to nuke them, nor are we going to invade them. And we sure aren't carrying the Phillipines' water in the S. China Sea. Our leverage is whether we might bomb the living shit out of N. Korea. Of course Seoul is within artillery range of N. Korea, so neither S. Korea or even Japan is very hot for that to happen.

But it is interesting to speculate what motivated Dangerous Donald to embrace the neocon.
The US's leverage over China is not military. We are not going to nuke them, nor are we going to invade them. And we sure aren't carrying the Phillipines' water in the S. China Sea. Our leverage is whether we might bomb the living shit out of N. Korea. Of course Seoul is within artillery range of N. Korea, so neither S. Korea or even Japan is very hot for that to happen.

But it is interesting to speculate what motivated Dangerous Donald to embrace the neocon.
Babies? Low popularity and too many scandals? I am not one who believes this whole thing was manufactured, but Trump is nothing if not an opportunist. I'll bet 48% of the country loves him tonight.
He's an opportunist and he's the master distractor. I have no idea what his motivation is.

But he did demote Bannon and sided with Mattis and McMaster. Jarred is not travelling with the SoD to report back to Trump. Was he willing to let Syria go to Russia and Iran, and was the gas attack just too much, and he didn't want to appear weak like Obama? I think it's clear that when Obama drew his red line on gas, and then did nothing, he lost any credibility with Putin and everyone else. Obama simply was not going to have a military show down with Putin, because his overriding concern all along was his legacy. Or is Trump beginning to understand the job? I really don't think that asinine move of handing Merkle a bill was his own idea. I think Bannon struck his foot in that and also in that clusterfk of Nunes to the whitehouse to see the supersecret info that isn't really a secret, and the come back and tell Trump the secret. He made a laughing stock out of Trump even with the gop. Trump doesn't like that.

I suspect he want to send a message to China that he could bomb N.Korea. But that could cause not only massive damage to S.Korea but usher in a financial crash in Asia.
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.

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