Diehard Trump Fans Revolt Over Syria Missile Strikes

The infestation of Trolls in this place is unbelievable. But ok Snowflake.....
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] sacred eh Charwin , i like when lefty dem progressives and foreigners are scared . Don't worry though , USA would probably win as we have lotsa nukes and are supposed to be getting new and better nukes Charwin !!
Trump was damned if he did damned if he didn't, he's the president, he made a call, time will tell if it was the correct call. He inherited the whole damn mess from Obama the nitwit.
Trump was damned if he did damned if he didn't, he's the president, he made a call, time will tell if it was the correct call. He inherited the whole damn mess from Obama the nitwit.

I agree.

But one thing is to send a strong message and a totally different thing is to start demanding regime change.

Exactly like that lunatic witch Hillary Clinton.
Some of President Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters are turning against him over his sudden move Thursday night to launch missile strikes in Syria.

Conservative pundits and members of the white nationalist-friendly alt-right, who triumphantly boosted Trump’s “America First,” anti-interventionist campaign message, found themselves at a loss. The Breitbart News commentariat was outraged by support for the attack from “neo-conservatives” like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Brexit orchestrator and Trump ally Nigel Farage said the President’s voters were likely “worried” about the implications of the military intervention, while Jim Hoff, the editor of the far-right blog Gateway Pundit, retweeted a 2013 Trump post in which the real estate mogul warned “many very bad things will happen” if the U.S. attacks Syria.

Backers of Trump’s anti-immigration, anti-refugee policies were similarly put out.

“All I want once in my life, is a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars. Too much to ask,” Virginia Dare, a white nationalist website, wrote on Twitter.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter mocked Trump for making this significant foreign policy shift after seeing photographs on cable news of Syrian children killed in a chemical attack, which U.S. officials believe was carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime:

So the question is do you support Trump in this case, or do you support alt-right white nationalists.

Binary question, troll-tard.

Lord but you people are stupid. This isn't an either or situation. If you disagree with Trump attacking Syria, it doesn't mean you support white nationalists. It means you think that attacking Syria was wrong for any number of reasons.

It appears the whole attack was bullshit, designed to boost an unpopular President's street cred. No planes were destroyed, no Syrians were killed, and the US spent $100 million propping up Trump's puplic opinion poll numbers. And he told the Russians he was going to do it so as not to piss off Putin.

What isn't clear is what Trump's Syrian policy is, other than to ban immigration from Syria. Last week he said Assad should stay and the Syrian people decide his future. Yesterday he said Assad was evil and something had to be done, although he didn't say what.

Not that he's done anything that can be deciphered, bombing someone is not the place to start.

Well it got the focus off of Russia for a while...lol

But.. they blew up the area where they launched the chemical weapons , which will stop the chemical weapons for a while..I heard last night..


Except they didn't blow up the runways. A few fuel depots and storage areas, and a couple of planes, but they can give it a good sweeping and dusting and be back in business tomorrow, or the next day. This was just a show so Trump could claim he did something. Bottom line, he did nothing.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and YOU , well YOU better get used to President Trumps American style Bulldog !!

You mean like spending millions of dollars, making a big boom, and when you stand back to look, he hasn't done anything? I think everyone is aware that is Trump's style.
The US's leverage over China is not military. We are not going to nuke them, nor are we going to invade them. And we sure aren't carrying the Phillipines' water in the S. China Sea. Our leverage is whether we might bomb the living shit out of N. Korea. Of course Seoul is within artillery range of N. Korea, so neither S. Korea or even Japan is very hot for that to happen.

But it is interesting to speculate what motivated Dangerous Donald to embrace the neocon.
---------------------------------- south korea better be prepared with helmets and gas masks . Its only prudent Ben !!
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ here you go , don't wear out your knees Charwin . --- Russian PM: "US On Brink Of Military Clash With Russia" | Zero Hedge ---
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] sacred eh Charwin , i like when lefty dem progressives and foreigners are scared . Don't worry though , USA would probably win as we have lotsa nukes and are supposed to be getting new and better nukes Charwin !!

Hey Pismoe, if you had actually been in the military, or worked with nuclear weapons (I have as a member of the PRP team with VFA-131), you would see the stupidity of what you just said. Nuclear weapons are only used as a last resort weapon, because they render the area they take out unusable for a long time because of the leftover radiation.

And, if we threw as many nukes as you are advocating, it would be the actual end of the world via nuclear winter.

Conventional weapons (like the Tomahawks used last night), are the weapons that would be used, not nukes. Anyone who advocates a "nuke first" strategy isn't thinking and is also quite mad.
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ here you go , don't wear out your knees Charwin . --- Russian PM: "US On Brink Of Military Clash With Russia" | Zero Hedge ---

I'm very happy for you that you are promoting war--------------- Are you going to be on the front line tough buy? Are you going to send your kids to a war Pismoe?
------------- And desperate enough to use Zerohedge as your source of propaganda.

Zero Hedge is an English-language financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden" (a character from the novel and film Fight Club).

Zero Hedge's content has been classified as conspiratorial, anti-establishment, and economically pessimistic,[3] and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views.[1][4][5]
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] sacred eh Charwin , i like when lefty dem progressives and foreigners are scared . Don't worry though , USA would probably win as we have lotsa nukes and are supposed to be getting new and better nukes Charwin !!

Hey Pismoe, if you had actually been in the military, or worked with nuclear weapons (I have as a member of the PRP team with VFA-131), you would see the stupidity of what you just said. Nuclear weapons are only used as a last resort weapon, because they render the area they take out unusable for a long time because of the leftover radiation.

And, if we threw as many nukes as you are advocating, it would be the actual end of the world via nuclear winter.

Conventional weapons (like the Tomahawks used last night), are the weapons that would be used, not nukes. Anyone who advocates a "nuke first" strategy isn't thinking and is also quite mad.
-------------------------------- yeah a 'nuclear winter' and the 'end of the world' is scary eh [chuckle] . I suppose that you also dread a new cold war which was no big deal . Anyway , I don't advocate using nukes unless needed and the President Trump will decide when and if they are needed . i'm just messing with my cheap tomato and lettuce loving friend named Charwin who sure does like cheap lettuce , tomato and other produce Senor !!
hopefully the Russians understand but yeah TRUMP attacking 'syria' , i'm miffed though , was a diehard Trump supporter , still am . I don't mind the attack but was hoping against this kinda emotional reason for the attack . Course this is a good attack even though i am annoyed by it . I figure that its a NOTICE to the 'norks' , iran , china and others that the President Trump has got some balls BBen !!

Trump has neither balls nor brains. This is the first foreign policy crisis of his Presidency and he responded by bombing Syria, confirming our worst fears of his ability to deal with difficult situations.

I have lost track of how many times despots have used saran gas, mustard gas, or other banned chemical weapons against their own people over the past 20 years. Saddam Hussein, Assad, Milosevic, have noteably used poison gas against their own peoples. At no time, has the United States ever responded by bombing the nation who gassed its citizens.

We have always relied upon a measured response from the United States, and occasionally been frustrated by the reluctance of American Presidents to rush to judgement or response. Watching Trump's knee jerk response is more frightening than Assad's using gas on his people.

We expect more of the American President. Trump is NOT a leader. If he were, Assad would never have been emboldened to carry out this attack. Trump is correct in saying that he is responsible for emboldening this animal.

It is time for Trump to acknowledge he is out of his depth, and give up the office he is so obviously unsuited to.

I only pray that we don't go to war because of this.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ here you go , don't wear out your knees Charwin . --- Russian PM: "US On Brink Of Military Clash With Russia" | Zero Hedge ---

I'm very happy for you that you are promoting war--------------- Are you going to be on the front line tough buy? Are you going to send your kids to a war Pismoe?
------------- And desperate enough to use Zerohedge as your source of propaganda.

Zero Hedge is an English-language financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden" (a character from the novel and film Fight Club).

Zero Hedge's content has been classified as conspiratorial, anti-establishment, and economically pessimistic,[3] and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views.[1][4][5]
-------------------------------------------- yeah , pay NO attention to 'Zero Hedge' Charwin :afro: .
and Zero Hedge or not , I'd speculate that Russia and its leaders are pretty annoyed don't you think ?? Just use some common sense to come up with an answer Charwin !!
As of now he is a disappointment at the minimum.
He ran his campaign on America First and we would pursue a non-interventionist foreign policy.
We would no longer pursue regime change as part of our foreign policy. Now we all know that he straight face lied to us.
This is worse than his failure to get rid of ObamaCare
Some of President Donald Trump’s most diehard supporters are turning against him over his sudden move Thursday night to launch missile strikes in Syria.

Conservative pundits and members of the white nationalist-friendly alt-right, who triumphantly boosted Trump’s “America First,” anti-interventionist campaign message, found themselves at a loss. The Breitbart News commentariat was outraged by support for the attack from “neo-conservatives” like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Brexit orchestrator and Trump ally Nigel Farage said the President’s voters were likely “worried” about the implications of the military intervention, while Jim Hoff, the editor of the far-right blog Gateway Pundit, retweeted a 2013 Trump post in which the real estate mogul warned “many very bad things will happen” if the U.S. attacks Syria.

Backers of Trump’s anti-immigration, anti-refugee policies were similarly put out.

“All I want once in my life, is a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars. Too much to ask,” Virginia Dare, a white nationalist website, wrote on Twitter.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter mocked Trump for making this significant foreign policy shift after seeing photographs on cable news of Syrian children killed in a chemical attack, which U.S. officials believe was carried out by Bashar al-Assad's regime:

can you say fake news???

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