Difference Between Donald Trump & Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney cares only about Israel

Donald Trump cares about America and Israel

What does this voter want?

A President who cares ONLY ABOUT AMERICA for a REAL CHANGE....
There is nothing at all( with the exception of them both being Republicans) similar about them. that said what has that got too do with Obama???
a person who engages in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings

but there your side was with the Cocksucker in Chief having his IRS audit Trump 8 straight years, and your side couldn't find anything....


Now, tell us again what "credentials" Hunter Biden had to be on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian power company....


When Democrats steal, he doesn't want an investigation.

When Democrats investigate and find nothing, he still lies and claims "dishonest and fraudulent business dealings"

Democrats and truth simply do not mix well...


a person who engages in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings. It's how tRump made all of his money.
I asked for your JUSTIFICATION*, not a definition.

* with supporting evidence

tRump has a project.
tRump obtains investors.
tRump builds said project.
tRump bk's.
Free project.

That is why nobody except Deutsche bank with Russian money laundering funds would give him a loan. No wonder they conveniently lost his tax returns.
Ahh, I still like Obama's wall suggestion the best ..>>>

You're stoned
No, just objective. Maybe you forgot how Romney bashed Trump, then abruptly stopped when Trump announced Romney as a candidate for Sect of State. Romney then went a glorification campaign of Trump and his Mar a Lago estate.

Then after Trump declined him, Romney went back to expressing his true hatred of trump. What a pathetic phony and loser.
tRump has a project.
tRump obtains investors.
tRump builds said project.
tRump bk's.
Free project.

That is why nobody except Deutsche bank with Russian money laundering funds would give him a loan. No wonder they conveniently lost his tax returns.
Trump has not has any bankruptcy. You've been owned by the fake news press.
tRump has a project.
tRump obtains investors.
tRump builds said project.
tRump bk's.
Free project.

That is why nobody except Deutsche bank with Russian money laundering funds would give him a loan. No wonder they conveniently lost his tax returns.
Trump has not has any bankruptcy. You've been owned by the fake news press.

1. Trump’s Taj Mahal
2. Plaza Hotel in New York
3. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts
4. Trump Entertainment Resorts

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