Difference between Obama and Bush?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Bush.... 2 wars
Obama 3 wars

Bush 8 trillion in debt in 8 years
Obama 6 trillion in debt in 4 years

Bush Patriot act
Obama Patriot act

Bush Bank bailout
Obama Stimulus

Bush Gitmo
Obama Gitmo

Bush rendition
Obama Rendition

Bush Attacking terrorists in Pakistan
Obama attacking terrorists in Pakistan

Bush Egypt as an ally
Obama sold out Egypt

Bush Medicare drug plan
Obama Obama care

Someone explain to me the real political difference between Obama and Bush?
since your contention is that there is no difference between the 2, and you voted for Bush twice, does this mean you will be voting for Obama in 2012? ;)
since your contention is that there is no difference between the 2, and you voted for Bush twice, does this mean you will be voting for Obama in 2012? ;)

Some people learn from their mistakes, some don't. Of course the choices the Democrats offered made Bush the lesser of two evils.
I saw no real difference between Bush, Obama, or McCain. They are all owned by the same people.

Vote for the third party of your choice.
Not a dime's worth of difference yet his braindead drones carry his water as if he were King and could do no wrong. Has anyone ever heard a Leftist criticize DingleBarry and hold him to account for his lies, broken promises??? Don't tell me, SHOW ME.
Obama's three wars? Could you name them? They better not include Iraq or Afghanistan. And I missed the part where Bush let Bin Laden go but Obama got him.

All of your other "comparisons" are pretty close to the first one in terms of "reality".

There are two types of "reality". Right wing "reality" and "reality".

Not a single link or detailed explanation. Just a few word bytes thrown out there with no real "thought" behind them. It's an old Republican strategy, but always new. "The new guy did everything our guy did, but the new guy sucks and our guy was right".
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Bush - Owned by big oil

Obama - Owned by George Soros

There's the difference.

do you think George Soros runs the country?

As far as his influence on obama extends, and all his business ties and money goes, yes.

Same effect big oil had on Bush and it's money influence else where, i.e. lobbyists, campaign donations, etc.
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Difference between Obama and Bush?

They look the same to me:


But what is truly disturbing is how many people here voted for Bush and/or Obama. Scary stuff.
Bush.... 2 wars
Obama 3 wars

Bush 8 trillion in debt in 8 years
Obama 6 trillion in debt in 4 years

Bush Patriot act
Obama Patriot act

Bush Bank bailout
Obama Stimulus

Bush Gitmo
Obama Gitmo

Bush rendition
Obama Rendition

Bush Attacking terrorists in Pakistan
Obama attacking terrorists in Pakistan

Bush Egypt as an ally
Obama sold out Egypt

Bush Medicare drug plan
Obama Obama care

Someone explain to me the real political difference between Obama and Bush?

diff between this post and a pile of shit? none
They both started wars in the Middle East
They both unconstitutionally bypassed Congress in starting those wars
They both maintained our military presence in 145+ countries
They both supported the Patriot Act
They both dramatically increased the national debt
They both lowered taxes and kept them low
They both showed undying support for the Federal Reserve
They both made campaign promises they did not keep
They both tried stimulus spending
They both added dramatically to the number of pages in the Federal Register...aka more regulations
They both did very little to stop illegal immigration
They both gave sweetheart deals to failing corporations
They both instituted huge nation medical programs
They both curtailed the rights of suspects not convicted of a crime
They both expanded the war on drugs
They both used ‘Special Signing Statements’ to avoid obeying the law

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