Difference between the modern liberal and not, examples


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Liberal: Clinton had twice the resources to ensure victory. The polls & media even declared her victory.

Not Liberal: Winner. How ironic too. Go figure a bureaucrat had twice the resources and lost. Sounds like government to me.

Liberal: Kathy Griffin display's the POUS bloody head. She's just another victim of liberal propaganda. Then plays the victim card believing the Trump family is coming after her.

Not Liberal: Ignore cause and effect, the Trumps aren't coming after her. The trash burned her own bridge.

Liberal: Trump is in bed with the Russians. They really have some shit on the guy and stuff. Impeach.

Not Liberal: There's no evidence to support the Russian conspiracy, less the severe post-election butt-pain. Even Trump's ACTIONS suggest it's BS, but that's to be ignored by the left.

Liberal: Trump isn't keeping his campaign promises.

Not Liberal: Trump has made it a point to keep his campaign promises.

Liberal: When Trump keeps his campaign promises it's the end of days.

Not Liberal: No longer throwing money away aimed for appearances only.

Liberal: It's none of our business Clinton is a womanizer, even while in office. Who cares if he lied under oath. Trump is unfit for office because he's a womanizer.

Not Liberal: Huh?

Liberal: Clinton lost because she's a victim to Comey, the Russians, sexism, white people, deplorables, Obama, the media and our exceptions for a woman are just too high.

Not Liberal: Clinton lost because she's a lying, worthless, socialist bitch, and we're sick and tired of the left's representation of dishonor, weakness & the contrary.

Liberal: Republicans are rich and only care about themselves. BTW, congratulations on your recent purchase of an 8 million dollar home Obama. No doubt you've "earned" it. Incidentally, the wealthiest zip codes lean liberal. Liberals don't say that, but you know, they do say lots of stuff. What have you done for me lately?

Not Liberal: Give more to charity, more practical and responsible. Normal everyday people more interested in the group as opposed themselves. Don't ask what this country can do for you, ask what you can do for this country.

Liberal: We must have a diverse public blind to any differences. Therefore............lets discuss our differences and be sensitive to what we say 24-7. We need safe spaces & butterflies, and no white people allowed on campus today, cuz white people are evil, and we just need a day off.

Not Liberal: Huh?

Liberal: Christianity is evil. Welcome the Muslim and any suggestion to the contrary is a demonstration of racism by those dirty Christian white people. Especially males.

Not Liberal: Huh? 20-25% of Muslims support killing children who haven't been indoctrinated. Apparently "it's not even killing", it's justified homicide & the payoff is bunches of virgins.
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A "modern" liberal is a filthy progtard. They've hijacked the name

They're so dumbed down and corrupt they don't realize that they're the exact opposite of liberal. Who'd have thought conservatives would prove more liberal than "liberals"? That's not an opinion it's a fact. Our "education" systems are all the proof that's necessary.
A "modern" liberal is a filthy progtard. They've hijacked the name

They're so dumbed down and corrupt they don't realize that they're the exact opposite of liberal. Who'd have thought conservatives would prove more liberal than "liberals"? That's not an opinion it's a fact. Our "education" systems are all the proof that's necessary.
You're good with liberalism eh? Defend women wearing this?
A "modern" liberal is a filthy progtard. They've hijacked the name

They're so dumbed down and corrupt they don't realize that they're the exact opposite of liberal. Who'd have thought conservatives would prove more liberal than "liberals"? That's not an opinion it's a fact. Our "education" systems are all the proof that's necessary.
You're good with liberalism eh? Defend women wearing this?
View attachment 130916

What's there to defend? Don't assume she would rather not, but yeah, if she knew better she might not.

There's a line to be drawn between too conservative (pictured) and obese women sporting "bikinis" with not an ounce of respect.

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