Different Debate Tonight --- Libertarian candidates

A libertarian debate should be quite entertaining. They can go from rational discussion to batshit crazy in about 2.3 seconds.
Weed is a gateway drug and believe you me I have tried every drug known to Man and started smoking weed after nam but not before. I gave up hard drugs because they kept me broke. I experiment to find out what works best for me.
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Who is he debating?

There's really only 3 serious candidates. Johnson , John McAfee (yes the crazy McAfee you let protect your computer), and another dude who kinda makes sense but isn't a serious "administrator" or manager.

It's a chance to kick the tires on Gary Johnson -- get him some exposure and contrast solutions that you aint gonna hear from Turumph or Hildabeast..
will bernie be there ?? cause here in vermont socialism and libertarian are the same thing, now that weed is almost legal. :cool:

Vermont - MPP - Marijuana Policy Project
www.mpp.org › State Policy
Marijuana Policy Project
In 2014, MPP worked with the legislature to expand Vermont's law so more patients can benefit from safe, legal access. S. 247, sponsored by Sen. Jeanette ...
Vermont Senate passes bill legalizing recreational ...
Feb 29, 2016 - Vermont Senate passes bill legalizing recreational marijuana use; ... of Representatives for the legalization of recreational marijuana use, ...
Vermont Senate Approves Legal Marijuana | High Times
High Times
Feb 25, 2016 - Vermont is well on its way to making history by becoming the first state in the nation to end marijuana prohibition by way of the state legislature.
In the news
Vermont Gov. Says Marijuana Legalization is 'Enlightened'
TIME‎ - 1 day ago
The Vermont Senate passed a marijuana legalization bill in February and it is currently ...
Marijuana Legalization 2016: Vermont Gov Says Legal Pot Is 'Enlightened' As State Considers Legislation
International Business Times‎ - 3 hours ago
More news for vermont legal weed
Legal recreational marijuana clears final Vermont Senate ...
Feb 26, 2016 - The Vermont Senate bill legalizing recreational marijuana cleared a final hurdle Thursday afternoon.

hillary just landed on wisconsin under sniper fire.....


i hope chris matthews asks about this in the debate.
Throw Ventura into the Libertarian debate, and then you might just get the ratings and Johnson will get a run for his money. :beer:

Yeah -- having declare himself Libertarian is one of those embarassments that Republicans and some Dems can now understand. That's what happens when you don't have a strong henchperson like Sgt Debbie Shultz as the bouncer for your party...
Who is he debating?

There's really only 3 serious candidates. Johnson , John McAfee (yes the crazy McAfee you let protect your computer), and another dude who kinda makes sense but isn't a serious "administrator" or manager.

It's a chance to kick the tires on Gary Johnson -- get him some exposure and contrast solutions that you aint gonna hear from Turumph or Hildabeast..
will bernie be there ?? cause here in vermont socialism and libertarian are the same thing, now that weed is almost legal. :cool:

We WELCOME a legit Socialist party onto the ballot. In fact --- the Libertarians and the Greens have consistently cooperated on ballot access issues.

Gary and Bernie would agree to debate. Would be a pay per view event...
i love it. you would like our Anthony Pollina.
Anthony Pollina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A libertarian debate should be quite entertaining. They can go from rational discussion to batshit crazy in about 2.3 seconds.

Batshit crazy as in telling the TRUTH about the consistently FAILED foreign and domestic policies of YOUR mental midgets?? Time is up BUllWinkle -- your guys are blowing it..

Batshit crazy as in being FAITHFULLY fiscally conservative and MEANING that you will end corporate handouts?
Batshit crazy as in NOT carpet-bombing 3 arab countries next year?

That's funny shit man...
Weed is a gateway drug and believe you me I have tried every drug known to Man and started smoking weed after nam but not before. I gave up hard drugs because they kept me broke. I experiment to find out what works best for me.
thanks for your service. we have a serious heroin problem here in Vt. but i think we are beginning to make progress against the powder. we don't have gun laws so the gangs come here from the cities to trade hard drugs for weapons. but the authorities are doing a great jobs with busts. a lot of traffic from canada too. sucks, mexico isn't the only problem.
Who is he debating?

There's really only 3 serious candidates. Johnson , John McAfee (yes the crazy McAfee you let protect your computer), and another dude who kinda makes sense but isn't a serious "administrator" or manager.

It's a chance to kick the tires on Gary Johnson -- get him some exposure and contrast solutions that you aint gonna hear from Turumph or Hildabeast..
will bernie be there ?? cause here in vermont socialism and libertarian are the same thing, now that weed is almost legal. :cool:

We WELCOME a legit Socialist party onto the ballot. In fact --- the Libertarians and the Greens have consistently cooperated on ballot access issues.

Gary and Bernie would agree to debate. Would be a pay per view event...
i love it. you would like our Anthony Pollina.
Anthony Pollina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I LOVE the HONEST socialists. It's the closeted ones I have no respect for..
I believe Johnson should be allow to debate Trump and Clinton ( If they are the two big parties candidates ) or Cruz and Sanders because it will give the American voter a chance to see there can be a third choice.

I have no delusion in believing Johnson can win the Electoral College but if enough votes are cast for him then it will send the message to the Two Bigger Political Parties that swing and third part voters are tire of their silly nonsense and it is time for them to clean their mess up or changes will come!

Now what the Libertarian Party need to do ( Like the Tea Party Caucus has done ) is get more people elected to the House and Senate so it can help them get a better footing in DC while also winning States, and Local Government elections, and if they do this then winning the White House is possible but if not then all those like Johnson are is the spoiler which in this election could hurt the GOP...

( Key words: If, Would and Can )

In reality -- there ARE and have been Libertarians in Congress. Like Ron Paul. Or his son. OR Blue Dog Democrats for that matter.. Those are now extinct because the Dem party largely abandoned them as "embarrasing" to the party...

You need to look at the names of the 36 Congress members that CAUCUS with the "Liberty Caucus". They are all self-declared "small l" Libertarians and you will find MANY (not all) T.,P. folks in that list..

Liberty Caucus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I already knew about Ron Paul being a Libertarian, but as for Rand Paul, well I have consider him a Neo-Libertarian and less like his father.

Jim Webb and Blue Dogs like him will be missed because the Progressive Liberal that is in charge of the Democratic Party has pushed it too far left for me...

I also took at look at that list and it was interesting, but some of those on that list are Tea Party Caucus members and even though the Tea Party has some things in common with Libertarians ( Fiscal conservatism ), my opinion ( remember it is my opinion like the entire response ) is they lack the social Liberalism that come with being a Libertarian.

Libertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter, and all I hope for is that those like Gary Johnson will be added to the debate stage so he can debate the GOP and Democratic candidate and show that Americans have more choices than the two big party tickets...
Libertarians are crazy loons. Simple as that. I regret ever voting for Johnson in 2012 or considering myself a damn libertarian. I shudder at the thought now.
I would vote for any of the three of them before I would vote democratic or for Cruz or Kasich
I believe Johnson should be allow to debate Trump and Clinton ( If they are the two big parties candidates ) or Cruz and Sanders because it will give the American voter a chance to see there can be a third choice.

I have no delusion in believing Johnson can win the Electoral College but if enough votes are cast for him then it will send the message to the Two Bigger Political Parties that swing and third part voters are tire of their silly nonsense and it is time for them to clean their mess up or changes will come!

Now what the Libertarian Party need to do ( Like the Tea Party Caucus has done ) is get more people elected to the House and Senate so it can help them get a better footing in DC while also winning States, and Local Government elections, and if they do this then winning the White House is possible but if not then all those like Johnson are is the spoiler which in this election could hurt the GOP...

( Key words: If, Would and Can )

In reality -- there ARE and have been Libertarians in Congress. Like Ron Paul. Or his son. OR Blue Dog Democrats for that matter.. Those are now extinct because the Dem party largely abandoned them as "embarrasing" to the party...

You need to look at the names of the 36 Congress members that CAUCUS with the "Liberty Caucus". They are all self-declared "small l" Libertarians and you will find MANY (not all) T.,P. folks in that list..

Liberty Caucus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I already knew about Ron Paul being a Libertarian, but as for Rand Paul, well I have consider him a Neo-Libertarian and less like his father.

Jim Webb and Blue Dogs like him will be missed because the Progressive Liberal that is in charge of the Democratic Party has pushed it too far left for me...

I also took at look at that list and it was interesting, but some of those on that list are Tea Party Caucus members and even though the Tea Party has some things in common with Libertarians ( Fiscal conservatism ), my opinion ( remember it is my opinion like the entire response ) is they lack the social Liberalism that come with being a Libertarian.

Libertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter, and all I hope for is that those like Gary Johnson will be added to the debate stage so he can debate the GOP and Democratic candidate and show that Americans have more choices than the two big party tickets...

The one thing that the general public misunderstands more than anything -- is what "TOLERANCE" means. Being a Libertarian and being "pro-choice" on most everything -- does not in ANY way mean that I CONDONE those choices. It means I prefer to give folks the LIBERTY of doing those things. I ABHOR senseless abortions for example. Not that keen on drug use. Have reservations about "group rights" for trans people who just self-declare.

That explains why you think that Tea Party people are different from Libertarians. But the TP ELECTED folks are not that different at all. They decided as a movement to SUPRESS their social conservatism and focus on the governing and economic principles that they agree with Libertarians on. Some will spout their social views, maybe act on extreme cases like funding of Planned Parenthood which ends up being a subsidy for Dem politics.

We also have a LOT in common with Bernie Sanders and the Left.. In fact, I (and Gary Johnson who said it tonight in the debate) probably accept 50% of Bernie's baggage. Things like

ADAMANT support of Civil Liberties against govt surveillance and support of all 10 of the Bill of Rights.

A much less aggressive foreign policy focused on humanitarian help and DEFINED threats. Stop the madness of "nation building" and spreading democracy. Kill the bad guys and don't destabilize countries and regions.

A conviction to REVOKE corporate welfare.

Incarceration reform. And on it goes. Lots of differences there too.....

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