Difficulty In Accessing Health Care Web Site - Accident? Or Something Else?

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
Know how people are having all kinds of trouble trying to get onto the newly established Web site where they can sign up for health care? Error message after error message. "Web site not available." "Site Not Found." Etc., etc., etc.

You'd think they would get something like that right, wouldn't you? I mean, how hard is it to set up a Web site that can accomplish what you want it to?

Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

Know what I think? I think this has Karl Rove written all over it. That's right. You heard me. This is PRECISELY the kind of dirty, political trick that scum bag jerk would pull. How hard is it to hire some professional hackers (or just some college student for that matter) to mess up a Web site? And think of the political gain that stands to be made from doing it, what with the concerted effort now being made by the Cons to "repeal Obamacare."

Hey, Rove - crawl back under your rock and stay there, hey?
Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

There is a fly in the ointment ... for sure.



or just Fire Sibelius and a few others.

Know how people are having all kinds of trouble trying to get onto the newly established Web site where they can sign up for health care? Error message after error message. "Web site not available." "Site Not Found." Etc., etc., etc.

You'd think they would get something like that right, wouldn't you? I mean, how hard is it to set up a Web site that can accomplish what you want it to?

Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

Know what I think? I think this has Karl Rove written all over it. That's right. You heard me. This is PRECISELY the kind of dirty, political trick that scum bag jerk would pull. How hard is it to hire some professional hackers (or just some college student for that matter) to mess up a Web site? And think of the political gain that stands to be made from doing it, what with the concerted effort now being made by the Cons to "repeal Obamacare."

Hey, Rove - crawl back under your rock and stay there, hey?

Seriously? That has got to be the most illogical garbage that you have managed to post here yet George. There is not tin foil case here.

BTW, you don’t seem to understand how complex something like this actually is. It is immensely difficult to get things like this working smoothly. The problem is in the fact that the government is absolutely abysmal at rolling this type of thing out. I strongly doubt that they had anything even remotely close to the type of testing that was required. I know that they were working under artificial deadlines created by lawmakers that did not even have a vision let alone a product concept when the deadlines were created. Then there were dozens of entities working with hundreds of companies to create a common product among all of them. If the roll out was more successful than it was I would have been surprised.

To put it bluntly, the government is terrible at creating anything and this was a complex project.
Know how people are having all kinds of trouble trying to get onto the newly established Web site where they can sign up for health care? Error message after error message. "Web site not available." "Site Not Found." Etc., etc., etc.

You'd think they would get something like that right, wouldn't you? I mean, how hard is it to set up a Web site that can accomplish what you want it to?

Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

Know what I think? I think this has Karl Rove written all over it. That's right. You heard me. This is PRECISELY the kind of dirty, political trick that scum bag jerk would pull. How hard is it to hire some professional hackers (or just some college student for that matter) to mess up a Web site? And think of the political gain that stands to be made from doing it, what with the concerted effort now being made by the Cons to "repeal Obamacare."

Hey, Rove - crawl back under your rock and stay there, hey?
I see no proof that rove was involved. That said Turd Blossom has a long history of using dirty tricks so it is certainly possible. Bear in mind that Turd Blossom was the one who came up with the idea of spreading the rumor that McCain had fathered a black child out of wedlock. What made this really ugly is that McCain and his wife had adopted a dark skinned girl from Bangladesh who traveled with them on the campaign trail. This lie cost McCain the primary in North Carolina and helped george w. sew up the nomination to run for president. Yup, if Turd Blossom is behind the website problems I would not be a bit surprised.
The truth of the matter is that I expect the worst from republicans and, unfortunately, they seldom prove me wrong. "Death panels," anyone.
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Know how people are having all kinds of trouble trying to get onto the newly established Web site where they can sign up for health care? Error message after error message. "Web site not available." "Site Not Found." Etc., etc., etc.

You'd think they would get something like that right, wouldn't you? I mean, how hard is it to set up a Web site that can accomplish what you want it to?

Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

Know what I think? I think this has Karl Rove written all over it. That's right. You heard me. This is PRECISELY the kind of dirty, political trick that scum bag jerk would pull. How hard is it to hire some professional hackers (or just some college student for that matter) to mess up a Web site? And think of the political gain that stands to be made from doing it, what with the concerted effort now being made by the Cons to "repeal Obamacare."

Hey, Rove - crawl back under your rock and stay there, hey?

Indeed Comrade

No doubt with the assistance of Tea Party members

If that doesn't work, we can always blame Bush

Know how people are having all kinds of trouble trying to get onto the newly established Web site where they can sign up for health care? Error message after error message. "Web site not available." "Site Not Found." Etc., etc., etc.

You'd think they would get something like that right, wouldn't you? I mean, how hard is it to set up a Web site that can accomplish what you want it to?

Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

Know what I think? I think this has Karl Rove written all over it. That's right. You heard me. This is PRECISELY the kind of dirty, political trick that scum bag jerk would pull. How hard is it to hire some professional hackers (or just some college student for that matter) to mess up a Web site? And think of the political gain that stands to be made from doing it, what with the concerted effort now being made by the Cons to "repeal Obamacare."

Hey, Rove - crawl back under your rock and stay there, hey?

Poor Goerge.

The problems with Obamacare have nothing to do with Rove. The contractor that had 3.5 years to write the code for the site didn't get the final specifications for the code until 6 months ago. On top of that, Medicare kept all the responsibility for making sure everything worked right in house instead of farming it out to a general contractor that could actually do the job.

I can go on, but you won't believe me. You might believe the New York Times.
You people are apparently unaware of Rove's history - or are simply choosing to ignore it.

No, we are aware. You, however, are completely nuts in such a claim. It really makes you look bad George.

This explains some of our previous disagreements however. Apparently, you are not entirely sane.
Know how people are having all kinds of trouble trying to get onto the newly established Web site where they can sign up for health care? Error message after error message. "Web site not available." "Site Not Found." Etc., etc., etc.

You'd think they would get something like that right, wouldn't you? I mean, how hard is it to set up a Web site that can accomplish what you want it to?

Why are they having such a problem in the first place? And why can't they fix it?

Know what I think? I think this has Karl Rove written all over it. That's right. You heard me. This is PRECISELY the kind of dirty, political trick that scum bag jerk would pull. How hard is it to hire some professional hackers (or just some college student for that matter) to mess up a Web site? And think of the political gain that stands to be made from doing it, what with the concerted effort now being made by the Cons to "repeal Obamacare."

Hey, Rove - crawl back under your rock and stay there, hey?

So in the face of obvious incompetence you STILL blame the right?

In more late-Friday news, the expected rollout of the Spanish-language website and tools has been delayed — with no definite new launch date

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKBaD6ZGZwQ#t=10]NBC: Obama Admin Taking Down ObamaCare Website Again & Delaying Spanish Website - YouTube[/ame]

The reactionary Left's War on Spanish speaking people
Nobody seems at all concerned about the amount of personal information given out to the site before you can even get a rough idea of the cost. It makes no sense. Neither does the risk of personal information getting out there. I see no regard for the concern of identity theft. Face it. Our Government is losing it, putting us all at risk, in so many ways, without regard.

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