Dinesh D’Souza’s "America"


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Yesterday: what a lovely day in the city....the Union Square green market, Whole Foods, shopping, shopping, shopping....

...and we had the extreme pleasure of viewing Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, "America: Imagine the World Without Her."

1. Talk about deja vu!
It was the big screen version of another day at the USMB!

On the one side was the slanders of Howard Zinn and all the other America-haters, and then the answers, provided by D'Souza to all the lies and inaccuracies of the Left.
The Left: the film noire version of politics.

2. He begins by giving the Left's slanders of America... of Indian genocide, theft of Mexico's 'lost provinces,' slavery, America as an imperialist nation. And he doesn't pull any punches: he provides their side fully and allows spokespersons such as Eric Michael Dyson, Bill Ayers, Ward Churchill, and others, full latitude.

Our board Leftists would have been smiling and nodding! I could just about hear the "atta boys"!

3. But he then inserts all that they leave out, and corrects the fabrications. Four or five times I could feel a tear beginning to form.
We hear from Alexis deTocqueville, Abraham Lincoln, as well as contemporary scholars.

a. Actual footage of Saul Alinsky provides his insights....we should learn from same.

4. "Despite being panned by critics — film review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes currently lists the movie with a 26 percent rating — the movie's audience has given the movie a 73 percent approval rating..... "although a good chunk of it features progressives spewing out hate for their country in their own words, the film does a decent job of debunking the narrative that some surprisingly hold that the U.S. is historically and currently a force of evil across the world.

5. .... his argument that both Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama were influenced by the academic Saul Alinsky and consequently want to turn the United States into a socialist country...."
D'Souza's 'America' Makes $2 Million Over Fourth of July Weekend

6. "Dinesh D’Souza, the controversial social commentator who shook up Hollywood with the $33 million earned by the theatrical release of his Obama 2016, is back with a more polished and more powerful message.... if this decline continues at the current pace, America as we know it will cease to exist. In effect, we will have committed national suicide.”

7..... D’Souza tackles America’s greatest sins: its treatment of Native Americans, slavery, the transfer of half of Mexico to the U.S. after the Mexican War of 1848, and its supposed colonialist behavior. Consider his treatment of those subjects as his direct rebuttal to the works of radical historian Howard Zinn, whose textbooks treating America’s history as one of ceaseless oppression dominate many American high schools and colleges."
D?Souza?s America | National Review Online

8. Not everyone found it so:
"D’Souza cannot help himself. He’s discovered a way to get rich hurling red meat Obama-baiting to an audience that cannot get enough of that. So he abandons any pretense of making a movie about how this country should have a more vigorous debate about its image, its principles and just what the truth is about its history." Movie Review: Dinesh D?Souza tells ?America? what?s wrong with it, again | Movie Nation

9. The audience applauded at its conclusion.

10. My fondest wish....perhaps fantasy...would be that every government school that showed Al Gore's polemic would feel obliged to show this rebuttal of the lies that school children are forced to learn today.
But....the reality is that the number one endeavor of the Left is to silence opposition voices, not debate them.

If I had to sum up the entire epic, it would be found in the words of Abraham Lincoln's prescient prediction:
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

I hope that even our Leftist pals will be curious enough to go see it....even if they feel it necessary to go in disguise.
America - Rotten Tomatoes

Wow...this is the biggest swing I've seen since "Atlas Shrugged"

Critics give it 17%
Audience 91%

Looks like the word is out for conservatives to flood Rotten Tomatoes with positive five star reviews. Almost as reliable as a Ron Paul internet poll
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Funny how rightwing sheeple flock to ratings sites to flood the reviews

Hillary's book must get 1 star
Dinesh D’Souza’s "America" must get 5 stars
Sarah Palin must get 5 stars

Somehow, they think trashing a rating site validates their political view

PC will even start a thread on it
My wife and I saw this movie yesterday. I didn't know the first Female self made millionaire in America was a Black Woman. And it wasn't Oprah either!
I liked the Mexican-American guy who lives in Texas and identifies himself as "Texian" (is that right?)

Dinesh: "What if Mexico took over Texas and the Southwest?"

Texian: "I'd move to Minneapolis!"

My wife and I had a good chuckle over that! :D
A built in right-wing audience that "absolutely loves" the film before they even see it.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Wow...this is the biggest swing I've seen since "Atlas Shrugged"

Critics give it 17%
Audience 91%
Translation: Critics don't like it but the people who actually saw it did like it.

I read some of the audience reviews. Not many provide any details to indicate they actually saw the movie

The critics are quite clear that they saw it

You could bother debating D'Souza on history and semantics and rudimentary logic, but chances are you'd end up feeling like Meathead arguing with Archie Bunker.

Hilariously, just minutes after reducing Occupy Wall Street to an assault on small hamburger shops, D'Souza attacks insurance companies and Wall Street executives as fellow travelers in Obamacare, this country's one unpardonable

D'Souza has a gift for stating his opponent's position without actually addressing it.

D'Souza asks softball questions of those he agrees with ("What is your American dream?" he asks U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz) and leading questions of others, and his narration is peppered with generalities, platitudes and truisms.

Beholden to the same plethora of taboos, half-truths, and outright lies traded en masse by mainstream conservatism for the last seven years.

"America" is like the cinematic equivalent of one of those forwarded e-mails of mostly discredited "facts" that you receive from an uncle and at least those sometimes include family photos or a meat loaf recipe that can be of some value.
PC what was the name of that Black, Southern Slave owner again? That can't be true as we know that only "evil whitey" had slaves right?

I'm SURE Liberals can disprove that one right away! :D
"America" is like the cinematic equivalent of one of those forwarded e-mails of mostly discredited "facts" that you receive from an uncle and at least those sometimes include family photos or a meat loaf recipe that can be of some value.
Except that he actually talked with the people involved.

Listen I know you gotta' destroy the truth because you're a Liberal, I mean that's what you do. And if you can't destroy the truth you try to shame people.

That was actually brought up in the movie. Not YOU, the tactic of "shaming".
PC what was the name of that Black, Southern Slave owner again? That can't be true as we know that only "evil whitey" had slaves right?

I'm SURE Liberals can disprove that one right away! :D

1. "William Ellison Jr, born April Ellison, (C. April, 1790 – 5 December 1861) was a free negro and former slave in who achieved success in business as a cotton gin maker and blacksmith before the American Civil War. He eventually became a major planter and one of the largest property owners, and certainly the wealthiest black property owner, in the state. He held 60 slaves at his death and more than 1,000 acres of land."
William Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, the film quotes Obama pal, Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr, who documented some 3500 black landowners who owned slaves.

2. He points out that there were more white slaves, indentured servents, than black as one time...

a. Many hundreds of passengers died amid “vapors, terror, vomiting…diarrhea…mouth-rot and the like.” And “beat and used as if we were Slaves” by English-speaking crews. Mittleberger,“Reise nach Pennsylvanien,” pp. 92

3. "From the late eighteenth century through the end of the Civil War, Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians bought, sold, and owned Africans and African Americans as slaves, a fact that persisted after the tribes' removal from the Deep South to Indian Territory."
Black Slaves, Indian Masters
Slavery, Emancipation, and Citizenship in the Native American South

By Barbara Krauthamer

This, for context that is left out by America haters.
Dinesh D`Souza has been a favorite author of mine, since reading his book, "The Roots of Obama's Rage. I love to watch him any time he is on TV and especially recently in his back-and-forth with Bill Ayers. He is as good a listener as he is an interviewee. What a beautiful, intellectual mind he has. What a productive American he has been. Can't wait to see this movie on my big screen TV, if I don't catch it in the theater.

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More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).
A built in right-wing audience that "absolutely loves" the film before they even see it.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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So.....you hated it before you saw it?
More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).

I'm sure no one would expect you to hold another view, rw.
It wasn't two hours of "complaining" it was two hours of "explaining". Complaining is what Liberals do.

He never said Slavery was ok, just that it wasn't invented my America as Liberals would have you believe (and try to shame you). The US also fought a War and Freed the Slaves. Something to be proud of.

He explained that the US gave back all of the territory Mexico has now and forgave debt they had and paid debts they were owed. If the US WERE an Empire they would have kept all of Mexico. Judging by all the Mexicans trying to get here I'd say yes, they'd have been better off with an American Constitutional Government rather than what they have now.

And it WASN'T anti-Obama or anti-Hillary. He just pointed out who they associated with during their college years. Go watch the movie and find out who it was.
More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).

"...the reality is that the number one endeavor of the Left is to silence opposition voices, not debate them."

And, in a related story....

"Report: Costco Is Removing Conservative Author’s Bestselling Book From Its Stores Nationwide
“America” takes aim at the progressive ideology, which D’Souza claims shapes the policies of the Obama administration.

“It is the Progressive view that is taught in our schools, that is preached by Hollywood, and that shapes the policies of the Obama administration. If America is a force for inequality and injustice in the world, its power deserves to be diminished; if traditional America is based on oppression and theft, then traditional America must be reformed—and the federal government can do the reforming,” the book’s description reads."
Report: Costco Is Removing Conservative Author?s Bestselling Book From Its Stores Nationwide | TheBlaze.com

And this:

"The Washington Examiner reported June 20 that the book sold 4,915 in the first week and 5,592 in the second week but mysteriously was kept off the New York Times bestseller list, where it would have ranked No. 8 and then No. 11 on the June 29 list."
Read more at Costco removing D?Souza?s ?America? from shelves

Liberalism: prevent the truth from getting out.....at all costs!

Interview with 30+ year Border Patrol Agent:

Dinesh: "How many people have you seen try to get into the United States from Mexico every day?"

Agent: "Thousands".

Dinesh: "Have you seen anyone try to go the other way and break into Mexico?"

Agent: "Never. Not one person."
More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).

Rumor has it that the media is controlled by Liberals.....

....this would include large numbers of film reviewers.

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