Dinesh D’Souza’s "America"

Another wacko right winger who has broken the law and at least now admits it. And this dishonest person, along with that repressed lesbian Anne Coulter, are PC's fonts of knowledge. Sad is all one can say. How can anyone trust this person's opinion on anything? Oh, I know, when their wacky BS coincides with the reader's wacky view of the world.

'Dinesh D’Souza enters guilty plea in straw donor case' Read more: Dinesh D?Souza enters guilty plea in straw donor case - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

I have quite a bit of Howard's Zinn's work and I defy anyone to show me where he slanders anyone? Please look up slander before quoting partisan corporate hacks. Zinn by the way is as hard on democrats as on republicans.

Rightwinger, let us know when you've seen the movie so you can make an informed opinion.

If something smells bad is it necessary we confirm our nose with tasting. Dinesh is a paid corporate hack, do you guys ever wonder who and why this nonsense is provided for you partisan puppets? Control my friend, and you are well controlled.

"The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people." Noam Chomsky
It's tribalism.

Doesn't matter if he's a criminal or a lying, adulterous, conspiracy-spewing radical.

He’s an Obama critic, and that there is good enough for them.

Three cheers for their latest martyr!

It's a pretty easy gig and good money knowing how to scam a righty. D'Souza is living proof.

Are you serious or seriously insane?

Did you vote for a rapist who lost his law license for perjury?

Did you vote for a killer of a young women, and who aimed at supporting the Soviet Union against the President of the United States?

Did you support creating a special class of Americans based on skin color?

And vote, twice, for one who disgraces the Constitution and studied at the feet of a pastor who proclaims "God damn America"?

Insane by definition.
Another wacko right winger who has broken the law and at least now admits it. And this dishonest person, along with that repressed lesbian Anne Coulter, are PC's fonts of knowledge. Sad is all one can say. How can anyone trust this person's opinion on anything? Oh, I know, when their wacky BS coincides with the reader's wacky view of the world.

'Dinesh D’Souza enters guilty plea in straw donor case' Read more: Dinesh D?Souza enters guilty plea in straw donor case - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

I have quite a bit of Howard's Zinn's work and I defy anyone to show me where he slanders anyone? Please look up slander before quoting partisan corporate hacks. Zinn by the way is as hard on democrats as on republicans.

If something smells bad is it necessary we confirm our nose with tasting. Dinesh is a paid corporate hack, do you guys ever wonder who and why this nonsense is provided for you partisan puppets? Control my friend, and you are well controlled.

"The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people." Noam Chomsky
It's tribalism.

Doesn't matter if he's a criminal or a lying, adulterous, conspiracy-spewing radical.

He’s an Obama critic, and that there is good enough for them.

Three cheers for their latest martyr!

It's a pretty easy gig and good money knowing how to scam a righty. D'Souza is living proof.

Are you serious or seriously insane?

Did you vote for a rapist who lost his law license for perjury?

Did you vote for a killer of a young women, and who aimed at supporting the Soviet Union against the President of the United States?

Did you support creating a special class of Americans based on skin color?

And vote, twice, for one who disgraces the Constitution and studied at the feet of a pastor who proclaims "God damn America"?

Insane by definition.

^ You have to be. Jesus Christ. Look at that deranged rant.
CinemaScope polls movie viewers as they leave the theater. In the last 29 years only 52 movies have been given an A+ rating. America is the latest A+.
1. No. "CinemaScope" doesn't. That's the name for an anamorphic lens.

2. You just read a World Nut Daily story (try not to laugh too much, audience lol) -- written by whackadoodle racistbirther Jerome Corsi (more lolz) --

and what you saw was this:

"CinemaScore, a movie rating system known for predicting the commercial success of feature films, has just given Dinesh D’Souza’s “America” an “A+”

Ayi yi.

You wingers are so fucked in the head -- you can't even read.


Even one of the first comments on WND is panning Corsi (ya, go figger THAT!)

"can find NO corroboration for this story. I even went to the Cinemascore website and America isn't listed. Please tell me this wasn't made up by someone on the Left to foil the Right and make them look like fools, once again."


I will say one thing: Entertainment here abounds!
Looks like the Sacramento Bee is in on the VRWC! :lol:

Another surprise came in the form of a report from CinemaScore, the industry tracking service that grades viewer attitudes about movies they've just seen. America scored an unusual A+ with a 97 rating from filmgoers joining an elite group of 52 films which have included "Titanic," "Driving Miss Daisy," and "The King's Speech." The score contrasted sharply with unprecedented attacks on the film from critics including one review which labeled America the worst film in history and another which called for a boycott of the film.

Read more here: D'Souza's America Soars With 60% Fourth Of July Spike And #9 Per Screen Average In Solid $4 Million Debut - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee
It's tribalism.

Doesn't matter if he's a criminal or a lying, adulterous, conspiracy-spewing radical.

He’s an Obama critic, and that there is good enough for them.

Three cheers for their latest martyr!

It's a pretty easy gig and good money knowing how to scam a righty. D'Souza is living proof.

Are you serious or seriously insane?

Did you vote for a rapist who lost his law license for perjury?

Did you vote for a killer of a young women, and who aimed at supporting the Soviet Union against the President of the United States?

Did you support creating a special class of Americans based on skin color?

And vote, twice, for one who disgraces the Constitution and studied at the feet of a pastor who proclaims "God damn America"?

Insane by definition.

^ You have to be. Jesus Christ. Look at that deranged rant.

I take it that is a "yes" to all four queries.....

...proving that my conclusion about your mental stability is apt.
Obama hangs with Bill Ayers?

If you ever get around to reading, you might take a look at

“Deconstructing Obama,” by Jack Cashill
Lecture can be found at Search - C-SPAN Video Library

He makes a powerful case that Ayers, in fact, wrote Obama's 'autobiography.'

Black men can't write their own autobiography

Why didn’t Ernest Shackleton leave you at the Pole, as the crew suggested???
Looks like the Sacramento Bee is in on the VRWC! :lol:

Another surprise came in the form of a report from CinemaScore, the industry tracking service that grades viewer attitudes about movies they've just seen. America scored an unusual A+ with a 97 rating from filmgoers joining an elite group of 52 films which have included "Titanic," "Driving Miss Daisy," and "The King's Speech." The score contrasted sharply with unprecedented attacks on the film from critics including one review which labeled America the worst film in history and another which called for a boycott of the film.
Read more here: D'Souza's America Soars With 60% Fourth Of July Spike And #9 Per Screen Average In Solid $4 Million Debut - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

That is a Press Release...By D'Souza! Not the Sacramento Bee.

More chuckles! Really. Keep the entertainment coming.

Looks like the Sacramento Bee is in on the VRWC! :lol:

Another surprise came in the form of a report from CinemaScore, the industry tracking service that grades viewer attitudes about movies they've just seen. America scored an unusual A+ with a 97 rating from filmgoers joining an elite group of 52 films which have included "Titanic," "Driving Miss Daisy," and "The King's Speech." The score contrasted sharply with unprecedented attacks on the film from critics including one review which labeled America the worst film in history and another which called for a boycott of the film.
Read more here: D'Souza's America Soars With 60% Fourth Of July Spike And #9 Per Screen Average In Solid $4 Million Debut - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

That is a Press Release...By D'Souza! Not the Sacramento Bee.

More chuckles! Really. Keep the entertainment coming.


Hot July 4 Clip: Dinesh D'Souza Docu 'America' On Abraham Lincoln - Deadline.com
Looks like the Sacramento Bee is in on the VRWC! :lol:

Another surprise came in the form of a report from CinemaScore, the industry tracking service that grades viewer attitudes about movies they've just seen. America scored an unusual A+ with a 97 rating from filmgoers joining an elite group of 52 films which have included "Titanic," "Driving Miss Daisy," and "The King's Speech." The score contrasted sharply with unprecedented attacks on the film from critics including one review which labeled America the worst film in history and another which called for a boycott of the film.
Read more here: D'Souza's America Soars With 60% Fourth Of July Spike And #9 Per Screen Average In Solid $4 Million Debut - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

That is a Press Release...By D'Souza! Not the Sacramento Bee.

More chuckles! Really. Keep the entertainment coming.


Gee....I was hoping that you came back to answer those four questions......

From that link:

"Sources tell me the Lionsgate distributed docu, which got an impressive A+ CinemaScore result, is doing brisk business in Southern California, the Inland Empire, Florida, Arizona and Texas."

Love seeing the Liberals gnashing their teeth and seething......

That is a Press Release...By D'Souza! Not the Sacramento Bee.

More chuckles! Really. Keep the entertainment coming.


Gee....I was hoping that you came back to answer those four questions......
I don't entertain the mad rantings of lunatics.

Try someone else, sugartits.
--- [ame]http://www.amazon.com/America-Imagine-World-without-Her/dp/162157203X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1404867163&sr=1-1&keywords=dinesh+d%27souza+america[/ame] --- think this is good news for the BOOK . I'm going to see the movies this weekend if I can .
More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).

Rumor has it that the media is controlled by Liberals.....

....this would include large numbers of film reviewers.

More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).

Unfortunately others are being tarred who have similar sounding names.

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Funny how rightwing sheeple flock to ratings sites to flood the reviews

Hillary's book must get 1 star
Dinesh D’Souza’s "America" must get 5 stars
Sarah Palin must get 5 stars

Somehow, they think trashing a rating site validates their political view

PC will even start a thread on it

She is sooooooooooo predictable.

You could set your watch by her rw hacktivism. I'll save my $12 until a REAL movie comes out thank you very much.
More reviews:

Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).

Rumor has it that the media is controlled by Liberals.....

....this would include large numbers of film reviewers.


The first step to recovery is admitting you have the problem. :lol:

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