Dinesh D’Souza’s "America"

"America" is like the cinematic equivalent of one of those forwarded e-mails of mostly discredited "facts" that you receive from an uncle and at least those sometimes include family photos or a meat loaf recipe that can be of some value.
Except that he actually talked with the people involved.

Listen I know you gotta' destroy the truth because you're a Liberal, I mean that's what you do. And if you can't destroy the truth you try to shame people.

That was actually brought up in the movie. Not YOU, the tactic of "shaming".

He's also admitted on MULTIPLE occasions that he is PAID TO BE HERE and post his diatribe and propaganda.

His comments are no more objective than the man in the moon's. He's a PAID HACK and a SHILL.
Right-wingers assessment seems pretty compelling.

Why are some of you guys so invested in it being a good movie? I haven't seen it, sounds kind of like a propaganda piece, though.
Right-wingers assessment seems pretty compelling.

Why are some of you guys so invested in it being a good movie? I haven't seen it, sounds kind of like a propaganda piece, though.

"I haven't seen it...."

So....what's stopping you?

Oh...you might lose your Liberal creds, and have to stand on your own four paws....er, two feet.
Except that the rapist Clinton managed to lower the morals and the conversation of an entire nation....single handedly.

The ENTIRE nation? Even you?

Pretty vapid defense of the rapist.

Good to see you working to ability.

]]shakes head[[

I defended a rapist??? How did I defend a rapist? All I did was ask a question?

You didn't answer the question - How did Slick Willie getting a hummer, lower your morals?

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Right-wingers assessment seems pretty compelling.

Why are some of you guys so invested in it being a good movie? I haven't seen it, sounds kind of like a propaganda piece, though.

"I haven't seen it...."

So....what's stopping you?

Oh...you might lose your Liberal creds, and have to stand on your own four paws....er, two feet.

If I had time to go to the movies I would pick a movie that I might actually enjoy (zombie flick, etc.) not one that would put me to sleep.
Right-wingers assessment seems pretty compelling.

Why are some of you guys so invested in it being a good movie? I haven't seen it, sounds kind of like a propaganda piece, though.

they're the same people that desperately wanted "an american carol" and "atlas shrugged" to be box office successes - and while in the theaters told us they were.
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Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).
its basically red meat for ODS sufferers. D-inesh is laughing his way to the bank .....errr..... prison that is.
So when does the felon get his sentencing?
September :D
So when does the felon get his sentencing?

Now you just leave Obama out of this!!!
Obama is not a convicted Felon.

The subject of your thread, Dinesh D'Souza, is.

A lying, scumbucket, jerkface too. Not to mention a ratfuck, two-timing adulterer.

yet the Right here refuse to look past the veneer.

BTW- he will be sentenced in September, for his felony conviction, last I heard :)
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Should be called "America: Imagine the World where Obama Sucks Less." Should have expected it coming from this director. And while I'm no fan of Obama, this movie's title is simply misleading and I don't like to sit and watch two hours of complaining.

So to be clear just because slavery wasn't invented by America it was OK? Sorry Native Americans the small pox thing was a natural disease that you just were not prepared for and Christopher Columbus was Spanish not American just saying. Oh and Mexicans, bet you would have liked it if we had just kept your whole country after our war . . . right?

This movie was a complete piece of SHIT!!!! I had no idea it was going to be anti-Obama/anti-Hillary. I thought I was seeing a history piece about what if there was no America. This guy is literally insane and scary that there are people who believe anything with this guy's name on it (D'Souza).
its basically red meat for ODS sufferers. D-inesh is laughing his way to the bank .....errr..... prison that is.
So when does the felon get his sentencing?
September :D
Now you just leave Obama out of this!!!
Obama is not a convicted Felon.

The subject of your thread, Dinesh D'Souza, is.

A lying, scumbucket, jerkface too. Not to mention a ratfuck, two-timing adulterer.

yet the Right here refuse to look past the veneer.

BTW- he will be sentenced in September, for his felony conviction, last I heard :)

"yet the Right here refuse to look past the veneer."

I know you aren't such a refusenik....

...you're going to see the film,.....right?

I, for one, can't wait to hear the intelligent critique from a Leftie who has actually experience the subject, rather than taken the word of some uber-liberal mentor.
Right-wingers assessment seems pretty compelling.

Why are some of you guys so invested in it being a good movie? I haven't seen it, sounds kind of like a propaganda piece, though.
That's the $1,000,000 question I'd like to know the answer to.
Right-wingers assessment seems pretty compelling.

Why are some of you guys so invested in it being a good movie? I haven't seen it, sounds kind of like a propaganda piece, though.

"I haven't seen it...."

So....what's stopping you?

Oh...you might lose your Liberal creds, and have to stand on your own four paws....er, two feet.

If I had time to go to the movies I would pick a movie that I might actually enjoy (zombie flick, etc.) not one that would put me to sleep.
It won't put you to sleep and it's a very professionally done movie. I know you won't regret going.

You don't want to be "put to sleep" but you'd be ok with "zombies"? Interesting.
it'll be a "good" movie to the same people who thought Atlas Shrugged was a "good" book
Ayn Rand - RationalWiki
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
—Dorothy Parker
That's pretty telling.

In their minds it's even better than the Ayn Rand pablum, because it constantly eviscerates and bashes Obama from beginning to end. It's an Obama hate-fest of a movie, so clearly the wing-nuts lap it up.

It's not just preaching to the choir, but to the inner choir.

These folks have been invested in Obama's failure from November 2008, so whatever it takes for them to make it a reality that is what they'll do, that's where their energies lie.

In this case, it's to prop-up a bogus documentary.

I wish them all the luck....they'll need it.

And no, Dinesh, "The Felon", D'Souza, is no Michael Moore, that's a HUGE insult not only to Moore, but the documentary industry itself. I scoff at that idea!
it'll be a "good" movie to the same people who thought Atlas Shrugged was a "good" book
Ayn Rand - RationalWiki
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
—Dorothy Parker
That's pretty telling.

In their minds it's even better than the Ayn Rand pablum, because it constantly eviscerates and bashes Obama from beginning to end. It's an Obama hate-fest of a movie, so clearly the wing-nuts lap it up.

It's not just preaching to the choir, but to the inner choir.

These folks have been invested in Obama's failure from November 2008, so whatever it takes for them to make it a reality that is what they'll do, that's where their energies lie.

In this case, it's to prop-up a bogus documentary.

I wish them all the luck....they'll need it.

And no, Dinesh, "The Felon", D'Souza, is no Michael Moore, that's a HUGE insult not only to Moore, but the documentary industry itself. I scoff at that idea!

He'll find out who his real fans are on visiting day if any of them bother to show up.
Me personally...?

I can't WAIT to see this two-bit FELON carted off to prison in handcuffs.

It will be good riddance to bad rubbish!

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