Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

What perceived law? I guarantee you if he was a stupid libtard he wouldn't be punished. Obamashitforbrains and the idiotic left are commies.

Campaign limits on individuals are a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Even so, D'Souza knew that the law, illegal as it may be, is in place.

My point is that other violations of straw donations result in fines, no one is put in jail or prison. Dottie is clown, not to be take seriously - so when he screams "to the gulag" it's best just to mock. However, when the more rational aspects of the party start repeating such obscene calls and claims, then a challenge is in order. The hate sites are running a script for the drones to recite which points to prison conviction, but of course the facts of that case involve wire fraud and embezzlement.

I doubt you can find a single case of someone being prosecuted for using straw donors that resulted in only a fine.

D'Souza, 53, said he was thankful that Judge Berman passed a "fair judgment." Speaking on his behalf, D'Souza's attorney Benjamin Brafman said, "I've yet to find a case exactly like this that ends in a prison sentence, and I'm glad that this was not the first one. We are delighted that Judge Berman spared Mr. D'Souza."

Brafman cited several similar cases during D'Souza's sentencing in the federal courtroom, none of which ended in jail time. Brafman posited that a punishment of incarceration did not fit the crime for which D'Souza was being judged. In the end, Judge Berman agreed.

Judge Berman also took into consideration the fact that this was the 53-year-old D'Souza's first offense.​

Dinesh D Souza Sentenced to Probation Community Service
Wow so he stated something that every AG has had since their inception....yawn...

He stated that he is Obama's Shock Collar and that the law is a tool to use against enemies of the Regime. Holder does not enforce the law against those loyal to the regime, but will use every resource against enemies - including those which are felonies by Holder himself - such as his extortion racket against ammunition makers.

Barack Obama is a criminal, Eric Holder is his shock collar. D'Souza deserves to be fined for violating the law - regardless of how stupid and unjust that law is.

Holder and Obama belong in prison for life for the myriad crimes they have committed and continue to commit.
God willing, the next republican President will put Obama and Holder in Leavenworth for Life.
He committed a violation of a statute that is malum prohibitum, not malum in se. In other words, the offense was "wrong" because a statute says it is wrong, not because it is wrong in and of itself (I,e., murder, rape, assault, etc...). His violation is more akin to a speeding ticket than one that would reasonably evoke moral outrage. Thus, the government's attempt to get a prison term was outrageous and absurd. Obviously politics are involved. This should be self evident. However, not very much is ever obvious to a leftist, save for the absurd conclusions they draw from their contrived world view. I truly wish that nobody - even liberals - ever has to experience the full frontal assault of a career-minded federal prosecutor with unlimited resources and time on his or her hands. I never have, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy.
He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.


Does that include a certain good looking caramel colored exotic guy with a big smile who didn't want telltale news being spread about his administration's bungled arms deal in Benghazi so he and his Secy of State let the US operatives involved there die without sending timely aid in order to preserve his bull shit re-election campaign narrative?

If so, I'm impressed!

Hope he has to wear a tracking bracelet. By all rights, he should be in prison though.

With all of the accusations of racism of Conservatives against Obama, I think the Libs who floated those ideas were prolly racists.

But venting a teeny bit of your racial animus toward a dark skinned foreigner who comes to this country and thinks he can embarrass Obama can't be all that bad, can it?
D'Souza fought the law and the law won

D'Souza fought the law and the law won!

Comrade shitflinger, was the response of the prosecution consistent with other cases where the same acts occurred?


Has this ever been prosecuted before, or was D'Souza singled out?

Yes, straw donors have been prosecuted and sent to prison before. It actually happens a lot. No, he's not being "singled out", he's playing the persecution card to generate sympathy from gullible supporters such as yourself.
D'Souza didn't stand to benefit for his political contributions. Those other cases did and they deserved prison time. D'Souza is a political prisoner of this wretched regime. He should be released from this 8 month confinement in San Diego.
its a victimless crime that should be scrapped. there should be zero limits on how much money anyone can give to a candidate

Corporations and Unions should be prohibited from any activity in politics. But individuals should be allowed to give what ever they damned well please.

Wait... I thought corporations are people, friend.

You guys are going to have to make up your minds.
You're right. Corporations and people should be able to spend unlimited dollars. They are people. Not unions.
He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.
Does that include obama for shutting off ID verification for online campaign donations? Let me guess.

I'm going to need some evidence for that.
He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.


Does that include a certain good looking caramel colored exotic guy with a big smile who didn't want telltale news being spread about his administration's bungled arms deal in Benghazi so he and his Secy of State let the US operatives involved there die without sending timely aid in order to preserve his bull shit re-election campaign narrative?

If so, I'm impressed!


TOBRUK/LONDON (Reuters) – Food prices have risen in Libya as payments problems, fighting and a breakdown in authority disrupt the usual import routes as the country spins out of control three years after the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi.

Rice, vegetables such as tomatoes and juice have become more expensive by up to 10 percent in cities such as Benghazi, a major port, where violence has made it harder for suppliers to get their goods through, forcing importers to look for new ways to bring food in.

The North African country, which is mainly desert, exports oil but depends on imports of everything from wheat to milk to feed its six million people.

There are no food shortages yet but Libyan importers have had to work around the strained state system by using land borders, bringing smaller volumes in through smaller ports or by drawing down existing stocks.

Libya is effectively split into three entities with the powerless government and elected parliament holed up in Tobruk, some 1,200 km from Tripoli where an armed opposition group has set up a rival assembly and cabinet. Nobody is really in charge of Benghazi where army and Islamists vie for control.

The central bank, which holds the oil revenues, has become reluctant to supply banks with cash to avoid robberies. Gunmen stormed a bank in Benghazi last week, stealing some 560,000 Libyan dinars, bank sources said.

That has led to dollar shortages though the central bank still had $109 billion in foreign reserves at the end of June. The rise in insurance premiums has also made it difficult to ship the funds from oil, which are booked in foreign accounts, to Libya, the central bank has said.

With two rival governments and parliaments both pressuring the central bank to approve budget payments, shippers also wonder who now represents the state which had been the main importer.
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Show me your outrage and I'll be impressed.
So, what I hear you saying is that you can see the Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers.

That actually wasn't what I was saying. But, I can see how you might be correct in guessing serial killing as being a Conservative's type of crime.

A sicko Conservative, but one who definitely wasn't apt to lose control of his twisted emotions.

EDIT: Say, where'd you come up with that, "Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers" thing?

That's rather insightful and/or quick thinking and/or knowledgeable of you to say.

Or were you just taking a cheap shot with no real thought behind it?

It is simply the opposite of what you are attempting to describe. It wouldn't hold up in court. Although, we could always take it one step further because we are looking at mens rea. Following that logic we could say that any crime that was methodically executed has Conservative tendencies. It stands to reason this would include many white collar crimes and crimes that involve careful planning (some theft, bank robbers, gang bangers involved in racketeering,many murderers, many rapists, child molesters, hackers, kidnappers).

The reality is that this is a very slippery slope. It's a pretty dangerous card to play.

Over 60% of people in the local jails have mental health issues. Approximately 30% in prisons are mentally ill.

And I'm telling you that the numbers of Liberal hard wired inmates FAAAAAAAAAAR out numbers the Conservative inmates.

I've never been in a prison.

I just grew up with a bunch of guys who lived there for a while.

And the idea that my defending my argument by wrapping my arms around the Conservative convicts who broke the law, is a ridiculous Liberal notion.

If a person broke the law and is convicted and imprisoned, my feeling is they did the crime. Now they should do their time.

Only Liberals would think of defending members of their party over upholding and enforcing the law.

Conservatism is one thing.

Criminality is another.

I support Conservatism.

Inmates are exempted from my defense unless I believe they have been unjustly convicted.

Not a slippery slope at all.

You betray the Liberal mindset which must have failed to adequately protect US from the crazy, extremist, radical Progressives which invaded and conquered the Democrat Party and steered the United States straight to the garbage dump.

Hell, that is why the Right is so adamant about the Benghazi thing.

Obama & Hillary et al. have that same Liberal mentality.

Personal matters outweigh what's best for the USA.

Putting party before Country.

The Liberal mindset is what got us into the mess we are in today.

Yeah, I know...

GWB was just as bad...BLAH BLAH BLAH!


You should go to a prison. Then get back to me on that.
I said go not sentenced.

I was asked to accompany a member of my church who made regular outreach visits to the local county jail.

I don't go for that.

At one point in my life I felt certain that prison was unavoidable for me.

Yet here I am still a free man. Never imprisoned.

I feel that if I went, even for just a visit, it would not be good for me.

Thanks. But no thanks.

There is a difference between jail and prison. Most jails house pre-trial detainees. These people live in a state of limbo.
It is a miserable place that people on the outs can barely manage to live through.

Go to a prison.
another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh
That actually wasn't what I was saying. But, I can see how you might be correct in guessing serial killing as being a Conservative's type of crime.

A sicko Conservative, but one who definitely wasn't apt to lose control of his twisted emotions.

EDIT: Say, where'd you come up with that, "Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers" thing?

That's rather insightful and/or quick thinking and/or knowledgeable of you to say.

Or were you just taking a cheap shot with no real thought behind it?

It is simply the opposite of what you are attempting to describe. It wouldn't hold up in court. Although, we could always take it one step further because we are looking at mens rea. Following that logic we could say that any crime that was methodically executed has Conservative tendencies. It stands to reason this would include many white collar crimes and crimes that involve careful planning (some theft, bank robbers, gang bangers involved in racketeering,many murderers, many rapists, child molesters, hackers, kidnappers).

The reality is that this is a very slippery slope. It's a pretty dangerous card to play.

Over 60% of people in the local jails have mental health issues. Approximately 30% in prisons are mentally ill.

And I'm telling you that the numbers of Liberal hard wired inmates FAAAAAAAAAAR out numbers the Conservative inmates.

I've never been in a prison.

I just grew up with a bunch of guys who lived there for a while.

And the idea that my defending my argument by wrapping my arms around the Conservative convicts who broke the law, is a ridiculous Liberal notion.

If a person broke the law and is convicted and imprisoned, my feeling is they did the crime. Now they should do their time.

Only Liberals would think of defending members of their party over upholding and enforcing the law.

Conservatism is one thing.

Criminality is another.

I support Conservatism.

Inmates are exempted from my defense unless I believe they have been unjustly convicted.

Not a slippery slope at all.

You betray the Liberal mindset which must have failed to adequately protect US from the crazy, extremist, radical Progressives which invaded and conquered the Democrat Party and steered the United States straight to the garbage dump.

Hell, that is why the Right is so adamant about the Benghazi thing.

Obama & Hillary et al. have that same Liberal mentality.

Personal matters outweigh what's best for the USA.

Putting party before Country.

The Liberal mindset is what got us into the mess we are in today.

Yeah, I know...

GWB was just as bad...BLAH BLAH BLAH!


You should go to a prison. Then get back to me on that.
I said go not sentenced.

I was asked to accompany a member of my church who made regular outreach visits to the local county jail.

I don't go for that.

At one point in my life I felt certain that prison was unavoidable for me.

Yet here I am still a free man. Never imprisoned.

I feel that if I went, even for just a visit, it would not be good for me.

Thanks. But no thanks.

There is a difference between jail and prison. Most jails house pre-trial detainees. These people live in a state of limbo.
It is a miserable place that people on the outs can barely manage to live through.

Go to a prison.

Why should I?

What are you hoping this will do for/to me?
Wow so he stated something that every AG has had since their inception....yawn...

He stated that he is Obama's Shock Collar and that the law is a tool to use against enemies of the Regime. Holder does not enforce the law against those loyal to the regime, but will use every resource against enemies - including those which are felonies by Holder himself - such as his extortion racket against ammunition makers.

Barack Obama is a criminal, Eric Holder is his shock collar. D'Souza deserves to be fined for violating the law - regardless of how stupid and unjust that law is.

Holder and Obama belong in prison for life for the myriad crimes they have committed and continue to commit.
God willing, the next republican President will put Obama and Holder in Leavenworth for Life.
Both Obama and Holder will be long gone before we see our next Republican President
another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh

Oh, a right-wing blog! Good source.

How does this blogger know that the DOJ investigated D'Souza because of his film? Answer: he doesn't. It's conspiracy theory talk.

D'Souza committed a crime, got caught, and pleaded guilty. Why are you defending his crime? Aren't you a conservative? And aren't you being hypocritical?
another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh

Oh, a right-wing blog! Good source.

How does this blogger know that the DOJ investigated D'Souza because of his film? Answer: he doesn't. It's conspiracy theory talk.

D'Souza committed a crime, got caught, and pleaded guilty. Why are you defending his crime? Aren't you a conservative? And aren't you being hypocritical?

Well that's just it. Stop and think maybe for a change

HOW MANY people are brought up charges for this sort of stuff? He offered to pay it back.
man stop being a sheep
He committed a violation of a statute that is malum prohibitum, not malum in se. In other words, the offense was "wrong" because a statute says it is wrong, not because it is wrong in and of itself (I,e., murder, rape, assault, etc...). His violation is more akin to a speeding ticket than one that would reasonably evoke moral outrage. Thus, the government's attempt to get a prison term was outrageous and absurd. Obviously politics are involved. This should be self evident. However, not very much is ever obvious to a leftist, save for the absurd conclusions they draw from their contrived world view. I truly wish that nobody - even liberals - ever has to experience the full frontal assault of a career-minded federal prosecutor with unlimited resources and time on his or her hands. I never have, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy.

You are being hypocritical.

Illegal immigration is the same kind of crime.
another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh


Thank you very much, Stephanie!


another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh

Oh, a right-wing blog! Good source.

How does this blogger know that the DOJ investigated D'Souza because of his film? Answer: he doesn't. It's conspiracy theory talk.

D'Souza committed a crime, got caught, and pleaded guilty. Why are you defending his crime? Aren't you a conservative? And aren't you being hypocritical?

Well that's just it. Stop and think maybe for a change

HOW MANY people are brought up charges for this sort of stuff? He offered to pay it back.
man stop being a sheep

Maybe someone is enjoying a Colorado Rocky Mountain High?


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