Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

He has to teach immigrants English. Perfect.

And this is what he once said about immigrants:

"Well, I’m very pro-immigrant. And I’m very pro-immigration. But I have no sympathy for illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws, and we are a nation that has a system for taking in immigrants."

Oh, right, a 'nation of laws'. How's that working out for you, pard?

Dinesh D 8217 Souza 8217 s dire warning Americans 8216 are being prepared for a political and financial shakedown 8217 TheBlaze.com
When all you've got is putting nonsense into other people's mouths, it's time to pack it in and go home. You're embarrassing yourself.

Rich irony indeed.

I don't believe I've ever mentioned "a film critical of Hillary Clinton", let alone state that I think it should be illegal.


You have no fucking idea what Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is, do you?

{The United States District Court for the District of Columbia held that §203 of BCRA applied and prohibited Citizens United from advertising the film Hillary: The Movie in broadcasts or paying to have it shown on television within 30 days of the 2008 Democratic primaries.[1][3] The Supreme Court reversed this decision, striking down those provisions of BCRA that prohibited corporations (including nonprofit corporations) and unions from making independent expenditures and "electioneering communications".[2]}

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What perceived law? I guarantee you if he was a stupid libtard he wouldn't be punished. Obamashitforbrains and the idiotic left are commies.

Campaign limits on individuals are a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Even so, D'Souza knew that the law, illegal as it may be, is in place.

My point is that other violations of straw donations result in fines, no one is put in jail or prison. Dottie is clown, not to be take seriously - so when he screams "to the gulag" it's best just to mock. However, when the more rational aspects of the party start repeating such obscene calls and claims, then a challenge is in order. The hate sites are running a script for the drones to recite which points to prison conviction, but of course the facts of that case involve wire fraud and embezzlement.
What perceived law? I guarantee you if he was a stupid libtard he wouldn't be punished. Obamashitforbrains and the idiotic left are commies.

Campaign limits on individuals are a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Even so, D'Souza knew that the law, illegal as it may be, is in place.

My point is that other violations of straw donations result in fines, no one is put in jail or prison. Dottie is clown, not to be take seriously - so when he screams "to the gulag" it's best just to mock. However, when the more rational aspects of the party start repeating such obscene calls and claims, then a challenge is in order. The hate sites are running a script for the drones to recite which points to prison conviction, but of course the facts of that case involve wire fraud and embezzlement.

I doubt you can find a single case of someone being prosecuted for using straw donors that resulted in only a fine.
When all you've got is putting nonsense into other people's mouths, it's time to pack it in and go home. You're embarrassing yourself.

Rich irony indeed.

I don't believe I've ever mentioned "a film critical of Hillary Clinton", let alone state that I think it should be illegal.


You have no fucking idea what Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is, do you?

{The United States District Court for the District of Columbia held that §203 of BCRA applied and prohibited Citizens United from advertising the film Hillary: The Movie in broadcasts or paying to have it shown on television within 30 days of the 2008 Democratic primaries.[1][3] The Supreme Court reversed this decision, striking down those provisions of BCRA that prohibited corporations (including nonprofit corporations) and unions from making independent expenditures and "electioneering communications".[2]}

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't believe I've actually mentioned any opinion on the Citizen's United case - but pretending the scope of the ruling and the case itself are the same thing is pretty much the definition of "disingenuous".
He's been found guilty of breaking the law. He should feel lucky he isn't going to Federal rape-him-in-the-ass prison.
What perceived law? I guarantee you if he was a stupid libtard he wouldn't be punished. Obamashitforbrains and the idiotic left are commies.
OK, campaign finance law. When will Obama go after his donors?

Even if there is reason to investigate or prosecute any who illegally made donations to the Obama campaign - and I'm not saying there isn't since anytime politics and money are involved corruption could very well be present - that is irrelevant to Dinesh D'Souza's conviction.

He broke the law and got off easy: no prison time. The real issue here isn't that he criticized Obama and was therefore falsely charged. He admitted to the crime. The real issue is that as a conservative leader and outspoken Christian apologist, this is some big time hypocrisy.

That conservatives in general aren't condemning him for his actions just demonstrates the level of partisanship at play on one side of the political spectrum. Both sides are guilty of extreme partisanship, but this time it's conservatives and they are being hypocritical by going against their own values to defend the illegal actions of an admitted criminal.
Considering that there is literally NOBODY else who has gotten any time for the same crime (in fact, it's usually referred to the FEC for a civil fine), I would say he has a decent appeal, on grounds of cruel and unusual punishment.

Honestly...I still think he should have skipped the country.
D'Souza will spend more time in jail than Bill Ayers
oh, yeah, just throw the entire can of lighter fluid on the grill. LOL
Ayers is still a FoxNews villian 50 years after his heyday

Meanwhile Rightwing hero D'Sousa is busting rocks on a chaingang
Ayers is a thug.
D'Sousa is a thug

You're a thug. D'Sousa is a patriot.
D'Souza will spend more time in jail than Bill Ayers
oh, yeah, just throw the entire can of lighter fluid on the grill. LOL
Ayers is still a FoxNews villian 50 years after his heyday

Meanwhile Rightwing hero D'Sousa is busting rocks on a chaingang
Ayers is a thug.
D'Sousa is a thug

You're a thug. D'Sousa is a patriot.
Ok terrorist

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