Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

I thought conz were "law & order- types". Why they want a pass on the lawbreaker- D'Nesh?

"Law and order" means applying the laws equally to everyone, not singling out opponents of the regime for special measures.
D'Souza will spend more time in jail than Bill Ayers
oh, yeah, just throw the entire can of lighter fluid on the grill. LOL
Ayers is still a FoxNews villian 50 years after his heyday

Meanwhile Rightwing hero D'Sousa is busting rocks on a chaingang
Ayers is a thug.
D'Sousa is a thug

You're a thug. D'Sousa is a patriot.
its a victimless crime that should be scrapped. there should be zero limits on how much money anyone can give to a candidate

Corporations and Unions should be prohibited from any activity in politics. But individuals should be allowed to give what ever they damned well please.

Wait... I thought corporations are people, friend.

You guys are going to have to make up your minds.

no conflict whatsoever. no limits on funding a candidate as long as there is disclosure

corporations shouldn't be taxed btw
The Obama campaign committed massive fraud by turning off ID verification for online donations.

Really? Then why have no charges been filed? :eusa_think:

Because the criminal won

The other dodges were much better. I'm starting to question if you're even trying anymore these days Frank.

Obama and Holder should be charged as accessories in Brian Terry's murder
Considering that there is literally NOBODY else who has gotten any time for the same crime (in fact, it's usually referred to the FEC for a civil fine), I would say he has a decent appeal, on grounds of cruel and unusual punishment.

Honestly...I still think he should have skipped the country.

You know, you guys keep saying that, yet no one's been able to find a single example of anyone being convicted of using straw donors that hasn't gone to jail for it...
oh, yeah, just throw the entire can of lighter fluid on the grill. LOL
Ayers is still a FoxNews villian 50 years after his heyday

Meanwhile Rightwing hero D'Sousa is busting rocks on a chaingang
Ayers is a thug.
D'Sousa is a thug

You're a thug. D'Sousa is a patriot.
Slug libtard.
Actually, no: D'Souza's attorney researched similar cases, and NOT ONE PERSON got any time for the same crime unless he/she had also done something else! Most were just fined, some got probation.
Never heard of Pam Karlan, but I have heard of Rand Paul. A likely Republican frontrunner in 2016, who supports restoring voting rights to some felons. I don't disagree with him either.

Aside from that, do you have any proof that felons are more likely to support Democrats? Of course you don't.

I have some hairy reasoning that may not stand up in court but it stands to reason.

Prisons are full of people with impulse control. Emotionally higher strung. Getting mad. Jumping to conclusions. Being offended by a mere inadvertent slight or by someone's funny attitude. Jealousy. Envy. Inability to delay gratification. Impulsiveness. Selfishness. Petulance.

Prison seems like a bastion of Liberalism.

Conservatives are more deliberate. More rational and reasonable. More cerebral. Slower to anger. More likely to be able to delay gratification. Sensible. More logical. Less animated than Liberals. More in control of their emotions.

Watch any reality show with prison inmates and you will see what I mean.

If that doesn't work for you, check out that motorcycle gang reality show on Discovery. Or the FX TV series, Sons of Anarchy.

I find biker gang behavior is really easy to see the Liberal tendencies of the members.

No, I probably WOULDN'T tell them that to their faces.

But it stands to reason.

So, what I hear you saying is that you can see the Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers.

That actually wasn't what I was saying. But, I can see how you might be correct in guessing serial killing as being a Conservative's type of crime.

A sicko Conservative, but one who definitely wasn't apt to lose control of his twisted emotions.

EDIT: Say, where'd you come up with that, "Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers" thing?

That's rather insightful and/or quick thinking and/or knowledgeable of you to say.

Or were you just taking a cheap shot with no real thought behind it?

It is simply the opposite of what you are attempting to describe. It wouldn't hold up in court. Although, we could always take it one step further because we are looking at mens rea. Following that logic we could say that any crime that was methodically executed has Conservative tendencies. It stands to reason this would include many white collar crimes and crimes that involve careful planning (some theft, bank robbers, gang bangers involved in racketeering,many murderers, many rapists, child molesters, hackers, kidnappers).

The reality is that this is a very slippery slope. It's a pretty dangerous card to play.

Over 60% of people in the local jails have mental health issues. Approximately 30% in prisons are mentally ill.

And I'm telling you that the numbers of Liberal hard wired inmates FAAAAAAAAAAR out numbers the Conservative inmates.

I've never been in a prison.

I just grew up with a bunch of guys who lived there for a while.

And the idea that my defending my argument by wrapping my arms around the Conservative convicts who broke the law, is a ridiculous Liberal notion.

If a person broke the law and is convicted and imprisoned, my feeling is they did the crime. Now they should do their time.

Only Liberals would think of defending members of their party over upholding and enforcing the law.

Conservatism is one thing.

Criminality is another.

I support Conservatism.

Inmates are exempted from my defense unless I believe they have been unjustly convicted.

Not a slippery slope at all.

You betray the Liberal mindset which must have failed to adequately protect US from the crazy, extremist, radical Progressives which invaded and conquered the Democrat Party and steered the United States straight to the garbage dump.

Hell, that is why the Right is so adamant about the Benghazi thing.

Obama & Hillary et al. have that same Liberal mentality.

Personal matters outweigh what's best for the USA.

Putting party before Country.

The Liberal mindset is what got us into the mess we are in today.

Yeah, I know...

GWB was just as bad...BLAH BLAH BLAH!


You should go to a prison. Then get back to me on that.
I said go not sentenced.
oh, yeah, just throw the entire can of lighter fluid on the grill. LOL
Ayers is still a FoxNews villian 50 years after his heyday

Meanwhile Rightwing hero D'Sousa is busting rocks on a chaingang
Ayers is a thug.
D'Sousa is a thug

You're a thug. D'Sousa is a patriot.
I have some hairy reasoning that may not stand up in court but it stands to reason.

Prisons are full of people with impulse control. Emotionally higher strung. Getting mad. Jumping to conclusions. Being offended by a mere inadvertent slight or by someone's funny attitude. Jealousy. Envy. Inability to delay gratification. Impulsiveness. Selfishness. Petulance.

Prison seems like a bastion of Liberalism.

Conservatives are more deliberate. More rational and reasonable. More cerebral. Slower to anger. More likely to be able to delay gratification. Sensible. More logical. Less animated than Liberals. More in control of their emotions.

Watch any reality show with prison inmates and you will see what I mean.

If that doesn't work for you, check out that motorcycle gang reality show on Discovery. Or the FX TV series, Sons of Anarchy.

I find biker gang behavior is really easy to see the Liberal tendencies of the members.

No, I probably WOULDN'T tell them that to their faces.

But it stands to reason.

So, what I hear you saying is that you can see the Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers.

That actually wasn't what I was saying. But, I can see how you might be correct in guessing serial killing as being a Conservative's type of crime.

A sicko Conservative, but one who definitely wasn't apt to lose control of his twisted emotions.

EDIT: Say, where'd you come up with that, "Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers" thing?

That's rather insightful and/or quick thinking and/or knowledgeable of you to say.

Or were you just taking a cheap shot with no real thought behind it?

It is simply the opposite of what you are attempting to describe. It wouldn't hold up in court. Although, we could always take it one step further because we are looking at mens rea. Following that logic we could say that any crime that was methodically executed has Conservative tendencies. It stands to reason this would include many white collar crimes and crimes that involve careful planning (some theft, bank robbers, gang bangers involved in racketeering,many murderers, many rapists, child molesters, hackers, kidnappers).

The reality is that this is a very slippery slope. It's a pretty dangerous card to play.

Over 60% of people in the local jails have mental health issues. Approximately 30% in prisons are mentally ill.

And I'm telling you that the numbers of Liberal hard wired inmates FAAAAAAAAAAR out numbers the Conservative inmates.

I've never been in a prison.

I just grew up with a bunch of guys who lived there for a while.

And the idea that my defending my argument by wrapping my arms around the Conservative convicts who broke the law, is a ridiculous Liberal notion.

If a person broke the law and is convicted and imprisoned, my feeling is they did the crime. Now they should do their time.

Only Liberals would think of defending members of their party over upholding and enforcing the law.

Conservatism is one thing.

Criminality is another.

I support Conservatism.

Inmates are exempted from my defense unless I believe they have been unjustly convicted.

Not a slippery slope at all.

You betray the Liberal mindset which must have failed to adequately protect US from the crazy, extremist, radical Progressives which invaded and conquered the Democrat Party and steered the United States straight to the garbage dump.

Hell, that is why the Right is so adamant about the Benghazi thing.

Obama & Hillary et al. have that same Liberal mentality.

Personal matters outweigh what's best for the USA.

Putting party before Country.

The Liberal mindset is what got us into the mess we are in today.

Yeah, I know...

GWB was just as bad...BLAH BLAH BLAH!


You should go to a prison. Then get back to me on that.
I said go not sentenced.

I was asked to accompany a member of my church who made regular outreach visits to the local county jail.

I don't go for that.

At one point in my life I felt certain that prison was unavoidable for me.

Yet here I am still a free man. Never imprisoned.

I feel that if I went, even for just a visit, it would not be good for me.

Thanks. But no thanks.
He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.
Does that include obama for shutting off ID verification for online campaign donations? Let me guess.

He has to teach immigrants English. Perfect.

And this is what he once said about immigrants:

"Well, I’m very pro-immigrant. And I’m very pro-immigration. But I have no sympathy for illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws, and we are a nation that has a system for taking in immigrants."

Oh, right, a 'nation of laws'. How's that working out for you, pard?

Dinesh D 8217 Souza 8217 s dire warning Americans 8216 are being prepared for a political and financial shakedown 8217 TheBlaze.com

Leave it to Libtards to fuck up the details.

It's their Liberal hard-wiring from birth which makes them functionally handicapped.

D'Souza will be teaching new citizens.

Not immigrants.

As per his on-air radio interview this A.M.
He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.
Does that include obama for shutting off ID verification for online campaign donations? Let me guess.

Thank you for that also. One of great campaign frauds in history.

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