Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

Innocent people do not plead guilty and then apologize for the illegal actions they committed.

Quite naive of you to think so.

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He admitted guilt and apologized for his actions. He is not an innocent man. I know some of you really want to turn this into some Orwellian short story but it isn't.
And his punishment is what???

Probation and 8 months confinement where he will be forced to shave ice in the likeness of Obama.
An ice dick ehhh? Great idea. Matching ice asshole.

Now that's funny. lol.
He should be in prison.
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He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.

NO ONE has ever been jailed for this offense.

So why would the prosecution press for imprisonment?

Obama is a spiteful guy.

And D'Souza's books and films reveal facets of the Resident in Chief which are very critical.

They were out for blood.

D'Souza fought the law and the law won

D'Souza fought the law and the law won!

He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.

NO ONE has ever been jailed for this offense.

So why would the prosecution press for imprisonment?

Obama is a spiteful guy.

And D'Souza's books and films reveal facets of the Resident in Chief which are very critical.

They were out for blood.

Many, many people have been jailed for using straw donors. I don't know where you're getting your information from.

Reid Supporter Whittemore Gets 2 Years in Campaign Cash Case RealClearPolitics
John Liu s mayoral campaign fundraiser and treasurer sentenced to less than year in jail for straw donor scheme - NY Daily News
Do you think Obama will have him waterboarded?

He could make a cool movie about it. Conservatives would love it
He should be in prison.
Leave a
He should be in prison.
Comments like this make me believe that.D'Souza is a political prisoner. Liberals can't contain their glee. How dare a citizen criticize Dear Leader.

The paranoia in you is strong.

I want prison time for anyone screwing with the political system.

NO ONE has ever been jailed for this offense.

So why would the prosecution press for imprisonment?

Obama is a spiteful guy.

And D'Souza's books and films reveal facets of the Resident in Chief which are very critical.

They were out for blood.

Many, many people have been jailed for using straw donors. I don't know where you're getting your information from.

Reid Supporter Whittemore Gets 2 Years in Campaign Cash Case RealClearPolitics
John Liu s mayoral campaign fundraiser and treasurer sentenced to less than year in jail for straw donor scheme - NY Daily News

Are you a Liberal?

“The Government, in this case, has chosen to consciously omit from its submission critical facts from most of the cases they cite which make it clear that those cases are substantially distinguishable from the facts in D’Souza’s prosecution,” the memo states.

D’Souza’s counsel provided the court with a chart detailing “the ‘limited’ facts from each case that the Government highlights” and then provided the missing facts the Government failed to include in order to avoid undermining their own argument against a prison sentence. With all the facts in place, the Government doesn’t have a case that adds up to a sentence that includes imprisonment.

In the chart submitted to the Judge by D’Souza’s counsel, you’ll notice the “facts” on the left submitted to the Judge by the Government to be used for sentencing consideration. On the right, you’ll find the full facts of the case the Government deliberately failed to include. Below are three of eight examples provided. You can read the rest here .


The prosecution’s distortion of the facts in “similar cases” backs up long held suspicions that D’Souza was selectively prosecuted by the Department of Justice for political purposes and shows deceitful, malicious tactics being used to impose an unjust sentence.

“To be candid, counsel were surprised to see that in the Sentencing Memorandum, the Government cavalierly treats and then distorts critical issues so important to the Court’s decision. In doing so, to the Government ironically provides further support for more vigorous prosecution and now, for more severe punishment than virtually any other defendant whose crime is ‘similar’ to that of Mr. D’Souza’s, especially when his case is devoid of any element of corruption or personal greed that is at the heart of every case the Government cites,” the memo states. “Indeed, so determined is the Government in its effort to convince your Honor to imprison Mr. D’Souza, that they supplied the Court with a list of cases in support of their argument on sentence parity, but did so in a manner that was disingenuous. When one carefully examines the facts in each and every one of the case cited by the government in support of their sentence parity argument, it soon becomes clear that prison was imposed in each of those cases for a variety of aggravating factors that have nothing whatsoever to do with the prosecution of Mr. D’Souza.”

The government failed to present any case, all facts included, comparable to D’Souza’s which involved illegally using two straw donors to donate a total of $20,000 to an ill-fated campaign. Back in May, D’Souza pled guilty to one count on federal charges detailed in an indictment accusing him of violating campaign finance laws and making false statements. D’Souza admitted in front of the Court that he did in fact ask two people to make contributions in their name and later reimbursed them, knowing it was not proper under the law. D’Souza submitted a plea deal on May 19 and the charge of making false statements was dropped. D’Souza’s defense team has argued that although criminally culpable, their client should not be imprisoned.

“After studying the chart and cases cited, we respectfully ask that the Court completely reject the Government’s argument that sentence parity supports a prison sentence for Mr. D’Souza. Simply put, their argument on this issue must be rejected because it is not sound,” D’Souza’s counsel argues in the document. “A good man who is 53 years old, with no criminal record and a genuine scholar, should not be sent to prison for a non-violent technical violation of the Federal Election Law where he was not trying to obtain an advantage or any personal benefit and where the case is devoid of any corruption whatsoever.”

Townhall Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison For D Souza Dinesh D Souza

EDIT: The doctor is in, I apologize. My statement invited your response.

I should have said, "no one who did exactly what DD did has ever been imprisoned."
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I hope he makes more films , write more books !!

Of course. Being a criminal has never stopped right wingers from gobbling up your horseshit.

Most violent felons support the Dems. that is why far left law professor Pam Karlan of Stanford is spearheading an effort to get Florida felons voting again. When they vote, they vote DEM

Never heard of Pam Karlan, but I have heard of Rand Paul. A likely Republican frontrunner in 2016, who supports restoring voting rights to some felons. I don't disagree with him either.

Aside from that, do you have any proof that felons are more likely to support Democrats? Of course you don't.

only two things

1) the fact that it is a project funded by the Democrats

2) and a the Taft Lecture at UC (cincinnati) law school in 01, Professor Karlan-former general counsel for the NAACP noted that Al Gore would have easily won Florida if FELONS could vote because her RESEARCH showed that when FELONS VOTE they almost always vote for DEMS.

tell me, why do you think the Democrat party would sponsor someone like Karlan to push for this movement if they didn't think it would help DEMOCRATS

Karlan's arguments are summarized here

Is felon disenfranchisement unconstitutional - Felon Voting - ProCon.org

here is more information for you

Felons register as Democrat over Republican by 6 to 1 - BizPac Review

he study considered three states – New Mexico, New York and North Carolina — that actively encourage felons to return to the voting rolls when they return from prison.

The results?

In New Mexico, 51.9 percent registered Democrat, 10.2 Republican. In New York, 61.5 registered Democrat, 9 percent Republican. In North Carolina, 54.6 percent registered Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.

Given that the demographics of the American prison population – disproportionately black, overwhelmingly young – track those of the Democrat Party, the results aren’t exactly shocking.

Given the fact that people who land in prison also tend to be poorly educated, impulsive and short-sighted – not to mention they’re the smartest guys in the class in the first place – the political breakdown seems inevitable.

Didn't you mean to say this?

Given the fact that people who land in prison also tend to be poorly educated, impulsive and short-sighted – not to mention they’re NOT the smartest guys in the class in the first place – the political breakdown seems inevitable.
D'souza was targeted for his political beliefs. Obama and his henchmen need to be held accountable. They're criminals.

His first day in prison


Not something to gloat about. Obama is a criminal. And you could be next. Revenge will be the name of the game for the next crew in charge. These IRS abuses are Un-American. Obama should be punished.
D'souza broke the law. He confessed that he broke the law and admits that he knew better and that it was a stupid thing to do. He deserved the consequences of whatever the law specifies for that kind of crime.

Where the disconnect comes in is upon his indictment, D'souza's sin was plastered all over the media along with amplified and myriad repeats of lurid stories of his personal life exposing his feet of clay. Had he not been a "Republican operative" and an outspoken critic of Obama and the Obama administration, he would have been far less a person of interest to the media and would not have suffered the extreme character assassination they have attempted to pour on him. If he had been a Democrat and strong critic of the Republicans, it is likely none of us would ever have heard about it.

Accusations of wrong doing in the White House or among prominent Democrats seems to be covered quickly, without much punch, and then those stories are quickly dropped. And any criticism of Democrats is generally crouched in 'politically motivated' terms.

I am not defending D'souza in any way. I am only pointing out the glaring double standard in these things.

The entire system stinks. Why is D'souza wanting to donate His Own Money worse than Obama abusing the resources of the presidency to support his campaigns?

Taxpayers had to cough up $1,159,823 in just one month to fly President Obama to New York and Denver to raise money for Democrats and attend an LGBT event, according to documents obtained by a taxpayer watchdog group.

Judicial Watch told Secrets that the Air Force just provided expense reports detailing the flight costs of Air Force One to the cities in July.

The documents show that president’s July 8-9 fundraising trip to Denver cost the taxpayers $695,894.10.

His July 17-18 fundraising trip to New York City cost taxpayers $463,929.40....

1 Obama trip to play pool drink beer raise money cost taxpayers about 700 000 WashingtonExaminer.com

The thing is though that it is legal for Obama to use our money for just about anything he wants to use it for whether from his own expense account or via directing agencies he oversees to fund this, don't fund that, etc. etc. with trillions of our money. But it would illegal for him to use his own money to reimburse somebody in return for a campaign contribution and it is illegal for D'Souza to use his own money in that way. Fair? No way in hell. But that is the way the law is written.

And that's the problem.

The politicians in control rig the game so that they can use taxpayer money for their campaign expenses...and then pass laws that punish people for using their own money to support what they believe in.

Yup. Which is why character does count. The man in the White House has enormous power to manipulate and order the flow of massive amounts of taxpayer money in many ways and one who is unethical can and will do that in ways that benefit himself/his agenda or those he wishes to help. And he can do that in ways that punish or disadvantage others. And his silent directives to those under him can have far reaching implications such as what laws are enforced, which are ignored, who gets targeted--think IRS scandal--and who gets a pass.

In fairness to the White House, however, the activities of those in Congress can be just as questionable. The majority and minority leaders wield enormous power over those who would benefit or would be disadvantaged by the legislation they support and pass or put on the back burner. This old thread refers to a phenomenon that is as valid today as it has ever been:
BOOK REVIEW EXTORTION How Politicians Extract Your Money Buy Votes and Line The US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Very few in Washington are there for us. They are there to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth. Those who are not usually don't last very long.
D'souza was targeted for his political beliefs. Obama and his henchmen need to be held accountable. They're criminals.

His first day in prison


Not something to gloat about. Obama is a criminal. And you could be next. Revenge will be the name of the game for the next crew in charge. These IRS abuses are Un-American. Obama should be punished.

We have vays of making you talk Mr Movieman!
You vill get your mind right

D'Souza fought the law and the law won

D'Souza fought the law and the law won!

Comrade shitflinger, was the response of the prosecution consistent with other cases where the same acts occurred?


Has this ever been prosecuted before, or was D'Souza singled out?

Yes, straw donors have been prosecuted and sent to prison before. It actually happens a lot. No, he's not being "singled out", he's playing the persecution card to generate sympathy from gullible supporters such as yourself.
D'Souza, 53, admitted in May to illegally reimbursing two 'straw donors' who donated $10,000 each to the unsuccessful 2012 U.S. Senate campaign in New York of Wendy Long, a Republican he had known since attending Dartmouth College in the early 1980s.

"It was a crazy idea, it was a bad idea," D'Souza told Berman before being sentenced. "I regret breaking the law."

Dinesh D Souza Avoids Prison Time Sentenced To 5 Years Probation

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