Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

It's a waste of time. D'Souza is ineducable.

Should he be killed as and enemy of the party, Comrade?

Execution is a bit extreme. Just lock him up with the Islamic Video Maker.

Uh oh, don't say those words, "Islamic Video"!!!

That is Obama's secret code phrase that tells specified Jihadists they have a green light to rape and kill an Ambassador somewhere in the world!

We'd better not mention those words.
I hope he makes more films , write more books !!

Of course. Being a criminal has never stopped right wingers from gobbling up your horseshit.

Most violent felons support the Dems. that is why far left law professor Pam Karlan of Stanford is spearheading an effort to get Florida felons voting again. When they vote, they vote DEM

Never heard of Pam Karlan, but I have heard of Rand Paul. A likely Republican frontrunner in 2016, who supports restoring voting rights to some felons. I don't disagree with him either.

Aside from that, do you have any proof that felons are more likely to support Democrats? Of course you don't.
Which is how totalitarians always feel about those who dare to disagree.

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Yes, because we cried big boo hoo tears
Prison for McDaniel in campaign theft - Philly.com

And big boo hoo tears here

There may be blurred lines for congressmen to follow when their lives are political. This case did not come near those areas,” said Judge Jackson (no relation). She said to impose no prison time would mean there was one set of rules for the “well-connected and one for everybody else. I cannot do it and I will not do it.
Jesse Jackson Jr. and wife Sandi From power couple to prison inmates - Chicago Sun-Times

And big boo hoo tears here:
Former Legislator Council Member Lands Jail Time for Theft Campaign Spending Violations Hawaii Reporter

but, you know what would be cool?

If we lash out because this guy is special.............

Come on, man.
I hope he makes more films , write more books !!

Of course. Being a criminal has never stopped right wingers from gobbling up your horseshit.

Most violent felons support the Dems. that is why far left law professor Pam Karlan of Stanford is spearheading an effort to get Florida felons voting again. When they vote, they vote DEM

Never heard of Pam Karlan, but I have heard of Rand Paul. A likely Republican frontrunner in 2016, who supports restoring voting rights to some felons. I don't disagree with him either.

Aside from that, do you have any proof that felons are more likely to support Democrats? Of course you don't.

I have some hairy reasoning that may not stand up in court but it stands to reason.

Prisons are full of people with impulse control. Emotionally higher strung. Getting mad. Jumping to conclusions. Being offended by a mere inadvertent slight or by someone's funny attitude. Jealousy. Envy. Inability to delay gratification. Impulsiveness. Selfishness. Petulance.

Prison seems like a bastion of Liberalism.

Conservatives are more deliberate. More rational and reasonable. More cerebral. Slower to anger. More likely to be able to delay gratification. Sensible. More logical. Less animated than Liberals. More in control of their emotions.

They are just LESS likely to get themselves arrested.

Watch any reality show with prison inmates and you will see what I mean.

These big, tough, mean, bad ass guys are frequently harboring the soul of a scared, hurt, little Liberal.

If you don't believe me check out that motorcycle gang reality show on Discovery. Or the FX TV series, Sons of Anarchy.

I find biker gang behavior is really easy to see the Liberal tendencies of the members.

No, I probably WOULDN'T tell them that to their faces.

But it stands to reason.
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I hope he makes more films , write more books !!

Of course. Being a criminal has never stopped right wingers from gobbling up your horseshit.

Most violent felons support the Dems. that is why far left law professor Pam Karlan of Stanford is spearheading an effort to get Florida felons voting again. When they vote, they vote DEM

Never heard of Pam Karlan, but I have heard of Rand Paul. A likely Republican frontrunner in 2016, who supports restoring voting rights to some felons. I don't disagree with him either.

Aside from that, do you have any proof that felons are more likely to support Democrats? Of course you don't.

I have some hairy reasoning that may not stand up in court but it stands to reason.

Prisons are full of people with impulse control. Emotionally higher strung. Getting mad. Jumping to conclusions. Being offended by a mere inadvertent slight or by someone's funny attitude. Jealousy. Envy. Inability to delay gratification. Impulsiveness. Selfishness. Petulance.

Prison seems like a bastion of Liberalism.

Conservatives are more deliberate. More rational and reasonable. More cerebral. Slower to anger. More likely to be able to delay gratification. Sensible. More logical. Less animated than Liberals. More in control of their emotions.

Watch any reality show with prison inmates and you will see what I mean.

If that doesn't work for you, check out that motorcycle gang reality show on Discovery. Or the FX TV series, Sons of Anarchy.

I find biker gang behavior is really easy to see the Liberal tendencies of the members.

No, I probably WOULDN'T tell them that to their faces.

But it stands to reason.

So, what I hear you saying is that you can see the Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers.
I hope he makes more films , write more books !!

Of course. Being a criminal has never stopped right wingers from gobbling up your horseshit.

Most violent felons support the Dems. that is why far left law professor Pam Karlan of Stanford is spearheading an effort to get Florida felons voting again. When they vote, they vote DEM

Never heard of Pam Karlan, but I have heard of Rand Paul. A likely Republican frontrunner in 2016, who supports restoring voting rights to some felons. I don't disagree with him either.

Aside from that, do you have any proof that felons are more likely to support Democrats? Of course you don't.

I have some hairy reasoning that may not stand up in court but it stands to reason.

Prisons are full of people with impulse control. Emotionally higher strung. Getting mad. Jumping to conclusions. Being offended by a mere inadvertent slight or by someone's funny attitude. Jealousy. Envy. Inability to delay gratification. Impulsiveness. Selfishness. Petulance.

Prison seems like a bastion of Liberalism.

Conservatives are more deliberate. More rational and reasonable. More cerebral. Slower to anger. More likely to be able to delay gratification. Sensible. More logical. Less animated than Liberals. More in control of their emotions.

Watch any reality show with prison inmates and you will see what I mean.

If that doesn't work for you, check out that motorcycle gang reality show on Discovery. Or the FX TV series, Sons of Anarchy.

I find biker gang behavior is really easy to see the Liberal tendencies of the members.

No, I probably WOULDN'T tell them that to their faces.

But it stands to reason.

So, what I hear you saying is that you can see the Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers.

That actually wasn't what I was saying. But, I can see how you might be correct in guessing serial killing as being a Conservative's type of crime.

A sicko Conservative, but one who definitely wasn't apt to lose control of his twisted emotions.

EDIT: Say, where'd you come up with that, "Conservative tendencies in...........serial killers" thing?

That's rather insightful and/or quick thinking and/or knowledgeable of you to say.

Or were you just taking a cheap shot with no real thought behind it?
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Conservatives are more deliberate. More rational and reasonable. More cerebral. Slower to anger. More likely to be able to delay gratification. Sensible. More logical. Less animated than Liberals. More in control of their emotions.

That would depend on what type of conservative you are talking about. The social conservative who hates gays because the magical man in the sky told him they are bad? The chicken hawk who parrots that people around the world "hate us for our freedoms?" The tea bagger who thinks Obama is some sort of Manchurian candidate deliberately trying to destroy America? None of those positions are rational or reasonable.
Maybe he can learn some job skills while in prison

I hear they have a good film school
He should be in prison.

As should anyone who criticizes Obama, nyet Comrade?

For wife beating. His sentence is appropriate considering he plead guilty. If he didn't play his victim card, he probably would have gotten off with just probation.

He wasn't on trial for domestic violence, bub.

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Nor was he on trial for criticizing the President, tony.
Liberals would have received fines, Dinesh was singled out for prison time.
Dinesh D’Souza has been sentenced to 8 months in a "Community Confinement Center" (name? perhaps the Obama Center For HopenChange?)...and "therapeutic counseling.

Obama's America: Dissent is a Punishable Offense.

There's also an ugly side story of an aggrieved spouse getting revenge...something that is quite common in the Dems' War On Men.

For the first eight months of his probation term, D’Souza will have to live in a "community confinement center" in San Diego, ordered Judge Richard Berman, who also fined D’Souza $30,000 and directed him to undergo “therapeutic counseling.” D’Souza will also have to perform one day per week of community service during his probation term.

In remarks before announcing D’Souza’s sentence, Berman said that he did not believe the defendant had accepted responsibility for his crime. “I’m not sure, Mr. D’Souza, that you get it,” said Berman, who referred to D’Souza’s claim that he was a victim of selective prosecution...

Conservative Writer Dinesh D Souza Is Spared Prison Time For Campaign Finance Conviction The Smoking Gun

I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!
This thread is funny....typical sky is falling nut job reactions...

Guy pleads guilty. ..so it must be because he is not a dem...and just another reason why you people should be ignored outright in politics by everyone
I suppose you agree with Robert F Kennedy Junior that anybody who speaks against climate change should be put in prison.

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