Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

The DOJ lied to the judge during the sentencing hearing.

Documents Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D Souza - Katie Pavlich

In a reply sentencing memo submitted to the Court on behalf of D'Souza last week, his counsel argues federal prosecutors excluded and misrepresented the facts of “similar” cases in the Government's sentencing proposal to Judge Berman, leaving out crucial facts key to fair and equal sentencing for D’Souza compared to other cases. The prosecution has a duty to present comparable cases and crimes when arguing for a prison sentence. In their presentation of “similar” cases to the Judge for consideration during his deliberation, the prosecution ignored all truly similar cases without prison time but did present cases that included prison time without a full set of facts to justify sentencing.

“The Government, in this case, has chosen to consciously omit from its submission critical facts from most of the cases they cite which make it clear that those cases are substantially distinguishable from the facts in D’Souza’s prosecution,” the memo states.
D’Souza’s counsel provided the court with a chart detailing “the 'limited’ facts from each case that the Government highlights” and then provided the missing facts the Government failed to include in order to avoid undermining their own argument against a prison sentence. With all the facts in place, the Government doesn’t have a case that adds up to a sentence that includes imprisonment

The Holder DOJ LIED?!?!?!

How totally unshocking.

They're all criminals. And that includes the President. D'souza was targeted for his political beliefs. It's shamefully Un-American. It's time to clean house. Holder and numerous henchmen at the IRS need to be arrested and prosecuted. I would include the President as well, but we all know he's been given a free pass on everything for some reason. He's untouchable. But nothing will change until arrests are made.
another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh

Oh, a right-wing blog! Good source.

How does this blogger know that the DOJ investigated D'Souza because of his film? Answer: he doesn't. It's conspiracy theory talk.

D'Souza committed a crime, got caught, and pleaded guilty. Why are you defending his crime? Aren't you a conservative? And aren't you being hypocritical?

He's not really considered a Negro, you know?


EAST Indian.

And he's a U.S. Citizen now.

And he LOVES America.

His first wife is named Dixie for goodness sake!

If he had been trying to get away with something he wouldn't have written a check for more than $10,000 which alerted the authorities. It was a moment of stupidity which he admits and regrets and won't do again after he pays his appropriate debt to society.

WTF more do you want from the guy?

He loves this country and is trying to help us save it.

Shit, get off his back!

What does his race have to do with it, you race-baiter?!

I know D'Souza loves the U.S., but he fucked up. He admitted it. End of story. He does his time and justice is served.

The hypocrisy of some conservatives defending his crime is what I'm pointing out. They blame Obama instead of D'Souza. Aren't conservatives ALL about personal responsibility?

Obama used his IRS henchmen to attack the man merely for his political beliefs. It's shamefully Un-American. Goes against everything our Nation stands for. They're the real criminals.
It's official now. There is no crime that any conservative can commit which the ODSers won't auto-excuse. Their descent into slime-covered partisan corruption is complete.

ODS, it rots both the brain and the soul. Friends don't let friends get sucked into the ODS cult.
another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh

Oh, a right-wing blog! Good source.

How does this blogger know that the DOJ investigated D'Souza because of his film? Answer: he doesn't. It's conspiracy theory talk.

D'Souza committed a crime, got caught, and pleaded guilty. Why are you defending his crime? Aren't you a conservative? And aren't you being hypocritical?

It is a blog by award winning and best selling author and screenwriter, Andrew Klavan.

Logical fallacy: Argument from authority.

It doesn't matter if he is a best-selling writer, he is still speculating without any real evidence.

What is the pattern you identified in this prosecution?

If you haven't then its understandable why you are posting so ignorantly.

The pattern of the Obama regime is to punish those who criticize him in public.

The pattern of case precedents shows NO ONE has been tried (or was that 'convicted') on the exact charges Dinesh was. That means there is NO PATTERN.

The pattern of the defendant. He is a first time offender. His pattern is that of a law abiding, upstanding citizen. Which means he has NO PATTERN of law breaking and little likelihood of recidivism.

The Pattern demonstrated by the execution of the crime. It was sloppy throughout. Haphazard. Spur of the moment. Without pre-meditation. There was no intent to break the law. It was a lapse in judgement.

Hell, Liberals experience that sensation constantly and every day!
Are they about personal responsibility? It appears they are as selective with this as their moral attitude.

another take on it:

Go Get Em, Dinesh!
September 24th, 2014

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture Go Get Em Dinesh

Oh, a right-wing blog! Good source.

How does this blogger know that the DOJ investigated D'Souza because of his film? Answer: he doesn't. It's conspiracy theory talk.

D'Souza committed a crime, got caught, and pleaded guilty. Why are you defending his crime? Aren't you a conservative? And aren't you being hypocritical?

He's not really considered a Negro, you know?


EAST Indian.

And he's a U.S. Citizen now.

And he LOVES America.

His first wife is named Dixie for goodness sake!

If he had been trying to get away with something he wouldn't have written a check for more than $10,000 which alerted the authorities. It was a moment of stupidity which he admits and regrets and won't do again after he pays his appropriate debt to society.

WTF more do you want from the guy?

He loves this country and is trying to help us save it.

Shit, get off his back!

What does his race have to do with it, you race-baiter?!

I know D'Souza loves the U.S., but he fucked up. He admitted it. End of story. He does his time and justice is served.

The hypocrisy of some conservatives defending his crime is what I'm pointing out. They blame Obama instead of D'Souza. Aren't conservatives ALL about personal responsibility?
He's been found guilty of breaking the law. He should feel lucky he isn't going to Federal rape-him-in-the-ass prison.

Does it burrrn you up inside that he's not?

Describe the feeling for us.

Does it feel hotter in your head or in your gut?
“In one instance, it was my husband who physically abused me in April 2012 when he, using his purple belt karate skills, kicked me in the head and shoulder, knocking me to the ground and creating injuries that pain me to this day.”

I guess he's not going to be playing in the NFL either.........

Only a Blind Bastard like you would want poor Dinesh subjected to such violence as is unleashed on the football fields of America!
It's official now. There is no crime that any conservative can commit which the ODSers won't auto-excuse. Their descent into slime-covered partisan corruption is complete.

ODS, it rots both the brain and the soul. Friends don't let friends get sucked into the ODS cult.

Comrade; you do realize this is a "crime" on the level of a speeding ticket, right?

It's not like he set up an extortion racket to harass legal business who do business other legal businesses the administration doesn't like; or felonious acts of the sort.

Now about the extortionist in chief, and his Shock Collar, I'm sure you'll spend pages condemning their criminal acts, I mean, unless you're a fucking hypocrite....
D'souza is a political prisoner. Another new low for the Communist Organizer President. And shame on all Filmmakers and Journalists who haven't stood up for the man. Karma's a bitch.

its a victimless crime that should be scrapped. there should be zero limits on how much money anyone can give to a candidate

Um, right. Because clearly the rich need to totally be able to buy elective offices for themselves.

"The Honorable Senator from Koch Industries has a motion to bring to the floor."
people who pay the most taxes while getting no additional governmental benefits ought to have that ability

and BTW its not like the rich are on one side. Big government assholes are prevalent. They want more government so they can have more power

my side-rich despite the government

your side-rich because of the government

I strongly disagree. It's completely antithetical to the idea of democracy. All citizens are, ideally, equal in the eyes of the state. Now, we don't live in an ideal world, and in the real world, money talks. But we should be working to limit imbalances, not codify them. In my view, one might as well say we should dissolve the Senate, since its equal representation of the states does not reflect the amount of taxes contributed by each polity.
D'souza is a political prisoner. Another new low for the Communist Organizer President. And shame on all Filmmakers and Journalists who haven't stood up for the man. Karma's a bitch.

As they well may learn should an opposition emerge that has learned the lessons of how easy it is to abuse power.

It's very sad most Filmmakers and Journalists have stayed silent on this. It's their profession and freedom under assault. You have to do the honorable thing and put your political ideology aside and fight for what's right. But clearly most haven't done that. They've chose instead to stand with their fellow Communist/Progressive. D'Souza was left to defend all by himself.
It's official now. There is no crime that any conservative can commit which the ODSers won't auto-excuse. Their descent into slime-covered partisan corruption is complete.

ODS, it rots both the brain and the soul. Friends don't let friends get sucked into the ODS cult.

Go Get Em, Dinesh!

September 24th, 2014 - 11:06 am

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture
It's official now. There is no crime that any conservative can commit which the ODSers won't auto-excuse. Their descent into slime-covered partisan corruption is complete.

ODS, it rots both the brain and the soul. Friends don't let friends get sucked into the ODS cult.

Go Get Em, Dinesh!

September 24th, 2014 - 11:06 am

It is not true to say the government of the United States charged Dinesh D’Souza with criticizing the president. It charged him with campaign finance fraud BECAUSE he criticized the president. Dinesh admits he committed the error — a $20,000 mistake deserving of a slap on the wrist and a fine. But this exceedingly creepy administration leapt on the indiscretion and attempted to get D’Souza thrown in the slammer for up to a year a half — all because D’Souza’s hit film, 2016: Obama’s America, insightfully dissected the president’s psychology to find what D’Souza calls The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

Rage is right. A year and a half in prison would have kept D’Souza from making a new film for the next election cycle. Fortunately, however, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman rejected the government’s case and instead gave the filmmaker something like what he deserved: a stern talking to, a fine, eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation. All of which means the man can go on doing what he does: writing intelligent books and making entertaining films about our current politics.

Go get em, Dinesh! And shame on the “mainstream” press who cheered the government on in this vendetta. And shame too on those conservatives who didn’t stand up for the guy in his hour of need, saying, “Well, he did break the law, after all.” That’s crap. D’Souza did wrong, I don’t deny that and neither does he, but the feds came after him like they were crossing the Rhine for what was essentially a moral misdemeanor. If it had happened under a Republican administration to someone like Paul Krugman, whose every word is a moral misdemeanor not to mention a logical felony, the mass media mind would have exploded with indignation. And they’d have been right.

This was disgusting stuff, made right by an honest judge. Good for his honor. And good for D’Souza. And good for us.

Klavan On The Culture

Well said. He's a Political Prisoner. Another new low for the Communist Organizer in Chief.
man this guy is gonna get big bucks from some RW talk show group. LOL

It's not about that. It's about abuse of power. Obama and his IRS henchmen targeted the man for his political beliefs. It's deeply disturbing and Un-American.
He committed a violation of a statute that is malum prohibitum, not malum in se. In other words, the offense was "wrong" because a statute says it is wrong, not because it is wrong in and of itself (I,e., murder, rape, assault, etc...). His violation is more akin to a speeding ticket than one that would reasonably evoke moral outrage. Thus, the government's attempt to get a prison term was outrageous and absurd. Obviously politics are involved. This should be self evident. However, not very much is ever obvious to a leftist, save for the absurd conclusions they draw from their contrived world view. I truly wish that nobody - even liberals - ever has to experience the full frontal assault of a career-minded federal prosecutor with unlimited resources and time on his or her hands. I never have, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy.

You are being hypocritical.

Illegal immigration is the same kind of crime.

I have not said one thing here about immigration. Thus, you lack any evidence whatsoever of hypocrisy on my part. Drawing conclusions without any evidence is a characteristic of a true nut job. Why would you do this? Because you are assuming I am a stereotypical Republican and that my views on this filmmaker are inconsistent with your views of the views held by your perception of a stereotypical Republican? That is an insane clusterfuck of assumptions, conjecture and irrationality.

Do you wear a straight jacket? Are you dangerous? Do you think that when the moon and sun disappear from the sky they are off plotting against you? Do you believe that combustion engines are fueled by the color blue?

Maybe I am being too hard on you. Perhaps you are not suffering from a psychological or emotional impairment. Maybe you are just stupid. Maybe you are so fucking dip-shit dumb that in your estimation there is nothing wrong with accusing me of being a hypocrite on immigration law and politics notwithstanding the fact that I have never espoused my views of the same on this forum.

Were you visited by some divine being that told you my views on immigration? If you were then either that being is stupid or he is misleading you because my views on immigration law and politics are nowhere near what your feeble brain is telling you that they are.

To wrap up, your comment has compelled the completely rational and obvious conclusion that you are one stupid motherfucker. Are you here posting because real human beings flee from your presence lest they be sucked into the vortex of one of your pathetically simplistic and utterly idiotic diatribes about politics? Whatever the case, do the world a favor and go get run over by a bus, fuckhead.

Whoa, dude.

You're right. I did make an assumption about you and I realize that it was incorrect to do so. I apologize. People make mistakes. People often make unwarranted assumptions about others.

But, man are you pissed. What's that all about? It doesn't seem to be on equal response to a simple mistake on a message board.
He committed a violation of a statute that is malum prohibitum, not malum in se. In other words, the offense was "wrong" because a statute says it is wrong, not because it is wrong in and of itself (I,e., murder, rape, assault, etc...). His violation is more akin to a speeding ticket than one that would reasonably evoke moral outrage. Thus, the government's attempt to get a prison term was outrageous and absurd. Obviously politics are involved. This should be self evident. However, not very much is ever obvious to a leftist, save for the absurd conclusions they draw from their contrived world view. I truly wish that nobody - even liberals - ever has to experience the full frontal assault of a career-minded federal prosecutor with unlimited resources and time on his or her hands. I never have, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy.

You are being hypocritical.

Illegal immigration is the same kind of crime.

I have not said one thing here about immigration. Thus, you lack any evidence whatsoever of hypocrisy on my part. Drawing conclusions without any evidence is a characteristic of a true nut job. Why would you do this? Because you are assuming I am a stereotypical Republican and that my views on this filmmaker are inconsistent with your views of the views held by your perception of a stereotypical Republican? That is an insane clusterfuck of assumptions, conjecture and irrationality.

Do you wear a straight jacket? Are you dangerous? Do you think that when the moon and sun disappear from the sky they are off plotting against you? Do you believe that combustion engines are fueled by the color blue?

Maybe I am being too hard on you. Perhaps you are not suffering from a psychological or emotional impairment. Maybe you are just stupid. Maybe you are so fucking dip-shit dumb that in your estimation there is nothing wrong with accusing me of being a hypocrite on immigration law and politics notwithstanding the fact that I have never espoused my views of the same on this forum.

Were you visited by some divine being that told you my views on immigration? If you were then either that being is stupid or he is misleading you because my views on immigration law and politics are nowhere near what your feeble brain is telling you that they are.

To wrap up, your comment has compelled the completely rational and obvious conclusion that you are one stupid motherfucker. Are you here posting because real human beings flee from your presence lest they be sucked into the vortex of one of your pathetically simplistic and utterly idiotic diatribes about politics? Whatever the case, do the world a favor and go get run over by a bus, fuckhead.

Whoa, dude.

You're right. I did make an assumption about you and I realize that it was incorrect to do so. I apologize. People make mistakes. People often make unwarranted assumptions about others.

But, man are you pissed. What's that all about? It doesn't seem to be on equal response to a simple mistake on a message board.
“In one instance, it was my husband who physically abused me in April 2012 when he, using his purple belt karate skills, kicked me in the head and shoulder, knocking me to the ground and creating injuries that pain me to this day.”

I guess he's not going to be playing in the NFL either.........

Only a Blind Bastard like you would want poor Dinesh subjected to such violence as is unleashed on the football fields of America!

He could be a kicker!!!!!!!
He's been found guilty of breaking the law. He should feel lucky he isn't going to Federal rape-him-in-the-ass prison.

Does it burrrn you up inside that he's not?

Describe the feeling for us.

Does it feel hotter in your head or in your gut?

No, it doesn't burn me up inside that he's not in prison. I think the judge demonstrated good judgment in the sentence that he passed down. As I said in an earlier response to one of your posts. I think it was appropriate and in equal balance with the violation of campaign finance law.

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