DiSantis Underreported Covid Data: Audit Finds

May 20 2020
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is defending the firing of the state's top data scientist tracking the coronavirus pandemic. Rebekah Jones was ousted from her position with the Department of Health on Monday. She says she was let go for refusing to manipulate data to support the state's reopening.

When first asked about Jones' dismissal, DeSantis on Monday called it a "nonissue." He said he understood from an email she sent her supervisor that "she was tired and needed a break."

Gullible people believe mini-Trump, no surprise there.
We mentioned this when it happened.

Now the creeps are claiming it wasn't actually DeathSantis that fucked up

It was
During the first months, when everyone was still trying to figure out the reporting protocols.....

This is a breaking story? Really?
This documents that “in the early days “ the crucial ones before Florida got hit hard by COVID, DeathSantis was lying about what was happening

And it got WORSE. He stopped even pretending to care about the deaths from COVID
This documents that “in the early days “ the crucial ones before Florida got hit hard by COVID, DeathSantis was lying about what was happening

And it got WORSE. He stopped even pretending to care about the deaths from COVID

It documents jack shit.

We still argue over what you count as a COVID death, again was the death caused BY COVID or did you die while HAVING COVID?

DeathSantis was lying about Covid from the beginning. I don't want to say I told you so...but yea...I did

And towards the end they just stopped reporting at ALL
Liars like you over-reported it, then goose stepped the entire country into a DemNazi Fascist lockdown of Orwellian proportions over what turned out to be just a bad case of the flu. Then you illegally changed election laws to benefit fraud then stole the election from a President that was running away with a victory and actually increasing his lead right up to 4:00 AM in the morning until you shut down the vote counting in all battle ground states simultaneously and engaged your Fraud Machine to overthrow our Democracy.

So let me ask you, what is it like to work for Satan Inc.? Is Lucifer a good employer? Do you get good benefits like free fire proof underwear or something?
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You need your 4 boosters ...did ya get all 4 ? If not you simply must

Theyre totally safe and effective

View attachment 656070

LOTS of people I know and who friends know who got the vaccine are getting sick and some are dying.
Let's hope Lesh and all of hers got the "proper" vaccines. Johnson and Johnson would be a good one.
Perhaps this will all work out in the long run after all.

DeathSantis was lying about Covid from the beginning. I don't want to say I told you so...but yea...I did

And towards the end they just stopped reporting at ALL
Knew that...

I actually wrote an Email to MSNBC at the time...

The CDC excess deaths for the State were considerably oof the COVID deaths reported...


The initial one in NY is OK, that is back when people knew very little and New York was in full battle mode... IT was after that both states have a few questions to answer but Florida looks far worse...

By the way compare US to Germany..

As you can see because of restrictions during the COVID periods excess mortality in Germany went negative. This was common all over Europe...
It documents jack shit.

We still argue over what you count as a COVID death, again was the death caused BY COVID or did you die while HAVING COVID?
Explain the excess deaths?

Explain why so many people were dying more than normal... And since these strange deaths were occurring, what was De Santis doing about this mystery which was killing thousands of people a day in his state?
Explain the excess deaths?

Explain why so many people were dying more than normal... And since these strange deaths were occurring, what was De Santis doing about this mystery which was killing thousands of people a day in his state?

Thousands a day?

Florida Coronavirus Deaths Per Day

Once you start getting into the whole "Excess deaths" thing you are getting into statistics that can be manipulated or can be just plain wrong.
So you freak out because they didnt know how to handle this AT FIRST but probably dont give 2 shits how everyone was OVERreporting cases.
Know whats worse than the covid pandemic? The partisan pandemic.
You tell us Elmer Gantry
Why did your go all 1984 on America Big Brother? Did Daddy Satan tell you to do it when you heard his voice in your head?
Did Uncle Lucifer tell you to get the jab and 5 boosters?
Did he tell you to cower in your basement because The Covid Boogey Man was going to get you?
Has it affected your mental clarity and judgment?
The Evidence seems to indicate that it has.

Dead is dead.

What gets manipulated is the cause of death

Excess deaths is a statistical calculation, not a hard number.

The only hard number is death certificates.

Unless you want to accuse DeSantis of hiding bodies.......

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