Discrimination: 2,098 Syrian Muslim Refugees Allowed Into America, Only 53 Christians


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Normally, the left is all about numbers and things being equal. If it were 2,098 whites being taken in and only 53 blacks, the left would quickly cry fowl. Yet, even though Christians are being murdered in high numbers in Muslim countries and being discriminated against by the U.N., not a single complaint from the left. The refugee crisis is quite possibly a Trojan Horse. Many who have arrived here cannot be accounted for. No one is able to check their backgrounds. It is something to be concerned about. And with so many Christians being in danger, no one is taking steps to get them out of harm's way.

It doesn't seem to be any secret that the U.N. doesn't favor Christians and many are afraid to go there for help. Yet, we allow the U.N. to decide who will come here as refugees and it is mostly Muslims despite the fact that non-Muslims are in far greater danger in Syria and other Muslim countries.

The FBI has stated that they are investigating ISIS members in every state. Why then would be make sure that the refugees go to every state and allow any terrorists among them to easily hook up with the established threats? Why not keep them in one locale where they can be monitored more easily?

"Despite President Obama’s sanctimonious proclamation Monday that America does not have a religious test when it comes to admitting refugees into America, the actual math appears to show the complete opposite is true. According to CNSNews.com, who looked at the data, only 53 Syrian Christian refugees have been allowed into America, compared to 2,098 Syrian Muslims.

While everyone of every faith is suffering in a Syrian civil war that has been further complicated by the successful creation of an Islamic State throughout much of the country, there is no questions that Syrian Christians have been singled out for the worst kind of persecution under ISIS, including mass beheadings that do not discriminate against innocent women and even small children.

Nevertheless, despite this widely publicized bloodbath, since 2011, only 53 Christians have been offered refuge in the United States. It should come as no surprise that the problem here is the United Nations and our own government’s willingness to allow that corrupt organization to control the American refugee application process.


Critics say this is because the federal government relies on the United Nations in the refugee application process – and since Syrian Christians are often afraid to register with the U.N., they and other non-Muslims in invariably left out.

Fleeing persecution at the hands of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, Syrian Christians generally avoid U.N. refugee camps because they are targeted there too.

Most refugees considered for resettlement in the U.S. are referred by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)."


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