Discussing politics with people who don't share your views........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.
Good stuff, thank you.

The value of this stuff is for observation. You may be able to stumble into an interesting or stimulating conversation by accident now and then, but expecting them is pointless.

Much easier in the real world.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

I see. So you're saying you don't call people racists all the time in real life like you do on message boards?
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.

The problem with compromising with you is that every compromise that I give you limits my freedom while every compromise you give me expands yours
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

I see. So you're saying you don't call people racists all the time in real life like you do on message boards?

I only call people racist when I see them exhibit racist behavior. And yeah, I will bitch every time I see it happen.

In late '82, I was stationed in Meridian MS for PN "A" school for the Navy. And, one of my best friends was a dude named LA who was as black as they come. Well, we alternated weekends. One weekend we'd go to a disco club that he found and liked, the next, we'd go to a rock and roll joint that I liked. Well, one weekend, we went to a place called Pott's Place that had kick ass rock and roll bands, and because we were still students, we had to wear our uniforms out on liberty. We got there, and I walked in, but the bouncer (who had an axe handle), said that LA couldn't get in, because they didn't serve "coloreds" in that bar. I told him that we were both in the Navy, and were defending his country, but he refused and said that the "n-gger" couldn't come in. I told him he was a racist asshole and I would never stop there again, as well as was going to let the base MWR know about his racist policies.

If you act in a manner that is considered racist, I will call you one.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.

The problem with compromising with you is that every compromise that I give you limits my freedom while every compromise you give me expands yours

How does me giving you a compromise expand my freedom? I think you might wanna go back and check your post, it doesn't really make any sense.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

I see. So you're saying you don't call people racists all the time in real life like you do on message boards?

I only call people racist when I see them exhibit racist behavior. And yeah, I will bitch every time I see it happen.

In late '82, I was stationed in Meridian MS for PN "A" school for the Navy. And, one of my best friends was a dude named LA who was as black as they come. Well, we alternated weekends. One weekend we'd go to a disco club that he found and liked, the next, we'd go to a rock and roll joint that I liked. Well, one weekend, we went to a place called Pott's Place that had kick ass rock and roll bands, and because we were still students, we had to wear our uniforms out on liberty. We got there, and I walked in, but the bouncer (who had an axe handle), said that LA couldn't get in, because they didn't serve "coloreds" in that bar. I told him that we were both in the Navy, and were defending his country, but he refused and said that the "n-gger" couldn't come in. I told him he was a racist asshole and I would never stop there again, as well as was going to let the base MWR know about his racist policies.

If you act in a manner that is considered racist, I will call you one.

You'll also call people racists for having different political views than you do, you do it all the time. When you say things like "the black President," don't pretend you don't know what that means, lying sack of shit
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.
It doesn't make any difference if you try face to face discussions. When faced with sonething they can't answer, the liberal starts chanting. The more you try to get an answer, the louder the chant.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.

The problem with compromising with you is that every compromise that I give you limits my freedom while every compromise you give me expands yours

How does me giving you a compromise expand my freedom? I think you might wanna go back and check your post, it doesn't really make any sense.

I'm a libertarian, brainiac. You're an authoritarian leftist. What I said makes makes perfect sense. We have WAY too much government now, and you just want more
I have told both neo-Cons and Liberals why I disagree vehemently with them.
Neo-Cons will discuss.
Liberals go insane...eyes bug out, head does an Exorcist 360, shortness of breathe and then they storm away.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.

The problem with compromising with you is that every compromise that I give you limits my freedom while every compromise you give me expands yours

How does me giving you a compromise expand my freedom? I think you might wanna go back and check your post, it doesn't really make any sense.

I'm a libertarian, brainiac. You're an authoritarian leftist. What I said makes makes perfect sense. We have WAY too much government now, and you just want more

What you said makes zero sense. If I compromise with you, that gives up some of MY freedoms, just like you claimed that if you compromise with me, you give up some of your freedoms.

Where have I ever said that I want more government? I never have. All you have is the vision of me that your partisan views have created. Yes, I served over 20 years in the Navy, but that hardly makes me a big government supporter. In some cases, I think there is a lot of trimming that could be done. Seen quite a bit of waste when I was serving in the military.

As far as my political views? You know nothing about me. In some ways, I'm liberal, and in other ways, I'm pretty conservative. But, keep up with venting your spleen on me if that is what keeps you from kicking your dog at night.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

The left "debates" on emotion. The right on logic
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it

What about the Trump tow truck driver that left a disabled Bernie supporter stranded, just because she had a bumper sticker on her car?

Pro-Trump tow truck driver leaves disabled Sanders supporter stranded

On Monday, a Donald Trump-supporting tow truck driver outside Asheville, North Carolina, responded to a call from a driver with disabilities.

When the tow truck driver saw the stranded motorist’s Bernie Sanders sticker, Fox Carolina reported, he aborted the pick-up and left her on the side of the highway.

According to Fox Carolina: “Kenneth Shupe said he was called to pick up a woman stranded on I-26 in Asheville on Monday.

“When he saw ‘a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff’, he said he told the woman ‘very politely’ that he couldn’t tow her car because she was ‘obviously a socialist’.

Shupe “advised her to ‘call the government’ for a tow”, the report said, adding: “Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist-minded person I have not gotten paid … every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with an ‘e’ not a ‘u’.’”
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it
Of course I'm biased. I'm not a big fan of wingers on either end.

You asked, I answered. Too bad.
I have told both neo-Cons and Liberals why I disagree vehemently with them.
Neo-Cons will discuss.
Liberals go insane...eyes bug out, head does an Exorcist 360, shortness of breathe and then they storm away.

Well put. I never discuss politics with people until I know them. When people bring it up to me, I say something neutral. Trump supporters will usually realize I don't want to talk about politics and drop it. Leftists will keep pushing it
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it

What about the Trump tow truck driver that left a disabled Bernie supporter stranded, just because she had a bumper sticker on her car?

Pro-Trump tow truck driver leaves disabled Sanders supporter stranded

On Monday, a Donald Trump-supporting tow truck driver outside Asheville, North Carolina, responded to a call from a driver with disabilities.

When the tow truck driver saw the stranded motorist’s Bernie Sanders sticker, Fox Carolina reported, he aborted the pick-up and left her on the side of the highway.

According to Fox Carolina: “Kenneth Shupe said he was called to pick up a woman stranded on I-26 in Asheville on Monday.

“When he saw ‘a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff’, he said he told the woman ‘very politely’ that he couldn’t tow her car because she was ‘obviously a socialist’.

Shupe “advised her to ‘call the government’ for a tow”, the report said, adding: “Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist-minded person I have not gotten paid … every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with an ‘e’ not a ‘u’.’”

I gave you examples of thousands of people. You gave me one person

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