Discussion: is Fascism a left or right wing government type?

Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Fascism was a term coined by mussolini....he did not hate the Jews and he wasn't particularly racist....the German socialists had a cultural problem with other races and the Jews.....it had nothing to do with fascism itself, which is just an economic model of socialism.

Yes....more government = left wing, less government = Right wing....here in the U.S....in Europe, you really only have left and far left
Too bad for your argument that the right absolutely loves the main instrument of fascistic control, the police. When you say smaller government you are not talking about less cops, less laws, less prisons and a more permissive society are you? Of course not. Haven't seen a right winger yet that thought we had enough cops or didn't think they should be more brutal with the rabble. There's your fascism right there.

No moron....socialism is when the government controls the means of production....that is what fascism is......the control of the cops is more likely in left wing, socialist states...look around the world, moron....
No, brainwashed functional moron, socialism is when the "gov't owns or REGULATES the means of production". Your theory and your spam are brand new, for dupes only, total GOP propaganda CRAP. Poor America...Even Fox won't try that crap.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Fascism was a term coined by mussolini....he did not hate the Jews and he wasn't particularly racist....the German socialists had a cultural problem with other races and the Jews.....it had nothing to do with fascism itself, which is just an economic model of socialism.

Yes....more government = left wing, less government = Right wing....here in the U.S....in Europe, you really only have left and far left
Where the heck do you people get this brand new bs theory? "Liberal Fascism"? Talk Radio? Seriously...It's GOP propaganda anyway, dupes. GOP is small government Family values my butt.

No...from actual economists who study it...moron. Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises....both understood that fascism was just another type of socialism....
Before WWII idiocy.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Fascism was a term coined by mussolini....he did not hate the Jews and he wasn't particularly racist....the German socialists had a cultural problem with other races and the Jews.....it had nothing to do with fascism itself, which is just an economic model of socialism.

Yes....more government = left wing, less government = Right wing....here in the U.S....in Europe, you really only have left and far left
Where the heck do you people get this brand new bs theory? "Liberal Fascism"? Talk Radio? Seriously...It's GOP propaganda anyway, dupes. GOP is small government Family values my butt.

No...from actual economists who study it...moron. Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises....both understood that fascism was just another type of socialism....
Before WWII idiocy.

They were in Germany when the socialists were coming to power, moron. They also understand economic systems....
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Fascism was a term coined by mussolini....he did not hate the Jews and he wasn't particularly racist....the German socialists had a cultural problem with other races and the Jews.....it had nothing to do with fascism itself, which is just an economic model of socialism.

Yes....more government = left wing, less government = Right wing....here in the U.S....in Europe, you really only have left and far left
Too bad for your argument that the right absolutely loves the main instrument of fascistic control, the police. When you say smaller government you are not talking about less cops, less laws, less prisons and a more permissive society are you? Of course not. Haven't seen a right winger yet that thought we had enough cops or didn't think they should be more brutal with the rabble. There's your fascism right there.

No moron....socialism is when the government controls the means of production....that is what fascism is......the control of the cops is more likely in left wing, socialist states...look around the world, moron....
I have spent my life looking around the world, fascism is the brutal leading the fearful. There is no need to stretch things around and split hairs. Look for the brutality and fear in your thoughts and words, there lie the seeds of fascism, not in some ideology or economic system.
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.

And if you think communism is any better or different and the results are not the same? Ask the people that lived through it in the Old U.S.S.R or Pol Pot's rule in Cambodia, Mao Tse-Tung in China and even the current Chinese communist government and of course North Korea. I wouldn't tolerate either Statist type of totalitarian without fighting it.......and you?
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Whatever, the entirely non-partisan point I was trying to make is that fascism is not right or left but a thing of the brutal leading the fearful. How much fear is in your politics? How brutal do you want the police to be in preserving order? How confident are you in the masses to determine what is right for them? These questions define a person as a fascist or not far more than simple political affiliation.

I have no faith in the current situation as it pertains to the "police powers" of the state. The police are last on the list of those I would seek for help. The SCOTUS has already ruled that their job is not to protect the average American citizen.....look it up if you don't believe me.
The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Whatever, the entirely non-partisan point I was trying to make is that fascism is not right or left but a thing of the brutal leading the fearful. How much fear is in your politics? How brutal do you want the police to be in preserving order? How confident are you in the masses to determine what is right for them? These questions define a person as a fascist or not far more than simple political affiliation.
So can anyone speak at a college without violence or the admin shutting them down? Can a president be elected without people burning businesses? Can you disagree with the left and not be racist?

Take your soft nonpartisan bullshit and shove it up your ass. You fucking people brought us to this point.
Drop the shit for two minutes and have an actual conversation on the subject, is that so difficult? Everyone flings the F word all around so much until it has become meaningless or somehow synonymous with anarchy which is actually the polar opposite of fascism. Nothing you used as an example is fascism. The first is the weird politics of educational institutions that very often defy logic because they are run by committee, the second is anarchy and the third is the first amendment which protects your right to say anything you want but does not protect you from anyone else's freedom of speech if they think you are being an asshole.

Allow me to chime in...anyone can disagree with what I or anyone else can say in a public setting but their right to express it ends before physical violence begins.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

"Pretty sure?" You graduated high school, right? Yes, shortbus, fascism is purely the domain of the right wing. Is it perhaps time for you to enroll in some crash courses at your local community college so we can get you up to speed? Jesus Christ. Scary stuff.
"Pretty sure?" You graduated high school, right? Yes, shortbus, fascism is purely the domain of the right wing. Is it perhaps time for you to enroll in some crash courses at your local community college so we can get you up to speed? Jesus Christ. Scary stuff.

This hurts my feelings. Why are you so angry?
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

In general it's on the side of right. HOWEVER, they're just terms having nothing to do with actions. In other words, it would be invalid to suggest you don't lean fascist, simply because you and/or political base labels themselves left, progressive, liberal etc. In my mind today's left leans far more fascist than the right.

It's the same thing as liberals suggesting the right aren't "liberal". You know, like the Republicans freeing the slaves. Last I checked, only a Democrat POUS has held the innocent in captivity since. That would be FDR.

Meanwhile SYTFE says "strictly the domain of the right wing". Good one SYTFE. Read above again if you need to. You are mistaken.
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"Pretty sure?" You graduated high school, right? Yes, shortbus, fascism is purely the domain of the right wing. Is it perhaps time for you to enroll in some crash courses at your local community college so we can get you up to speed? Jesus Christ. Scary stuff.

This hurts my feelings. Why are you so angry?

Your question was so fucking basic, so elementary that it sounded like you were trolling.
Thousandth thread on this.

Both ends will claim that Fascism belongs to the other, and the memories of millions who suffered will once again be peed on.

And, here we go.

Right, but isn't that ridiculous? It seems kinda clear which end it manifested in. It was in opposition of Marxism and liberalism.
Except the policies Hitler put in place were Marxist... naturally, you never bothered to do any research, so you don't know this.

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