Discussion: is Fascism a left or right wing government type?

Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a political scholar, they will tell you that fascism is a far right type of government. If you ask those who write political definitions, they will tell you the same thing.

If you ask a far right conservative, they will tell you fascism is a liberal ideology.

It's really too bad that people don't understand the meanings of what terms actually mean any more.

Nazis were right wing Socialists, while they were indeed Socialists some simple research on the German Labour Front, or Council of Trust proves they were Socialists.
The Nazis on the other hand supported a massive hierarchy, especially when it came to race, which hierarchy by definition can't be Liberal, nor Left wing.
Furthermore in general the Nazis were very socially Conservative, having a very strict society which enforced social Conservative values.
Had some socialist policies to produce jobs, but were not democrats and were huge capitalists (they cut union power. Their war economy from the start was not plausible over a long period, as it was dependent on loans and confiscation of jewish assets.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a political scholar, they will tell you that fascism is a far right type of government. If you ask those who write political definitions, they will tell you the same thing.

If you ask a far right conservative, they will tell you fascism is a liberal ideology.

It's really too bad that people don't understand the meanings of what terms actually mean any more.

Nazis were right wing Socialists, while they were indeed Socialists some simple research on the German Labour Front, or Council of Trust proves they were Socialists.
The Nazis on the other hand supported a massive hierarchy, especially when it came to race, which hierarchy by definition can't be Liberal, nor Left wing.
Furthermore in general the Nazis were very socially Conservative, having a very strict society which enforced social Conservative values.
Had some socialist policies to produce jobs, but were not democrats and were huge capitalists (they cut union power. Their war economy from the start was not plausible over a long period, as it was dependent on loans and confiscation of jewish assets.

It's a myth that Nazi Germany cut Union power, they created one giant Socialist Union called the German Lavour Front.
Only a pop-culture educated fool would equate "right wing fascism in 20th century Europe" with the 21st century American right side of the political equation. Why does it come as a surprise to the crazy left that President Trump was a successful independent capitalist (the opposite of fascist) giant while the former president had "dreams of my father" but his father was a socialist African nationalist who hated capitalistic America. Fascism is "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" . Which U.S. 21st century political party fancies government control?
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Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?
Socialism and communism are one in the same it just happens Communism is the evolution of socialism you stupid motherfucker.
Fascism is RW, no matter what stupid, ignorant "Liberal Fascism" and the dupes say. That stupid Brainwashed idea started very recently. A disgrace. Only in America with our bought off GOP idiot media...
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a political scholar, they will tell you that fascism is a far right type of government. If you ask those who write political definitions, they will tell you the same thing.

If you ask a far right conservative, they will tell you fascism is a liberal ideology.

It's really too bad that people don't understand the meanings of what terms actually mean any more.

Nazis were right wing Socialists, while they were indeed Socialists some simple research on the German Labour Front, or Council of Trust proves they were Socialists.
The Nazis on the other hand supported a massive hierarchy, especially when it came to race, which hierarchy by definition can't be Liberal, nor Left wing.
Furthermore in general the Nazis were very socially Conservative, having a very strict society which enforced social Conservative values.
Had some socialist policies to produce jobs, but were not democrats and were huge capitalists (they cut union power. Their war economy from the start was not plausible over a long period, as it was dependent on loans and confiscation of jewish assets.

Wrong, it was dependent on the financing of rich oligarchs and monarchs from Europe and the Western bankers on Wall Street and industrialists like Ford, IBM, the Harriman family and DuPont families. They made a killing off of slave labor and the stealing of natural resources from the countries Hitler invaded using said slave labor. It ended, and the technology of the Nazis and all the experiment results were shifted to USA.INC under Operation Paperclip where the Nazis had their backgrounds scrubbed via the Vatican ratlines. The Third Reich didn't lose the war because the Third Reich was here in America all along...they simply relocated.
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

ALL collectivist government systems are left wing. Communist, fascist, socialist, they are all the same house, just a different color. Right wing is NO government. So simple a child could understand it.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

ALL collectivist government systems are left wing. Communist, fascist, socialist, they are all the same house, just a different color. Right wing is NO government. So simple a child could understand it.

Folks, we have a winner! Nicely stated, Westwall....you summed it up better than I attempted to do.......
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
Fascism is RW, no matter what stupid, ignorant "Liberal Fascism" and the dupes say. That stupid Brainwashed idea started very recently. A disgrace. Only in America with our bought off GOP idiot media...
Explain how everything you on the left want to force people to do is anything less than fascism. For a bonus point explain how letting people live without government force on the right the same thing.
Fascism is totalitarian duh... Since your 2nd sentence is gibberish, what do we want again? A health system?
Yes you want government force. That is totalitarianism and fascism.
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Whatever, the entirely non-partisan point I was trying to make is that fascism is not right or left but a thing of the brutal leading the fearful. How much fear is in your politics? How brutal do you want the police to be in preserving order? How confident are you in the masses to determine what is right for them? These questions define a person as a fascist or not far more than simple political affiliation.
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Whatever, the entirely non-partisan point I was trying to make is that fascism is not right or left but a thing of the brutal leading the fearful. How much fear is in your politics? How brutal do you want the police to be in preserving order? How confident are you in the masses to determine what is right for them? These questions define a person as a fascist or not far more than simple political affiliation.
So can anyone speak at a college without violence or the admin shutting them down? Can a president be elected without people burning businesses? Can you disagree with the left and not be racist?

Take your soft nonpartisan bullshit and shove it up your ass. You fucking people brought us to this point.
It's no wonder why so many Americans don't grasp what Fascism is.....Nationalism which is central to Fascism is a foreign concept in the U.S.

A Nationalist government cares about nation first.

This is certainly not true with Liberals, nor Conservatives in the U.S.

Liberals care most about equality.

Conservatives care most about freedom.

Neither side really puts the nation first.
Conservatives care about "freedom"????? Wrong. They care most about suppression.
Fascism sometimes defies categorization because it simply does what affords the state the most control over the populace be it capitalistic or socialistic. I think it's most distinguishing characteristics are extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, extreme propaganda and a cult of personality around the leader to rule it all.

The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Whatever, the entirely non-partisan point I was trying to make is that fascism is not right or left but a thing of the brutal leading the fearful. How much fear is in your politics? How brutal do you want the police to be in preserving order? How confident are you in the masses to determine what is right for them? These questions define a person as a fascist or not far more than simple political affiliation.
So can anyone speak at a college without violence or the admin shutting them down? Can a president be elected without people burning businesses? Can you disagree with the left and not be racist?

Take your soft nonpartisan bullshit and shove it up your ass. You fucking people brought us to this point.
Drop the shit for two minutes and have an actual conversation on the subject, is that so difficult? Everyone flings the F word all around so much until it has become meaningless or somehow synonymous with anarchy which is actually the polar opposite of fascism. Nothing you used as an example is fascism. The first is the weird politics of educational institutions that very often defy logic because they are run by committee, the second is anarchy and the third is the first amendment which protects your right to say anything you want but does not protect you from anyone else's freedom of speech if they think you are being an asshole.
Now, I've always been pretty sure that Fascism was a right wing government type. Hitler hated the Jews in large part because they were Marxist, no? It directly opposes liberalism in the way it seeks to run government. Some people on the right seem to think that the authoritarian element that gives the government a lot of power under Fascism automatically makes it a leftist ideology. Is that how it works? Big government automatically means it belongs to the left? Or is it possible that not all right wing ideology calls for tiny government?

Depends on who you ask. If you ask a political scholar, they will tell you that fascism is a far right type of government. If you ask those who write political definitions, they will tell you the same thing.

If you ask a far right conservative, they will tell you fascism is a liberal ideology.

It's really too bad that people don't understand the meanings of what terms actually mean any more.

Nazis were right wing Socialists, while they were indeed Socialists some simple research on the German Labour Front, or Council of Trust proves they were Socialists.
The Nazis on the other hand supported a massive hierarchy, especially when it came to race, which hierarchy by definition can't be Liberal, nor Left wing.
Furthermore in general the Nazis were very socially Conservative, having a very strict society which enforced social Conservative values.
Had some socialist policies to produce jobs, but were not democrats and were huge capitalists (they cut union power. Their war economy from the start was not plausible over a long period, as it was dependent on loans and confiscation of jewish assets.

It's a myth that Nazi Germany cut Union power, they created one giant Socialist Union called the German Lavour Front.
Who were also scared shitless of and dominated by the Nazis.
The same can be said for communism because at the end of the day the "State" runs it all and the people are under totalitarian rule under a police state.
State fascism uses political dogma as a means of control, what that dogma happens to be is unimportant. It's all about having a kind of brutal law and order to make the masses be productive and compliant in spite of there being no means of social and economic mobility or voice in government. Authoritarianism knows no political bounds, all it takes is a populace that can be scared into submission. It's no accident that the Nazis were often called gangsters because Fascism resembles an organized crime operation more than anything else.
And that doesn't sound like the democrats at all.
Whatever, the entirely non-partisan point I was trying to make is that fascism is not right or left but a thing of the brutal leading the fearful. How much fear is in your politics? How brutal do you want the police to be in preserving order? How confident are you in the masses to determine what is right for them? These questions define a person as a fascist or not far more than simple political affiliation.
So can anyone speak at a college without violence or the admin shutting them down? Can a president be elected without people burning businesses? Can you disagree with the left and not be racist?

Take your soft nonpartisan bullshit and shove it up your ass. You fucking people brought us to this point.
Drop the shit for two minutes and have an actual conversation on the subject, is that so difficult? Everyone flings the F word all around so much until it has become meaningless or somehow synonymous with anarchy which is actually the polar opposite of fascism. Nothing you used as an example is fascism. The first is the weird politics of educational institutions that very often defy logic because they are run by committee, the second is anarchy and the third is the first amendment which protects your right to say anything you want but does not protect you from anyone else's freedom of speech if they think you are being an asshole.
Drop the shit while you open your asshole wide? Here's a word, fuck off.

What people or ideas are allowed to speak at a college? Let's start there and see if you can handle the reality of college in 2017.

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