Diseases like Mumps etc crossing the border with illegals. Nothing to worry about....??

Maybe you need to grow a brain.

You and Rustic are two of the people who should Never ever question anyone else's intelligence.
Why Influenza Vaccine Mandates are Ineffective - Diseases and Vaccines - NVIC
An anti-vax site! Surprise, surprise!!
You can take all the vaccines you want, I don’t give two shits.... there is no reason to force people that want nothing to do with vaccines into taking them and will not benefit from them.
The fearful, denying science, are blaming the mumps on immigrants rather than their own ignorance in refusing vaccinations.

Specious logicians want to govern this nation.
Keep your statism to yourselves...
Which goes to show what happens in places where they don't or can't vaccinate.

Vaccines don’t work

Wow, by far this ^^^ is the stupidest comment ever posted on the USMB.
Says Someone who says vaccines are a cure-all
They prevent diseases, not cure them.
Millions of people don’t have vaccines and do just fine
You mean like that boy who almost died from tetanus because he wasn't vaccinated against it? If an adult man gets the mumps they usually drop to his testicles and I think that pain would have made him wish he had been vaccinated.

Remember a couple years ago with that so called "mystery flu" that killed a children here?

Which goes to show what happens in places where they don't or can't vaccinate.

Vaccines don’t work

Wow, by far this ^^^ is the stupidest comment ever posted on the USMB.

Says Someone who says vaccines are a cure-all

They are preventative, not a panacea. Of course someone as dumb as you appear to be, you haven't looked into the history of medical interventions which have prevented both pandemics and epidemics.

Is that true? Watch the whole thing.

I have been taking cod liver oil for about 6 years. Have not had a flu vaccine during that time. Nutritionist advised me after I did get a flu vaccine in 2009 and had to be hospitalized for a severe case of the flu about 2 weeks after I got that vaccine.

Not saying this is for you. I have been taking it for some time. I do take the Rosita cod liver oil shipped from Norway.

Rosita Extra-Virgin Cod Liver Oil

Not the cheapest. It is not pill form. About 30 teaspoons, one a day. It is fishy, for those that don't like that.

Since taking it, my numbers across the board have been very good. Liver numbers etc. Cholesterol came way down.....and I have not been sick.

Hope I didn't jinx myself there. :cranky:

Anyway, if you don't vaccine (i will never do it for the flu again) I would recommend strong regiment of vitamin D and A. Got to be careful with Vitamin A. Taking too much can be dangerous.

Remember a couple years ago with that so called "mystery flu" that killed a children here?

Which goes to show what happens in places where they don't or can't vaccinate.

Vaccines don’t work

That depends on what the vaccine is intended to do, doesn't it? By reintroducing these terrible diseases, big pharma can persuade their solely owned subsidiary, big government, to coerce the public into quietly accepting whatever-the-hell is pumped through those hypodermics. "Trust me, I'm from the government."

Remember a couple years ago with that so called "mystery flu" that killed a children here?

Which goes to show what happens in places where they don't or can't vaccinate.

Also goes to show what happens when illegal invaders are not properly vetted at the border and turned away if they are found sick, or otherwise unsuitable.
Vaccines don’t work

Wow, by far this ^^^ is the stupidest comment ever posted on the USMB.
Says Someone who says vaccines are a cure-all
They prevent diseases, not cure them.
Millions of people don’t have vaccines and do just fine
You mean like that boy who almost died from tetanus because he wasn't vaccinated against it? If an adult man gets the mumps they usually drop to his testicles and I think that pain would have made him wish he had been vaccinated.
Shit happens, There’s no guarantee the vaccination would’ve worked at all.

Remember a couple years ago with that so called "mystery flu" that killed a children here?

Which goes to show what happens in places where they don't or can't vaccinate.

Vaccines don’t work

Wow, by far this ^^^ is the stupidest comment ever posted on the USMB.

Says Someone who says vaccines are a cure-all

They are preventative, not a panacea. Of course someone as dumb as you appear to be, you haven't looked into the history of medical interventions which have prevented both pandemics and epidemics.


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