Disgusting Case of Rape and Murder

How ironic that you're focusing solely on race. To me it's merely one minor trait differentiating between the useless, hyper-sexual, sadistic black trash and their victims. :lol:

leave out the word black in your description of these pieces of garbage and I might believe that you aren't focusing on race....
leave out the word black in your description of these pieces of garbage and I might believe that you aren't focusing on race....
Like I give two shits when a liberal plays the race card, or that race wasn't in their motive. :cuckoo:
They are black. Can't change facts.

yes, but they didn't commit the crime BECAUSE they are black...they did it because they are pieces of utter and complete SHIT! The color of their skin is irrelevant to that FACT.
The color of their skin is irrelevant to that FACT.

Glad to see you're on their side and actually trying to defend these subhumans. Whatever floats your boat.

Bottom line is race is indeed relevant to this story. If they were white and the victims were black it would have been the headline of every newspaper and on every news broadcast.

But keep on defending them. Hey, maybe you can send them a check for their defense.
you do know we do next day sales at 8 pm at the cages?
No I didn't. I knew that they sold them at Ski Country the night before- I was thinking that they started around 6.

They need to sell multi-day passes at discount. Why not sell a book of ten that never expire like Disney does? That would bring in a lot of money right then and there, and people would plan their vacations ahead of time and come back.
Whoah, put the race card down and slowly back away.

Who the fuck said anything about it being more disgusting because they were black? It's disgusting what they did to these two innocent people. Savages.


liberals cannot converse without playing the race card and or the victim card.
I have one simple question for all. Why is this not being prosecuted as a hate crime? Why don't hate crime qualifications apply here?

Oh my, and the answer is... ONly white people can be rascist. Black people are NEVER EVER rascist, therefore no hate crime.
Glad to see you're on their side and actually trying to defend these subhumans. Whatever floats your boat.

Bottom line is race is indeed relevant to this story. If they were white and the victims were black it would have been the headline of every newspaper and on every news broadcast.

But keep on defending them. Hey, maybe you can send them a check for their defense.

Keep telling yourself that fucko...

and when have I defended them? I said they should be taken out and have done to them EXACTLY what they did to these two victims. You see what you want to see through you hate fogged glasses.

I don't think their race has anything to do with the fact that they are pieces of shit. If they were white and did this, they'd still be pieces of shit.

You think they are BIGGER pieces of shit BECAUSE they are black... to me their race is irrelevant to the crime they committed, just as the race of the victims is irrelevant... unless it is proven that this was a crime specifically aimed at these two victims because they were white then it's not a hate crime. Not in the definition of the law. It's a hate crime insomuch as these shitbags obviously hate human life in general.
No I didn't. I knew that they sold them at Ski Country the night before- I was thinking that they started around 6.

They need to sell multi-day passes at discount. Why not sell a book of ten that never expire like Disney does? That would bring in a lot of money right then and there, and people would plan their vacations ahead of time and come back.

you have the winter value package...but you have to be staying at the project sellling them....

why we dont have multi day passes...welll let me explain that to you Sir,
(puts on ghetto hoodie heads for cages) the weather is so changeable, we do not sell multi day passes....how would you like to have a 5 day pass and it starts raining...remember no refunds...plus as hard as this is to believe...forgeries...you know we have a daily code word...on tickets..you would be amazed the scams they try to run on us. Last year, I saw a forged ticket that I would not have been able to tell it was forged by looking at it...it was so well done...how the lift nazi on the yellow caught it I will never known...you had to touch it before you knew it was forged.

the converstation we had....you got caught in the delay between the rental cages which cannot sell till 8 am...and the fact that the outer cages are pretty much able to start as soon as they are set up. normally someone is selling by 7:35 am or so. Now if a poster were nicer to me....and didnt call me rude...i might tell him the easiest way to get tickets and the fastest....

lol....but then again...i might not

yes next day tickets are on sale at 8 pm either in the outer cages or the rental department. do you mean ski country condos or the ski country sports...i am thinking its the ski country sports.

are you coming to octoberfest (next weekend) or land of oz (this weekend) ....and why do i have the feeling gunny is reading over our shoulder....mumbling ..take it to pms lol
yes, but they didn't commit the crime BECAUSE they are black...they did it because they are pieces of utter and complete SHIT! The color of their skin is irrelevant to that FACT.

Explain that to Jesse and AL the next time they foment riots and unrest because some WHITE person killed a Black person.
....... to me their race is irrelevant to the crime they committed, just as the race of the victims is irrelevant......
Keep telling yourself that, but the perps hate was almost undoubtedly due to race. You had 5 black perps and two white victims.
yes, but they didn't commit the crime BECAUSE they are black...they did it because they are pieces of utter and complete SHIT! The color of their skin is irrelevant to that FACT.

there is nothing in today's society where color of skin is irrelevant. To think so is a wee bit naive.

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