Disgusting Pre-K Teacher Doesn't Believe In Keeping Childhood Innocence

If he is bringing SEX into it then he is a sick bastard.

There's a big difference between acceptance of transgender people that have a genetic problem/brainwiring and being a pedophile. Being a pedophile isn't acceptable and should result in severe punishment.

I am 100% against adults trying to have sex with our children. We all know millions of christain fudies want to do just that and we must tell everyone of these mother fuckers that they will rot in prison before they touch our babies!!!
All I have to say about this is arrest him!! 🤬

Arrest him for WHAT?

"In 2020, Villalpando called the idea of "childhood innocence" an example of "mythology." "

""There is a common mythology that children live in this world of pure innocence, and that by introducing or exposing them to the real-world adults are somehow shattering this illusion for them. Therefore, there is a banning of topics and issues that children should not be exposed to, as if they are not experiencing them already.""

This is what he's said.

1) There is no such thing as childhood innocence. There clearly isn't.

Kids grow up with parents. These parents FUCKED in order to produce this child. Maybe the kid doesn't know about the sex part and probably doesn't need to know until they're like 11 years old. However they know "mommy and daddy" are together.

Saying that "daddy and daddy" are together is the same as saying "mommy and daddy" are together. If "daddy and daddy" is all about sex, then so is "mommy and daddy".

Having "daddy and daddy" together in a book, isn't any different.

Kids are able to deal with all kinds of things, we know this. Kids grow up with abusive parents, they grow up with other abusive adults in their life. Yes, we want to minimize the bad things in their life, but teaching them that there can be a "daddy and daddy" is a lot, LOT better than having an alcoholic and violent father or mother.

2) we know in places that refuse to talk about sex, we often get higher rates of teenage pregnancy, higher rates of STDs.

Education is IMPORTANT. Kids need to learn these things. There are times when they're appropriate, you don't need to talk about sex until kids's bodies are getting ready for sex at like 10-12 years old. For kindergarten it's more teaching about "daddy and daddy"... which you think someone should be locked up for, even though some kids might actually have two fathers who are a couple.
Arrest him for WHAT?

"In 2020, Villalpando called the idea of "childhood innocence" an example of "mythology." "

""There is a common mythology that children live in this world of pure innocence, and that by introducing or exposing them to the real-world adults are somehow shattering this illusion for them. Therefore, there is a banning of topics and issues that children should not be exposed to, as if they are not experiencing them already.""

This is what he's said.

1) There is no such thing as childhood innocence. There clearly isn't.

Kids grow up with parents. These parents FUCKED in order to produce this child. Maybe the kid doesn't know about the sex part and probably doesn't need to know until they're like 11 years old. However they know "mommy and daddy" are together.

Saying that "daddy and daddy" are together is the same as saying "mommy and daddy" are together. If "daddy and daddy" is all about sex, then so is "mommy and daddy".

Having "daddy and daddy" together in a book, isn't any different.

Kids are able to deal with all kinds of things, we know this. Kids grow up with abusive parents, they grow up with other abusive adults in their life. Yes, we want to minimize the bad things in their life, but teaching them that there can be a "daddy and daddy" is a lot, LOT better than having an alcoholic and violent father or mother.

2) we know in places that refuse to talk about sex, we often get higher rates of teenage pregnancy, higher rates of STDs.

Education is IMPORTANT. Kids need to learn these things. There are times when they're appropriate, you don't need to talk about sex until kids's bodies are getting ready for sex at like 10-12 years old. For kindergarten it's more teaching about "daddy and daddy"... which you think someone should be locked up for, even though some kids might actually have two fathers who are a couple.
If a child has daddy and daddy or mommy and mommy, the child should be removed from the household and the adults investigated for whatever perversion they visited upon the hapless and innocent children.
Take a look at this monster's photo. He looks like a fiend.

Does he really? What does a "fiend" look like?


One is a Colombian serial killer, the other is a Colombian soccer player.

Can you tell which one is a "fiend" and which isn't?
If a child has daddy and daddy or mommy and mommy, the child should be removed from the household and the adults investigated for whatever perversion they visited upon the hapless and innocent children.

What difference does it make to the child who their parents are fucking?
"Oh, daddy's fucking a man, so I'm sorry child, you get to go to an orphanage, we'll then send you to some homes, and if you're unlucky you'll end up with a heterosexual pedophile"

MOST (10 out of 11) male pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL.
Literally, you don't want to destroy a child's innocence, but you want EVERYTHING TO BE ABOUT WHO PEOPLE FUCK.
Something smells contradictory to me.
we know in places that refuse to talk about sex, we often get higher rates of teenage pregnancy, higher rates of STDs.

When toddler's start getting pregnant and catching the clap, we can have a discussion about the appropriate age to bring up sexuality.
I guess I'm just not smart enough to realize just how important it is to have adult men diddling children. I'm glad you know though.

No, you're not smart enough to realize that just because a small, small minority of men do horrific things to children, that most males don't.

Even some women do horrific things to children.

"There were at least 2,297 reported cases of children being abused by women over a four year period from 2015 and 2019, according to police figures "

But who needs facts when we can be as ignorant as fuck?
Men that are attracted to teaching juveniles should absolutely be assumed to be pedophiles. Their sexual orientation doesn't have much of a bearing on their evident attraction to children.
I find it difficult to tell if you are serious.
Arrest him for WHAT?

"In 2020, Villalpando called the idea of "childhood innocence" an example of "mythology." "

""There is a common mythology that children live in this world of pure innocence, and that by introducing or exposing them to the real-world adults are somehow shattering this illusion for them. Therefore, there is a banning of topics and issues that children should not be exposed to, as if they are not experiencing them already.""

This is what he's said.

1) There is no such thing as childhood innocence. There clearly isn't.

Kids grow up with parents. These parents FUCKED in order to produce this child. Maybe the kid doesn't know about the sex part and probably doesn't need to know until they're like 11 years old. However they know "mommy and daddy" are together.

Saying that "daddy and daddy" are together is the same as saying "mommy and daddy" are together. If "daddy and daddy" is all about sex, then so is "mommy and daddy".

Having "daddy and daddy" together in a book, isn't any different.

Kids are able to deal with all kinds of things, we know this. Kids grow up with abusive parents, they grow up with other abusive adults in their life. Yes, we want to minimize the bad things in their life, but teaching them that there can be a "daddy and daddy" is a lot, LOT better than having an alcoholic and violent father or mother.

2) we know in places that refuse to talk about sex, we often get higher rates of teenage pregnancy, higher rates of STDs.

Education is IMPORTANT. Kids need to learn these things. There are times when they're appropriate, you don't need to talk about sex until kids's bodies are getting ready for sex at like 10-12 years old. For kindergarten it's more teaching about "daddy and daddy"... which you think someone should be locked up for, even though some kids might actually have two fathers who are a couple.
Yeah, no, leave the kids alone.

You are contributing to this social contagion bullshit, you are advocating for sexualizing children. There is a term for that.

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