Disinformation is enemy #1.

Anyone can be part of any party and believe in different things. But being a trump supporter is different. At the core of being a Trump supporter is that you have to be all in on his dogma, lies and corruption. If Trump says Putin is our friend and you don't agree with him, then you're not really a true supporter and shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself that.
Complete and utter horseshit.

Boy, talk about a cult...
Your link is horseshit designed to muddy the waters. Here's the truth.

The reporter, Adam Ciralsky, asked Miller why Trump threw out such a big number: “The president’s sometimes hyperbolic, as you’ve noticed. There were gonna be a million people in the street, I think was his expectation.” (It turned out that Trump’s rally attracted merely thousands of people, though even in his Fox interview with Hilton, Trump still claimed that the crowd numbered “hundreds of thousands of people.”)
So 10,000 appears to be a guesstimate based on the president’s own inflated belief in his ability to draw a crowd. The statement did not come as part of a meeting to discuss how to handle the event. Instead, it appears to have been an offhand remark. That’s not the same thing as a “request.” (Trump certainly knew how to order the deployment of National Guard troops in June 2020.)

Trump then maintains that the Defense Department “took that number” and gave it to the Capitol Police.

But that also did not happen, according to officials.
Miller and other senior Pentagon officials never relayed the 10,000 figure to anyone outside the Defense Department, according to a former U.S. official who was familiar with the matter. “They didn’t act on it because based on discussions with federal and local law enforcement leadership, they didn’t think a force of that size would be necessary,” the former official said.
Indeed, the official Defense Department planning and execution memo on the Jan. 6 events also makes no mention of any such discussion. Instead, it notes the possible activation of 340 National Guard troops to assist the District government with traffic control.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said officials checked the records after Trump’s remarks. “We have no record of such an order being given,” he told The Fact Checker.

J6 are a bunch of fucking lying asswipes.

They made up evidence, withheld evidence, and destroyed evidence.

They never had any credibility to begin with, and did their best to ensure they never got any.

J6 committee are lying fucktards. Period. End of story
What the country needs more than anything is for simple minded, gullible rubes like yourself to apply critical thinking (to the feeble extent you can) to what you are being told by RWM. You can start with doing research on the Big Lie and go on from there.
what we need are facts. did clinton buy the dossier in 2016? Got your brave boy pants on today and can tell the truth? let's see. You've avoided this one already. This is now twice.
Lying should not be protected right under the first amendment for politicians and the media.
J6 are a bunch of fucking lying asswipes.

They made up evidence, withheld evidence, and destroyed evidence.

They never had any credibility to begin with, and did their best to ensure they never got any.

J6 committee are lying fucktards. Period. End of story
Now that's just a fact. I challenge any demofk in here to say he's wrong.
Lying should not be protected right under the first amendment for politicians and the media.
So you're saying you are too stupid to source out truth? so they ought to be punished for telling lies? Is that what you're saying?
What the country needs more than anything is for simple minded, gullible rubes like yourself to apply critical thinking (to the feeble extent you can) to what you are being told by RWM. You can start with doing research on the Big Lie and go on from there.

That's rich considering the OP. How does it feel to have hijacked your own thread, beginning with the first post?

Wait, do you even understand why? I worry about leftists today. Feel free to ask, I'll help.
Lying should not be protected right under the first amendment for politicians and the media.
I even support the lying media having a right to say what they want. We're supposed to be an intelligent society and judge for ourselves. It seems you live on the shirt tails of demofk politicians. Sad
Pretending you have current info refuting the facts just isn't working. See the previous post.
who pretends from the conservatives? I asked you twice now, and you avoid answering, did clinton pay for the russian dossier? Got any balls left trannie?

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Russia isn't our enemy. They're not our allies either. They don't need us. And we don't need them.
So you're saying you are too stupid to source out truth? so they ought to be punished for telling lies? Is that what you're saying?

No, you're saying that I'm saying that.

I simply said that politicians and the media shouldn't have a legal right to lie. Lying should be a punishable offence for both. Impeachment for politicians. And HUGE fines for the media.

Why would you protect liars?
First of all trump never said putin is our friend

Someone has been feeding you lib lies about that

I dont agree with trump on everything

but liberals make it very difficult to have a balanced criticism of trump because most of you are hair-on-fire radicals who never stop ranting and raving

It's implied by his actions, he doesn't need to say it. Trump is inviting Putin to the white house for secret meetings, that only kremlin media can report on, but not ours. He's literally fawning over and constantly complimenting Putin. He even said his invasion of Ukraine was genius and savy, blah, blah, blah. Trump is conditioning his idiot followers to see Putin and Russia as a "friend." One poster on here even said he preferred Putin over Biden. His words, not mine. I can only imagine that a great deal of Trumpers do!
It's implied by his actions, he doesn't need to say it. Trump is inviting Putin to the white house for secret meetings, that only kremlin media can report on, but not ours. He's literally fawning over and constantly complimenting Putin. He even said his invasion of Ukraine was genius and savy, blah, blah, blah. Trump is conditioning his idiot followers to see Putin and Russia as a "friend." One poster on here even said he preferred Putin over Biden. His words, not mine. I can only imagine that a great deal of Trumpers do!
"Conditioning" says the CONDITIONED.
You subverted idiots have absolutely NO SELF-AWARENESS.
Damn.... :rolleyes:

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