Disinformation is enemy #1.

Manufacturing Fear: How Fox News leveraged images of an exonerated 22-year-old to fearmonger about migrant crime

From February 1, the day after Boada was released following his arraignment, through March 10, Fox News aired footage of him or alluded to Boada in at least 84 segments, including 66 segments showing images or b-roll of the 22-year-old. Notably, Fox's supposed “news-side” shows aired nearly as many images (31) of Boada as the network’s opinion-side programs (35).

We would be living in a different country if not for Faux's 24/7 propaganda. A word I don't use lightly. But it fits when their purpose is to misinform with an agenda in mind.
I disagree. I think FOX needs to be as partisan as the Prog news channels. They need to jettison all Prog commentators. Reduce any subtle remarks of propaganda towards any Republican politician that has not sold out. Unlike Prog commentators who are near cookie cutter in remarks, that is not true with FOX. As one example there are some that are proactive in foreign potential military conflicts and some who are not. Republican voters are more and more trending anti conflicts.
Sounds like you need a disinformation czar. She may still be available.

What the country needs more than anything is for simple minded, gullible rubes like yourself to apply critical thinking (to the feeble extent you can) to what you are being told by RWM. You can start with doing research on the Big Lie and go on from there.
I disagree. I think FOX needs to be as partisan as the Prog news channels. They need to jettison all Prog commentators. Reduce any subtle remarks of propaganda towards any Republican politician that has not sold out. Unlike Prog commentators who are near cookie cutter in remarks, that is not true with FOX. As one example there are some that are proactive in foreign potential military conflicts and some who are not. Republican voters are more and more trending anti conflicts.
Faux is different from news channels who report the news from a liberal standpoint in one important way. The anchors on Faux constantly tell overt, demonstrable lies. There's nothing subtle about it though they also disinform in less obvious ways.
What the country needs more than anything is for simple minded, gullible rubes like yourself to apply critical thinking (to the feeble extent you can) to what you are being told by RWM. You can start with doing research on the Big Lie and go on from there.
The country "needs", LOL, what the country has is way too many stupid ass rubes like yourself.
It just goes to show how easily Trumptards can be easily conditioned to not only to normalize fascism elsewhere, but also to want it right here in America.
I am a trump supporter and I disagree with the two elderly trump voters in the video

You can find democrats that are isolationists and pacifists also

But not on MSNBC, because that far left network only wants to bash me and other trump supporters

Anyone can be part of any party and believe in different things. But being a trump supporter is different. At the core of being a Trump supporter is that you have to be all in on his dogma, lies and corruption. If Trump says Putin is our friend and you don't agree with him, then you're not really a true supporter and shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself that.
Anyone can be part of any party and believe in different things. But being a trump supporter is different. At the core of being a Trump supporter is that you have to be all in on his dogma, lies and corruption. If Trump says Putin is our friend and you don't agree with him, then you're not really a true supporter and shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself that.

Talk about made up limitations.
Disinformation is code word for "opinions I don't like"
Actually, it's not code at all. It's a word for the demonstrably inaccurate lies the right wing narrative is built on. Fomented in large part by RWM. You know.........your entire belief system built on half truths, deception, innuendo, false equivalences, myths, and outright lies.

I dare you to listen to the podcast and challenge your beliefs.
Actually, it's not code at all. It's a word for the demonstrably inaccurate lies the right wing narrative is built on. Fomented in large part by RWM. You know.........your entire belief system built on half truths, deception, innuendo, false equivalences, myths, and outright lies.

I dare you to listen to the podcast and challenge your beliefs.

A lie is a lie or it isn't. "demonstrably inaccurate" is just more weasel words to pretend your opinion on something is more than that.

"women can have penises"
"not prosecuting criminals reduces crime"
I disagree. I think FOX needs to be as partisan as the Prog news channels. They need to jettison all Prog commentators. Reduce any subtle remarks of propaganda towards any Republican politician that has not sold out. Unlike Prog commentators who are near cookie cutter in remarks, that is not true with FOX. As one example there are some that are proactive in foreign potential military conflicts and some who are not. Republican voters are more and more trending anti conflicts.
That's it... Fuck reality, just want propaganda...

This is one of the most anti American posts on this forum...

This pushes misinformation and will turn against Americans towards Russia rather than accept the truth...

This is about pushing ignorance...
At the core of being a Trump supporter is that you have to be all in on his dogma, lies and corruption. If Trump says Putin is our friend and you don't agree with him, then you're not really a true supporter and shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself that.
First of all trump never said putin is our friend

Someone has been feeding you lib lies about that

I dont agree with trump on everything

but liberals make it very difficult to have a balanced criticism of trump because most of you are hair-on-fire radicals who never stop ranting and raving
That's it... Fuck reality, just want propaganda...

This is one of the most anti American posts on this forum...

This pushes misinformation and will turn against Americans towards Russia rather than accept the truth...

This is about pushing ignorance...

CNN is your side's equivalent, so I think thou doth protest too much.

and pushing ignorance? "Women can have penises"

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