Dismissed juror escorted from zimmerman courthouse

Wrong. 17-years-old is not a child. Someone about to graduate from high-school is not a child. You want to use that term because it has certain connotations. None of them apply to Treyvon Martin. He was a juvenile thug, almost an adult.

At the age of 17, you are a minor. That's a child.

Wrong. He was a thug who got what he deserved for assaulting an innocent man.

I wasn't aware you had firsthand information about this case. Have you been in contact with Zimmerman's defense attorney?

Libs...gotta love em.
They make up shit as they go along in life....
Look at ObamaCare.Coverage for "children" up to age 26.....
What a bunch of shit.

At 26 you should be out of the house already.
You know........................I'd be willing to give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe he's innocent and doesn't deserve what he's going through.

Only one problem.....................................................

While talking to the 911 operator he himself had called, he was told to stand down, stay in his car, and not follow the person he'd called in about, because police were on their way and would take care of it.

Wrong, he wasn't told anything of the sort. That's the problem with "lynch Zimmerman" gang: Virtually everything they say is a god damned lie.
At the age of 17, you are a minor. That's a child.

No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

Almost all the evidence is publicly available, and it isn't nearly sufficient for a conviction. It shouldn't have even justified an indictment.

NC-17 — No One 17 and Under Admitted. An NC-17 rated motion picture is one that, in the view of the Rating Board, most parents would consider patently too adult for their children 17 and under. No children will be admitted. NC-17 does not mean "obscene" or "pornographic" in the common or legal meaning of those words, and should not be construed as a negative judgment in any sense. The rating simply signals that the content is appropriate only for an adult audience. An NC-17 rating can be based on violence, sex, aberrational behavior, drug abuse or any other element that most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children


"Your children" can be 60 years old. The fact is that when you buy tickets at the movie theater, you have to pay the adult fair unless you are 12-years-old or under. That's true of most businesses that make a distinction in rates between children and adults.


PG-13 — Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13. A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context. The Rating Board nevertheless may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous.
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No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

Almost all the evidence is publicly available, and it isn't nearly sufficient for a conviction. It shouldn't have even justified an indictment.


"Your children" can be 60 years old. The fact is that when you buy tickets at the movie theater, you have to pay the adult fair unless you are 12-years-old or under. That's true of most businesses that make a distinction in rates between children and adults.


PG-13 — Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13. A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context. The Rating Board nevertheless may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous.

If you want to argue these terms based on MPAA ratings, the NC-17 ratings pretty clearly say that the content is only appropriate for adults, which is why those 17 or under cannot enter. By that standard, a 17 year old is not an adult. If they are not adults, are they not children?

I do happily admit that some use the term child in this case to evoke an emotional response, though!

As to the OP, if a potential juror shows bias, they are dismissed. I don't see what's unusual about this.
Only one problem.....................................................

While talking to the 911 operator he himself had called, he was told to stand down, stay in his car, and not follow the person he'd called in about, because police were on their way and would take care of it.
That is not true.

Zimmerman repeatedly expressed a desire to meet with police. The one and only thing the operator told him when he tried to follow Martin was, "We don't need you to do that." He was never told to stop, to "stand down," to stay in his car, or anything. In fact, it is clear during the call that Zimmerman discontinued his pursuit of Martin [he said he had no idea where Martin was, and then the sound of wind hitting his microphone stopped, meaning he quit running and slowed down to a walk or stopped completely]. Zimmerman was completely calm and lucid through the entire call, and did express concern at one point that Martin was approaching him with his hands in his pockets. Zimmerman was part of a neighborhood watch program and did exactly what he should have done.

People have gone out of their way to portray Martin as a sweet, innocent child who would never harm a flea. But that doesn't add up if you listen to the call. In fact, if anything, Martin displayed suspicious behavior: (a) he was poking around, walking aimlessly in the rain. Normal people would be making a bee-line to their home to get out of the rain, and (b) he approached Zimmerman with his hands in his pockets, looking as if he might have a weapon. Normal people, armed with only a bag of Skittles and a soda, will go in the opposite direction of a potentially dangerous stranger.

Zimmerman stopped pursuing Martin and agreed to meet with police at the mailboxes. It's a presumable that Martin became the aggressor and engaged Zimmerman after Zimmerman turned around to go back to his vehicle. I can't say that's a fact but during the call Zimmerman lost track of Martin and gave up pursuit. It only makes sense to me that he headed back to his truck, and Martin engaged him.

Martin may very well have come after Zimmerman as an effort to protect himself (though running away seems more logical), but what is clear is, Zimmerman was completely in control of his emotions and showed no signs of being a racist, cold-blooded murderer as some here would have you believe. Common sense tells you that if Zimmerman intended to hunt down and kill Martin, the LAST thing he would have done is call the police and give up his name, number, address and physical location.

By the way he did not speak to a "911 operator" because he didn't dial 911. He dialed the local number to the police. This demonstrates his fair-mindedness, as he obviously wasn't sure it rose to the level of emergency. Listen to the call for yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L04Vh4do6bY]Zimmerman's Unedited "911" Call - YouTube[/ame]
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"We don't need you to do that" when someone is saying they are going to follow someone (especially when told by the police) is pretty much an order to stand down.

When I was told "we don't need you to do that" while serving in the U.S. Navy, I took it as an order to stand down.
No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

We are not defining 'child' by a fucking movie ticket, are we?

That's one official definition. What's yours?

18. When you can get married, buy alcohol, smoke, get married and go to war.
We are not defining 'child' by a fucking movie ticket, are we?

That's one official definition. What's yours?

18. When you can get married, buy alcohol, smoke, get married and go to war.

Actually...................when you're 18, you can get married and go to war (and, based on my first and only marriage, they were the same thing).

You've gotta wait until you're 21 to drink.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?
That's one official definition. What's yours?

18. When you can get married, buy alcohol, smoke, get married and go to war.

Actually...................when you're 18, you can get married and go to war (and, based on my first and only marriage, they were the same thing).

You've gotta wait until you're 21 to drink.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

I think that's only here in the States.

aside from that, a teen is not a child.
18. When you can get married, buy alcohol, smoke, get married and go to war.

Actually...................when you're 18, you can get married and go to war (and, based on my first and only marriage, they were the same thing).

You've gotta wait until you're 21 to drink.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

I think that's only here in the States.

aside from that, a teen is not a child.

When do you become a legal adult in the US?
18. When you can get married, buy alcohol, smoke, get married and go to war.

Actually...................when you're 18, you can get married and go to war (and, based on my first and only marriage, they were the same thing).

You've gotta wait until you're 21 to drink.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

I think that's only here in the States.

aside from that, a teen is not a child.

You're right..........................it is here in the States that 18 is considered an adult, and you've got to be 21 to drink.

However.............................I've been to 26 different countries, and yeah.............in some cultures, when you hit the teenage years, you're no longer a child.

But.......................in most Westernized countries (which includes almost all of Europe), you've got to make 18 to be considered an "adult".

Only problem is.................the U.S. doesn't follow Islamist ideals where it says you're an adult when you hit your teens.

Do you support Sharia law?
Actually...................when you're 18, you can get married and go to war (and, based on my first and only marriage, they were the same thing).

You've gotta wait until you're 21 to drink.

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

I think that's only here in the States.

aside from that, a teen is not a child.

You're right..........................it is here in the States that 18 is considered an adult, and you've got to be 21 to drink.

However.............................I've been to 26 different countries, and yeah.............in some cultures, when you hit the teenage years, you're no longer a child.

But.......................in most Westernized countries (which includes almost all of Europe), you've got to make 18 to be considered an "adult".

Only problem is.................the U.S. doesn't follow Islamist ideals where it says you're an adult when you hit your teens.

Do you support Sharia law?

don't be a such a moron.

a teen is not a child, it's a teen, not yet an adult, but still not a child.

he could have a job, have himself declared an adult, drive, etc etc

using child to refer to him is buffoonish at best.
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.
I think that's only here in the States.

aside from that, a teen is not a child.

You're right..........................it is here in the States that 18 is considered an adult, and you've got to be 21 to drink.

However.............................I've been to 26 different countries, and yeah.............in some cultures, when you hit the teenage years, you're no longer a child.

But.......................in most Westernized countries (which includes almost all of Europe), you've got to make 18 to be considered an "adult".

Only problem is.................the U.S. doesn't follow Islamist ideals where it says you're an adult when you hit your teens.

Do you support Sharia law?

don't be a such a moron.

a teen is not a child, it's a teen, not yet an adult, but still not a child.

he could have a job, have himself declared an adult, drive, etc etc

using child to refer to him is buffoonish at best.

Actually, in some cultures, when you turn 13, you're considered to be an adult.

Might wanna check again, because yeah............you're right, in America and in almost all of Europe, you've got to be 18 to be considered an adult.

Ever check into what they say in Africa?

How about the Middle East?

I've been to both and seen what they do.
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

Which is why Zimmerman is guilty of killing a kid.
18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

Which is why Zimmerman is guilty of killing a kid.

Yes, he is.

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