Dismissed juror escorted from zimmerman courthouse

If it is true that there is evidence on the back of Zimmerman's head that it was slammed and bloodied against the concrete floor, that would seem to mesh withthe likelihood of Zimmerman screaming for help.
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

So thats set in stone huh? And who came up with this number?
Maybe you could claim trayvon was a child based on his behavior. Because an adult wouldnt have attacked someone the way he did. They would have called the police.
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

You do realize there is a significant step betwen child and adult, right? It's called teenage. It's the dread of good parents.
The whole world knows Zimmerman is guilty of planning to commit murder but if he gets off, it could turn out like the OJ Simpson debacle.

Notice the ad for the smart phone "Zimmerman app". What a bizarre circus.

OJ got off genius...and yes that was a debacle, but we both know that npot what you meant, :lol: but I am glad th Howard Law school students erupted in applause at the verdict, remind me never to hire a Howard law graduate.....

and zimmerman is guilty now of premeditated murder? what facile nincompoopism got you there?
What a stupid reason to dismiss him. So he posted on Facebook to a status about 'Justice For Trayvon'. Does this mean to suggest that if a juror had posted on Facebook that they believed Zimmerman was in the right that they would get on the jury?

Quite the opposite. A person who expressing an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused on facebook or upon another internet forum would not be allowed to sit on the jury.

Just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.

True enough, but still a reason to have them dismissed. This particular case seems way beyond that scenario however. Have you seen his facebook post on the case?

In Sanford…& I CAN tell you THIS. “Justice”… IS COMING!…& I’ll tell you why. The ONLY reason this corrupt CITY Police dept. was stonewalling was because since they KNOWINGLY worked with this Self-appointed “Neighborhood Watch” Security…& KNEW he carried a weapon…They knew they AND the Homeowners Association were Liable for HUGE $$$ damages in court…MINUTES after the shooting occurred. with the noise WE made…it couldn’t be covered up. I only hope the Feds go farther than just THIS case in investigating This “Police Force”. The Seminole County “Justice’ System needs an ENEMA….& they just MIGHT GET one!

Dismissing someone because of a Facebook post. Laughable.

Actually necessary to instill at the very least an appearance of fairness.... and to ensure he does not give the judge an enema

on the other hand Juror H27 was interesting he donated 20 bucks to the zimmerman fund

says his mind is still open
The goofy far left and the deviant reactionary right have all made up their collective hive minds.

Come on, folks, let the process work itself out.
18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

So thats set in stone huh? And who came up with this number?
Maybe you could claim trayvon was a child based on his behavior. Because an adult wouldnt have attacked someone the way he did. They would have called the police.

Trayvon was being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman should have waited in his car instead of trying to play hero.
Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

So thats set in stone huh? And who came up with this number?
Maybe you could claim trayvon was a child based on his behavior. Because an adult wouldnt have attacked someone the way he did. They would have called the police.

Trayvon was being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman should have waited in his car instead of trying to play hero.

going to have to come up with more then that

if you want him hung from the nearest pole
So thats set in stone huh? And who came up with this number?
Maybe you could claim trayvon was a child based on his behavior. Because an adult wouldnt have attacked someone the way he did. They would have called the police.

Trayvon was being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman should have waited in his car instead of trying to play hero.

going to have to come up with more then that

if you want him hung from the nearest pole

Prosecution is going to use the pursuit as motive against Zimmerman.
Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

So thats set in stone huh? And who came up with this number?
Maybe you could claim trayvon was a child based on his behavior. Because an adult wouldnt have attacked someone the way he did. They would have called the police.

Trayvon was being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman should have waited in his car instead of trying to play hero.

Travyon jumped Zimmerman while he was going back to his car.

And even if he had been following Trayvon, he still has the right to defend himself when he is jumped from behind
Prosecution will argue that Zimmerman's forced "retreat" does not empower to use deadly force in defense, once he had begun a chain of related events.
Prosecution will argue that Zimmerman's forced "retreat" does not empower to use deadly force in defense, once he had begun a chain of related events.

They could argue it all they want. They would be wrong.
Prosecution will argue that Zimmerman's forced "retreat" does not empower to use deadly force in defense, once he had begun a chain of related events.

They could argue it all they want. They would be wrong.

Only your opinion, my friend. The judge, as finder of law, will permit the prosecution's argument. And the jury, as finder of fact, will have to decide.

Will one or two jurors find "null jury" to overrule the super majority is the question at the end of the day.
So thats set in stone huh? And who came up with this number?
Maybe you could claim trayvon was a child based on his behavior. Because an adult wouldnt have attacked someone the way he did. They would have called the police.

Trayvon was being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman should have waited in his car instead of trying to play hero.

Travyon jumped Zimmerman while he was going back to his car.

And even if he had been following Trayvon, he still has the right to defend himself when he is jumped from behind

Actually, if Zimmerman would have stayed in his car when he'd offered to follow Martin while talking to a 911 operator and was told "we don't need you to do that", not only would he not be in the mess he's currently in, but Travon Martin might still be alive.

Sorry.......................but if you start following me, and I recognize that you're following me in your car, and then I see you get out and then you come up and confront me, I'm gonna be a bit defensive as well. If you step to me in a belligerent way, I'm going to greet you with my best defense (which may involve kicking your ass when you get in arm's reach of me).

Trayvon had to know he was being followed, because he went into a gated community. The path that he took was also pretty consistent with him trying to get rid of someone.

Sorry......................but Zimmerman followed Martin without just (or probable) cause, and was told to not do anything by the police.

When all is said and done, I'm hoping that the jury sees what happened, and convicts Zimmerman of manslaughter (at the least), or murder, because he didn't need to follow Martin.
Trayvon was being followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman should have waited in his car instead of trying to play hero.

Travyon jumped Zimmerman while he was going back to his car.

And even if he had been following Trayvon, he still has the right to defend himself when he is jumped from behind

Actually, if Zimmerman would have stayed in his car when he'd offered to follow Martin while talking to a 911 operator and was told "we don't need you to do that", not only would he not be in the mess he's currently in, but Travon Martin might still be alive.

Sorry.......................but if you start following me, and I recognize that you're following me in your car, and then I see you get out and then you come up and confront me, I'm gonna be a bit defensive as well. If you step to me in a belligerent way, I'm going to greet you with my best defense (which may involve kicking your ass when you get in arm's reach of me).

Trayvon had to know he was being followed, because he went into a gated community. The path that he took was also pretty consistent with him trying to get rid of someone.

Sorry......................but Zimmerman followed Martin without just (or probable) cause, and was told to not do anything by the police.

When all is said and done, I'm hoping that the jury sees what happened, and convicts Zimmerman of manslaughter (at the least), or murder, because he didn't need to follow Martin.

Following someone is not proof of intent to kill someone. Furthermore, the evidence indicates the Zimmerman got back in his car after he called the police.
Your opinion is only that, bripat, and the totality of evidence does not support your contention that GZ got back to and in his car after he confronted TM. Remember that the jury is the finder of fact, not you.
What a stupid reason to dismiss him. So he posted on Facebook to a status about 'Justice For Trayvon'. Does this mean to suggest that if a juror had posted on Facebook that they believed Zimmerman was in the right that they would get on the jury?
Just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.

Dismissing someone because of a Facebook post. Laughable.

An update on the Z trial.

A prospective juror in the George Zimmerman case was excused Monday after he admitted donating $20 to Zimmerman's online legal defense fund.

Any outrage on your part for this action? Afterr all just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.... right?

Fortunately, I can admit being satisfied with the dismissal of the anti Z juror and the pro Z juror.
What a stupid reason to dismiss him. So he posted on Facebook to a status about 'Justice For Trayvon'. Does this mean to suggest that if a juror had posted on Facebook that they believed Zimmerman was in the right that they would get on the jury?
Just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.

Dismissing someone because of a Facebook post. Laughable.

Noomi, that juror already had a set belief that Zimmerman was in the wrong. When the court is looking for unbiased members, they look for people who don't know about the case. Doing so helps ensure that their jury is as fair as possible. This juror who was caught didn't just lie about knowing about this case, he also formed a judgment based on knowledge that would have disqualified him in the first place.

If I were a prospective juror, and I already made up my mind that Zimmerman was innocent, how damaging do you think that would be to the entirety of this court case? So... no... it's not just a FB post that's the problem. There's more to it than that.

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