Dismissed juror escorted from zimmerman courthouse

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

Which is why Zimmerman is guilty of killing a kid.
When was the trial, again?
Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

Which is why Zimmerman is guilty of killing a kid.

Yes, he is.
When was the trial, again?

NOTE: Guilt or innocence is determined by legal action -- not by internet message board members who've been fed a carefully-crafted vision of the situation.
If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

Not necessarily. Persons who have committed a felony sometimes can not vote and yet are over the age of 18. Non citizens can not vote and yet can be over the age of 18. A state, if it wishes, can allow persons under the age of 18 to vote, the merely can not prohibit persons who are 18 or over from voting on account of age.

Minors can petition the court to be emancipated and thereafter be considered an adult for purposes of contractual capacity.

Persons over the age of 18 but under the age of 21 oft times are not permitted to drink.

Persons under the age of 18 who commit major crimes are oft times tried as an adult.

You can be legally an "adult" for some things, yet not be able to legally do other things because you have not reached a certain age.

If you wish to state that it is your personal opinion that a person is an adult when the have reached the age at which the allows one to vote, that is fine, but do not try to assert that it is the "legal" end all argument and that it excludes all other possible opinions. For example, it is my opinion that my children will always be children until the earlier of:

1.) They reach the age of 40; or,
2.) They provide me with grandchildren.
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

You aren't necessarily a child either. That's the point you refuse to get.
Liberals are just sorry that Zimmerman didn't let the bigger, heavier and trained fighter Martin beat him to death. The libs are relying on a photo of a 12 year old kid for justification of the guy shooting the baby boy.
Zimmerman admitted that he was the murderer.

Isn't that the definition of "guilty"?

Wow, you have entered new levels of retardedness. So I take it all cops who have killed people are murderers because they admitted to killing someone? Let's forget about the justified homicide not being murder because you are a FUCKING RETARD.

What's it like being this stupid? how do you function in life?

Zimmerman isn't a cop.

So? Since when do you have to be a police officer to defend yourself? The right to self defense is a human right. Every one of us has a right to defend our life, even if it we have to take someone elses to do so. That's why we have a Second amendment.

Without the Natural right of self defense, we cannot govern ourselves.
Zimmerman isn't a cop.

Irrelevant. Is it your opinion that anyone (other than a cop) who kills another person, is a murderer?

I hate the dishonest and cowardly practice of cherry picking only part of a conversation in order to lie and twist poster's meaning. That's not what I said and both you and SickSteve (who lied about my words above) know it.

Since you say you're a "legal eagle", why do you resort to playing games?

Have a nice day.

You shouldn't hate yourself.

The only person playing games is yourself.
What a stupid reason to dismiss him. So he posted on Facebook to a status about 'Justice For Trayvon'. Does this mean to suggest that if a juror had posted on Facebook that they believed Zimmerman was in the right that they would get on the jury?
Just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.

Dismissing someone because of a Facebook post. Laughable.

Of course. Screw that fair and impartial jury thing!
Wrong. 17-years-old is not a child. Someone about to graduate from high-school is not a child. You want to use that term because it has certain connotations. None of them apply to Treyvon Martin. He was a juvenile thug, almost an adult.

At the age of 17, you are a minor. That's a child.

Wrong. He was a thug who got what he deserved for assaulting an innocent man.

I wasn't aware you had firsthand information about this case. Have you been in contact with Zimmerman's defense attorney?

Actually, no. the definition of child doesnt match your definition.

1 a: an unborn or recently born person (Interesting definition considering the abortion crowd wants to convince us that an unborn child isnt a child)

2 a: a young person especially between infancy and youth (IE between from 1-12)

(Meriam Webster)

When a punk jumps a man from behind, it's not murder when that punk ends up dead.
No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

We are not defining 'child' by a fucking movie ticket, are we?

We sure aren't using the Federal Government standard of age 26.
What a stupid reason to dismiss him. So he posted on Facebook to a status about 'Justice For Trayvon'. Does this mean to suggest that if a juror had posted on Facebook that they believed Zimmerman was in the right that they would get on the jury?

Quite the opposite. A person who expressing an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused on facebook or upon another internet forum would not be allowed to sit on the jury.

Just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.

True enough, but still a reason to have them dismissed. This particular case seems way beyond that scenario however. Have you seen his facebook post on the case?

In Sanford…& I CAN tell you THIS. “Justice”… IS COMING!…& I’ll tell you why. The ONLY reason this corrupt CITY Police dept. was stonewalling was because since they KNOWINGLY worked with this Self-appointed “Neighborhood Watch” Security…& KNEW he carried a weapon…They knew they AND the Homeowners Association were Liable for HUGE $$$ damages in court…MINUTES after the shooting occurred. with the noise WE made…it couldn’t be covered up. I only hope the Feds go farther than just THIS case in investigating This “Police Force”. The Seminole County “Justice’ System needs an ENEMA….& they just MIGHT GET one!

Dismissing someone because of a Facebook post. Laughable.

Actually necessary to instill at the very least an appearance of fairness.... and to ensure he does not give the judge an enema
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You're right..........................it is here in the States that 18 is considered an adult, and you've got to be 21 to drink.

However.............................I've been to 26 different countries, and yeah.............in some cultures, when you hit the teenage years, you're no longer a child.

But.......................in most Westernized countries (which includes almost all of Europe), you've got to make 18 to be considered an "adult".

Only problem is.................the U.S. doesn't follow Islamist ideals where it says you're an adult when you hit your teens.

Do you support Sharia law?

don't be a such a moron.

a teen is not a child, it's a teen, not yet an adult, but still not a child.

he could have a job, have himself declared an adult, drive, etc etc

using child to refer to him is buffoonish at best.

Actually, in some cultures, when you turn 13, you're considered to be an adult.

Might wanna check again, because yeah............you're right, in America and in almost all of Europe, you've got to be 18 to be considered an adult.

Ever check into what they say in Africa?

How about the Middle East?

I've been to both and seen what they do.

The altercation between Zimmerman and Trayvon happened in Florida.

In Fl he's a teen, not yet a man, but not a child.

carry on
How old do you have to be before you can vote in the United States?

18 years old. And yeah.....................if the laws are still current from when I turned 18, that's also the time that you have to register for the Selective Service.

I didn't have to worry about the Selective Service thing..................I was in boot camp about 3 days after I'd turned 18.

Then I wonder, if you are an adult at the age of 17, as Trayvon was, why wasn't he deemed adult enough to be registered to vote?

If you can't legally vote, you are not an adult.

but still not a child
Liberals are just sorry that Zimmerman didn't let the bigger, heavier and trained fighter Martin beat him to death. The libs are relying on a photo of a 12 year old kid for justification of the guy shooting the baby boy.

It is pretty darn sleazy the way they are doing that. What's wrong with telling the truth?
Since liberal vocabulary is so limited;

World English Dictionary
child (tʃaɪld) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— n , pl children
1. a. a boy or girl between birth and puberty
b. ( as modifier ): child labour
2. a baby or infant
3. an unborn babyRelated: paedo-
4. with child another term for pregnant
5. a human offspring; a son or daughterRelated: filial
6. a childish or immature person
7. a member of a family or tribe; descendant: a child of Israel
8. a person or thing regarded as the product of an influence or environment: a child of nature
9. dialect ( Midland English ), ( Western English ) a female infant

don't be a such a moron.

a teen is not a child, it's a teen, not yet an adult, but still not a child.

he could have a job, have himself declared an adult, drive, etc etc

using child to refer to him is buffoonish at best.

Actually, in some cultures, when you turn 13, you're considered to be an adult.

Might wanna check again, because yeah............you're right, in America and in almost all of Europe, you've got to be 18 to be considered an adult.

Ever check into what they say in Africa?

How about the Middle East?

I've been to both and seen what they do.

The altercation between Zimmerman and Trayvon happened in Florida.

In Fl he's a teen, not yet a man, but not a child.

carry on

It their propaganda point. Admitting the truth that he wasnt a child hurts their argument and they know it.

They aren't after justice. They are playing politics. and for any honest person it's downright shameful.

They do the same thing when they want to label someone a pedophile for trying something with a 17 year old. They ignore the definition and do what they want.
Since liberal vocabulary is so limited;

World English Dictionary
child (tʃaɪld) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— n , pl children
1. a. a boy or girl between birth and puberty
b. ( as modifier ): child labour
2. a baby or infant
3. an unborn babyRelated: paedo-
4. with child another term for pregnant
5. a human offspring; a son or daughterRelated: filial
6. a childish or immature person
7. a member of a family or tribe; descendant: a child of Israel
8. a person or thing regarded as the product of an influence or environment: a child of nature
9. dialect ( Midland English ), ( Western English ) a female infant


another definition of a child that includes an unborn baby. All those who are trying to tell us that it's just a fetus need to review their dictionaries.

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