Dismissed juror escorted from zimmerman courthouse

What do photos of Trayvon have to do with anything at all? I've noticed that the haters have posted photos as though they have some bearing on the evidence.

They don't.

OTOH, his age does.

By law, he was a child who was attacked by an adult man who went out hunting for someone to shoot. If he was not hunting for a victim, he would have had a loaded gun in his pocket. Earlier, I used the word "murder" and, to my knowledge, that is the definition of murder.

Others have said they know more about the law than I do and I don't doubt that's true. Instead of the asssssinine and childish name calling, how about if one of the"legal eagles", the self-proclaimed authorities on criminal law say why this is not murder and, for that matter, in the first degree.

This is what I based my opinion on:

first degree murder legal definition of first degree murder. first degree murder synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

First Degree Murder Law & Legal Definition

You keep saying he was out hunting for someone to shoot....like you know what was in his head. Which you have no proof of.....you're just guessing like everyone else is.

That's not true. I do not say ONLY that Zimmerman was out hunting for someone to shoot. I've been very clear as to my reason for saying that. See the PROOF above.

Where is the PROOF that Zimmerman was out to hunt Trayvon or anyone else down and murder him?? There isn't any.....
What do photos of Trayvon have to do with anything at all? I've noticed that the haters have posted photos as though they have some bearing on the evidence.

They don't.

OTOH, his age does.

By law, he was a child who was attacked by an adult man who went out hunting for someone to shoot. If he was not hunting for a victim, he would have had a loaded gun in his pocket. Earlier, I used the word "murder" and, to my knowledge, that is the definition of murder.

Others have said they know more about the law than I do and I don't doubt that's true. Instead of the asssssinine and childish name calling, how about if one of the"legal eagles", the self-proclaimed authorities on criminal law say why this is not murder and, for that matter, in the first degree.

This is what I based my opinion on:

first degree murder legal definition of first degree murder. first degree murder synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

First Degree Murder Law & Legal Definition

The term "child" was used to imply that Treyvon wasn't dangerous, or even to imply that he was "innocent," as in "uncorrupted." Nothing could be further from the truth. He may not have been a legal adult, but he certain was no child, and he certain wasn't "innocent."


Because of his age, he was a child.

Doesn't really matter any more than the photos of him smoking flipping off - he was hunted and murdered.

And, although I realize there are "hate crime" laws, it also doesn't really matter whether Zimmerman is a racist. He loaded his gun, put it in his pocket and went hunting. He found someone to follow, harass and kill.

A very sad part of this crime is that it was ignored, buried and forgotten until Trayvon's mother made a stink. Lots of people are murdered every year and the killed never even arrested. It cannot be denied and shouldn't be ignored that most of the time, the killer who walks is white and the dead person is not.

If the killer is black and the dead person is white - suddenly its a crime worth investigating and trying.

Its just the way it is in the home of free where all men are created equal.

How in hell can you say these things not even knowing what really happened? How do you know what really happened?? What is wrong with you??
I think he lied under oath but they don't want to complicate the case by prosecuting him.

I suppose he might have. The fact that someone would do that shows how off the charts stupid this country is getting.

The more and more I watch this trial and this situation the more I believe that the best thing that could happen to Zimmerman would be to go to jail. I firmly believe that if he is freed, he will be killed by some racist vigilante.

He wouldn't live a week in jail before he was shanked. He needs to skip the country or he's dead.
How in hell can you say these things not even knowing what really happened? How do you know what really happened?? What is wrong with you??

Libs don't care what really happened. They have a narrative, and they demand that the trial conforms to it. Guilt or innocence simply isn't a consideration in their agenda.
I think he lied under oath but they don't want to complicate the case by prosecuting him.

I suppose he might have. The fact that someone would do that shows how off the charts stupid this country is getting.

The more and more I watch this trial and this situation the more I believe that the best thing that could happen to Zimmerman would be to go to jail. I firmly believe that if he is freed, he will be killed by some racist vigilante.

He wouldn't live a week in jail before he was shanked. He needs to skip the country or he's dead.

He won't be going to jail. If there are any white people on the jury, there is no way in hell the prosecution can make these bogus, trumped up charges stick.
You keep saying he was out hunting for someone to shoot....like you know what was in his head. Which you have no proof of.....you're just guessing like everyone else is.

That's not true. I do not say ONLY that Zimmerman was out hunting for someone to shoot. I've been very clear as to my reason for saying that. See the PROOF above.

Where is the PROOF that Zimmerman was out to hunt Trayvon or anyone else down and murder him?? There isn't any.....

True. There isn't a shred of evidence. So much for the prosecution's case.
What a stupid reason to dismiss him. So he posted on Facebook to a status about 'Justice For Trayvon'. Does this mean to suggest that if a juror had posted on Facebook that they believed Zimmerman was in the right that they would get on the jury?
Just because someone has formed an opinion does not necessarily mean they can't listen to all the facts and make a judgement based on those facts.

Dismissing someone because of a Facebook post. Laughable.
The term "child" was used to imply that Treyvon wasn't dangerous, or even to imply that he was "innocent," as in "uncorrupted." Nothing could be further from the truth. He may not have been a legal adult, but he certain was no child, and he certain wasn't "innocent."


Because of his age, he was a child.

Wrong. 17-years-old is not a child. Someone about to graduate from high-school is not a child. You want to use that term because it has certain connotations. None of them apply to Treyvon Martin. He was a juvenile thug, almost an adult.

Doesn't really matter any more than the photos of him smoking flipping off - he was hunted and murdered.

Wrong. He was a thug who got what he deserved for assaulting an innocent man.

And, although I realize there are "hate crime" laws, it also doesn't really matter whether Zimmerman is a racist. He loaded his gun, put it in his pocket and went hunting. He found someone to follow, harass and kill.

Contrary to your idiotic beliefs, having a loaded gun doesn't make Zimmerman guilty. There wouldn't be any point to laws regarding self-defense if that was the case. Self-defense would be against the law.

A very sad part of this crime is that it was ignored, buried and forgotten until Trayvon's mother made a stink. Lots of people are murdered every year and the killed never even arrested. It cannot be denied and shouldn't be ignored that most of the time, the killer who walks is white and the dead person is not.

No crime was committed.

If the killer is black and the dead person is white - suddenly its a crime worth investigating and trying.

It appears the exact opposite is true. Can you list any such crimes that have become major news items?

Its just the way it is in the home of free where all men are created equal.

Like every other liberal turd, you just can't resist the compulsion to race bait. I'm not a racist. Are you?
Wrong. 17-years-old is not a child. Someone about to graduate from high-school is not a child. You want to use that term because it has certain connotations. None of them apply to Treyvon Martin. He was a juvenile thug, almost an adult.

At the age of 17, you are a minor. That's a child.

Wrong. He was a thug who got what he deserved for assaulting an innocent man.

I wasn't aware you had firsthand information about this case. Have you been in contact with Zimmerman's defense attorney?
Wrong. 17-years-old is not a child. Someone about to graduate from high-school is not a child. You want to use that term because it has certain connotations. None of them apply to Treyvon Martin. He was a juvenile thug, almost an adult.

At the age of 17, you are a minor. That's a child.

No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

Wrong. He was a thug who got what he deserved for assaulting an innocent man.

I wasn't aware you had firsthand information about this case. Have you been in contact with Zimmerman's defense attorney?

Almost all the evidence is publicly available, and it isn't nearly sufficient for a conviction. It shouldn't have even justified an indictment.
Zimmerman isn't a cop.

Irrelevant. Is it your opinion that anyone (other than a cop) who kills another person, is a murderer?

I hate the dishonest and cowardly practice of cherry picking only part of a conversation in order to lie and twist poster's meaning. That's not what I said and both you and SickSteve (who lied about my words above) know it.

Since you say you're a "legal eagle", why do you resort to playing games?

Have a nice day.
Zimmerman admitted to shooting someone. You took the flying leap of assuming he's a murderer. I'd say you're the one playing games. Either that or you are exceedingly ignorant of what "murderer" means. The questions that followed your outlandish statement were the same questions that instantly occurred to me as well.

In the few words you have posted, it is obvious that you have dispensed with the need for a trial and have already convicted Zimmerman of felony premeditated murder. Your thought process is identical to the juror who was rightfully removed from the trial.

Good day.
Wrong. 17-years-old is not a child. Someone about to graduate from high-school is not a child. You want to use that term because it has certain connotations. None of them apply to Treyvon Martin. He was a juvenile thug, almost an adult.

At the age of 17, you are a minor. That's a child.

No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

Wrong. He was a thug who got what he deserved for assaulting an innocent man.

I wasn't aware you had firsthand information about this case. Have you been in contact with Zimmerman's defense attorney?

Almost all the evidence is publicly available, and it isn't nearly sufficient for a conviction. It shouldn't have even justified an indictment.

NC-17 — No One 17 and Under Admitted. An NC-17 rated motion picture is one that, in the view of the Rating Board, most parents would consider patently too adult for their children 17 and under. No children will be admitted. NC-17 does not mean "obscene" or "pornographic" in the common or legal meaning of those words, and should not be construed as a negative judgment in any sense. The rating simply signals that the content is appropriate only for an adult audience. An NC-17 rating can be based on violence, sex, aberrational behavior, drug abuse or any other element that most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children


I can't speak the Trayvon Martin pics but the Bush pics are not doctored

You should change your screen name, dude. You are a dishonest person. That is patently obvious to any sane person reading this thread.

You trying to say Bush didn't flip the bird?

Give it a rest and put it in context

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDTFJbTm46w]Bush Flips Off America - YouTube[/ame]
No it isn't. When you go to the movies, a "child" is defined as someone 12 or under. No one calls a 17-year-old a "child" - unless, that is, they are sleazy demagogues trying to put one over on the public.

We are not defining 'child' by a fucking movie ticket, are we?
I suppose he might have. The fact that someone would do that shows how off the charts stupid this country is getting.

The more and more I watch this trial and this situation the more I believe that the best thing that could happen to Zimmerman would be to go to jail. I firmly believe that if he is freed, he will be killed by some racist vigilante.

He wouldn't live a week in jail before he was shanked. He needs to skip the country or he's dead.

He won't be going to jail. If there are any white people on the jury, there is no way in hell the prosecution can make these bogus, trumped up charges stick.

Unless some jurors decide they'd rather lock him up than risk having their houses burned down!
You know........................I'd be willing to give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe he's innocent and doesn't deserve what he's going through.

Only one problem.....................................................

While talking to the 911 operator he himself had called, he was told to stand down, stay in his car, and not follow the person he'd called in about, because police were on their way and would take care of it.
What did he do? Got out of his car, took his weapon with him, and confronted Trayvon Martin, which eventually resulted in him shooting an innocent kid (under the age of 18) who had nothing more than a soft drink and a bag of skittles.

I hope the truth is found, and I'm thinking it's gonna be bad for Zimmerman.

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