Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

You're a fuckin' idiot.

No one is demanding that children be "taught" about homosexual sex. There's no curriculum.

You need to familiarize yourself with what's behind this law and how it came to be. No one is demanding that children be taught about homosexual sex...
The idiot would be you. And, once again, you're lying. It seems that every post you make is a lie. I'm sure it's not all of them but you're sure on a roll in this thread.

The Florida law actually is about teaching and not teaching kids about sex. Since I've actually read the law and you have not, and I have posted it here before, I knew this before but here it is again for you and the other liars:

3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third 98 parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur 99 in kindergarten through grade 3

In order to teach sexual orientation, you must teach sex.

But my comments aren't just about the Florida law and neither are the comments of many others in this thread; it's about the left teaching children about sex all across the country, and even the world. Teaching children about sex is already against the law and those who do it need to go to prison and register as sex offenders.

You said that no one is demanding that children be taught about sex? Once again, you're a liar. But you knew you were lying when you made the denial.

Here's my post with links to just some who actually ARE demanding that children be taught about sex, liar.

So what? The people of Orlando have to pay their own way now? To keep low taxes they sold their souls and their children to homosexuals. Raise my taxes and keep the homosexuals away from my children.
You just may be the single most ignorant fucker on the internet.

I shit you not...

Because you would sell your kids to homosexuals if it lowers your taxes? And you think I'm dumb? Wow.
You clearly have no idea what the bill is about. No one wants to teach your son how to be a homosexual or transgender...

Wow. Another lie. The bill does require that the schools not teach children about homosexuality and transgenderism. But if no one was doing it anyway, why are you and the other homosexuals and cross dressers so bent out of shape over the bill?
What punishment? Disney chose to get political and oppose a common sense law. Disney can no longer expect special treatment by the government at tax payers expense. Which part of that don’t you get?

I have more great memories at Disney than I can count. We used to go there 2-3 times a year prior to COVID. But I have to side with Gov. DeSantis on this. Any entity that gets special perks from the government needs to stay out of politics.
And you don't think that this is chilling?

Whatever you think of the law, a corporation opposed it. And the government is punishing them for that. Think about it. First it's a large corporation, then it's a rich person, a group of people, down to individuals.

A government punishing people for opposing their laws is plenty scary.
President Potatohead's biggest accomplishment to date is show America how fucked up this country gets when Democrats are control.
Anyone who was paying attention knows that already.

Democrats caused the financial meltdown of 2008 with their woke bullshit

One example of many.
That’s a BS statement of I’ve ever heard one. We aren’t in a civil war. Two sides of wingnuts are fighting like school children. Both are embarrassing themselves. The best position to be in is neutral and not feeding either of the whacko partisan parties
Neutral when it comes to my children?

I don't think so.
Bs How is an attack on free speach to make sure children arent supjected to this bs.

The law is 100% fine
This prevents it from happening Period. It has no place in schools. Crt has no place in schools. They have been using govt to attack us forever. They use a Baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. You want our response to hit them withba nerf ball. That is why they are winning bro. Some understand that.

So, I was right. You can't provide an example of anyone trying to teach 7 year olds about sex.

Thanks for being a stand up guy and admitting that...

CEO Bob Chapek said he will meet with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Disney will donate $5 million to organizations, including the Human Rights Campaign, that work to protect LGTBQ+ rights.

A lawsuit machine for the gay community..........$5 million to them

Not even enough to hire a good lawyer. :p
You're an idiot. I am a very successful investor. When I invest, I investigate the management team of a company and the history, social media posts, attitudes, and words of those in management are a very large part of the investment decision. You clearly know nothing at all about how investment works other than your 401K fund.

You know, my portfolio would make you cry.

It was mentioned that investors can sue if they lose money. But the possibility of losing money is the very risk one takes when one chooses to invest. I've been an active investor for over 40 years. Tell your bullshit walkin', punk...
If Disney really and truly doesn't want children to be indoctrinated with homoeroticism, they should really propose their own law to fight the Gay Agenda. Show some good will here.

What "gay agenda"?

No one wants to teach your son how to suck cock. Get that through your thick skull, dummy...
No school is teaching sex or sexual deviancy to children. You're being played.
Sure. You've seen DOZENS of examples posted in this very forum, for WEEKS now, and you're still going to pretend it doesn't exist.

This is why they call it DERANGEMENT

You're deranged.

Out of range. Out there somewhere. Left orbit.
Neutral when it comes to my children?

I don't think so.
Did you hear me say that you should be neutral when it comes to your children?! If so then can you quote me saying that cause I’m pretty sure you just made that up.
This is reaction to the new supreme court judge. Desantis is passing laws to spite a tiny minority. He's manipulating you.
No, he's passing laws to PROTECT CHILDREN, which for some reason the dangerously stupid liberals seem to be against
Back in the 1960's, they didn't have gay teletubbies, drag queen story hour, or homosexuality on TV 24/7 either

Situation has changed, and parents are concerned.

Hopefully, there is something to say for your point of view.

But parents are the ones who are responsible for their children and they feel its important to have checks and balances on the teachers' unions and their instruction of the youths

Teletubbies are having sex? What the fuck kind of websites are you watching??

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