Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far


It's pretty clear you're not an investor. When one invests, one assumes risks. One of those risks is that you can lose your money. The only way an investor would have grounds to sue would be if the board acted illegally or unethically. Taking some action which you personally disagree with isn't illegal or unethical...
You're an idiot. I am a very successful investor. When I invest, I investigate the management team of a company and the history, social media posts, attitudes, and words of those in management are a very large part of the investment decision. You clearly know nothing at all about how investment works other than your 401K fund.
It's a lie. You are being played. I hope when you realize what they are doing you won't freak out.

If Disney really and truly doesn't want children to be indoctrinated with homoeroticism, they should really propose their own law to fight the Gay Agenda. Show some good will here.
If Disney really and truly doesn't want children to be indoctrinated with homoeroticism, they should really propose their own law to fight the Gay Agenda. Show some good will here.
The "gay agenda"? You are still a moron.
You have a different idea of parenting than I do. If you promise to go outside with your kids tomorrow but it rains, do you go outside anyway?

That you are teaching your children that they get their way no matter what changes is scary. You're raising spoiled children.
Look, my children are homeschooled. They know nothing about this transsexual craze. There are boys and girls. Boys and girls grow up to be daddies and mommies. I don't plan to discuss anything with them beyond the fundamentals of human reproduction before they've navigated puberty. They don't need to know about this insanity right now or in the next few years.

We gave them our word. It's important that we keep our word. We are not going to both break our word and then necessarily get into the scary and confusing sexual politics of why we're breaking our word. That would serve to defeat the preservation of their innocence as they grow into the beauty of Godly ordained sexuality.

What does all that mean, daddy? Why is the state telling boys they can be girls, daddy?

Is anybody home?

You are a moralizing little prick of a man and a damn fool.
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13 year old.........Tallahassee Florida
They want to be left in peace. Why are they such a threat to you?
Then they should just SFTU and stop trying to mess with our kids' growth and upbringing. Stop trying to normalize the glaringly aberrant. Men cannot ever be women and women cannot ever be men. There is no such thing as 'transgender' in human beings. Changing the lexicon does no change scientific fact.
Then they should just SFTU and stop trying to mess with our kid's growth and upbringing. Stop trying to normalize the glaringly aberrant. Men cannot ever be women and women cannot ever be men. There is no such thing as 'transgender' in human beings. Changing the lexicon does no change scientific fact.
Are your children at risk? This is an ugly, despicable political game. Watch yourself.

In her talking about this..........she states that she can prove 12 other counties doing the exact same thing as LEON COUNTY FLORIDA.
Yes, that was the goal of the unethical, corrupt Governor who is punishing them for political free speech.
What punishment? Disney chose to get political and oppose a common sense law. Disney can no longer expect special treatment by the government at tax payers expense. Which part of that don’t you get?

I have more great memories at Disney than I can count. We used to go there 2-3 times a year prior to COVID. But I have to side with Gov. DeSantis on this. Any entity that gets special perks from the government needs to stay out of politics.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Jan. 14 agreed to hear a case involving 14 parents who sued the Madison Metropolitan School District. The group of anonymous parents filed the lawsuit in 2020 in response to the district’s policy of instructing school employees to assist children at any age, upon their request, to assume a transgender or nonbinary identity. The policy directed staff to hide a student’s new identity from parents unless the child consented to disclose it.

A lower court granted a partial injunction, preventing the Madison school district from lying to parents who might ask about a child’s gender identification at school. Attorneys for the parents appealed to the state Supreme Court seeking parental consent and notice before a child transitions at school, according to Luke Berg of the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty. (The firm, representing the case with Alliance Defending Freedom, also appealed to the state Supreme Court to protect the parents’ identity, citing retaliation against them and their children.)

While percentages vary, studies show that gender dysphoria resolves itself in about 80 percent of children who experience it, and they eventually accept their biological sex. Vernadette Broyles, president and general counsel of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign, the firm representing the Littlejohns, said schools are sending confusing messages to children and driving a wedge between them and their parents.

“School officials are not competent nor are they authorized to make significant mental health decisions for a child,” Broyles said. “The immediate response from school officials should be, we need to get the parents involved.”

So in cases the School LIES to the PARENTS..........AND ALLOWS GENDER TRANSITION AT SCHOOL........AND ARE NOT EVEN MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS.........They even ask the kids which bathroom they prefer to use at school...............WITHOUT SAYING A WORD TO THE PARENTS................



13 year old.........Tallahassee Florida
Pure evil, eagle. I can't even begin to grasp the arrogance of adults assuming such authority over others' children.
Pure evil, eagle. I can't even begin to grasp the arrogance of adults assuming such authority over others' children.
They should be drawn and quartered................they LIE to the parents and are not even mental health workers......Then help them on their way to any gender they want and say PARENTS butt out........

I'll buy the tar..............feathers needed............These people have LOST THEIR STINKING MINDS.

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