Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

You forgot part of your first choice!

A) A company says something that some people don't like, that would hurt the company's bottom line, and then ignores its customers.

B) A government agency debates taking targeted averse actions against the company that would hurt the company's bottom line, and then follows through.
She got it more wrong that that. It's not "some people" who don't like what the CEO of Disney said. 64%, basically 2 out of 3, Florida voters support the bill.

So, what Stormy Daniels really would have said, had he/she been honest in that post, is:

A) A company says something that the vast majority of people, including it's customers, do not like, something that would hurt the company's bottom line, and then ignores its customers.
So what? The people of Orlando have to pay their own way now? To keep low taxes they sold their souls and their children to homosexuals. Raise my taxes and keep the homosexuals away from my children.

You just may be the single most ignorant fucker on the internet.

I shit you not...
Oh by the way....speaking of gays, grooming and blah blah blah...

We have this....

You gotta keep up the noise about anonymous teachers all over the country forcing kids to be gay to distract from all of the MAGA chuds doing real life shit that QAnoners fantasize about...
Nonsense. It "revealed" nothing, as Disney's standing was never a secret.

If DeSantis had said he was removing the concessions that Disney enjoyed because those concessions were unfair to other businesses, I would be behind him 1000%.

But he's doing it because Disney had the nerve to voice an opinion.

Is that where you want to live? In a country where you'll be punished for simply voicing your opinion?
No Disney threatened to do everything in their power to fight the bill.
You must be gay. You are losing it overa law that protects kids from perverts. It is not your business our Disneys to say we have the right to teach others parents kids Morality

Disney fucked up. They should have STFU
The CEO was originally trying to stay out of it. His activist employees went apeshit…and he caved. This is what happens when you listen to SJW weirdos instead of telling them to STFU.
No, Disney virtue signals here in the US because it helps them sell more product to more people..here in the US...and because that part of the culture war here in the US -- despite Conservatives trying to hard to keep it going -- has been lost...HERE IN THE US

In China....the calculus is that being openly gay is very frowned upon and that sentiment is backed by China's authoritarian regime....so it makes money for Disney to follow suit...

What you should be asking yourself is....why do you and China's authoritarian government have so much in common??
Woke crap does not help Disney sell shit. The woke assholes demanding things from Disney are not their consumers. Their consumers are the very people they keep pissing off that now don’t buy their comics,merch,action figures,streaming services and movie tickets.
You clearly have no idea what the bill is about. No one wants to teach your son how to be a homosexual or transgender...
I quoted the law already. If it doesnt happen then why are they suing to get rid of the law.

Disney flat out lied called it the dont say gay law. Screw them.

All over this country there have been crt and teachers teaching garbage like sex ed to small children. Florida is making sure it doesnt happen in Florida. Its a crime now.

So if they arent doing it....why ate they suing against the law.
You just may be the single most ignorant fucker on the internet.

I shit you not...
Orlando and Orange County has blown a lot of money over the years. Growth without being as responsible as they should have. It's like the U.S. Government and the fiat currency printing press.
I quoted the law already. If it doesnt happen then why are they suing to get rid of the law.

Disney flat out lied called it the dont say gay law. Screw them.

All over this country there have been crt and teachers teaching garbage like sex ed to small children. Florida is making sure it doesnt happen in Florida. Its a crime now.

So if they arent doing it....why ate they suing against the law.

Well, if it's so prevalent, It should be easy for you to show me examples.

But you can't do that.

They want the law changed because they see it as an attack on free speech, not because it means they can't teach 6 year old boys how to suck cock. Nobody wants to do that, and I defy you to show an example of someone who does.

Little 7-year old Susie isn't being given a course of instruction on knob-gobblin', why does the right suddenly think that that little 7-year old Bobby will? As far as I'm aware, neither has happened. It's basically a law to prohibit something that isn't happening. I see it as being more intended to protect young kids from the "Tommy has two Mommies" discussion which they're not going to understand anyway.

But, yeah, if it's happening, I would love to see it...
Well, if it's so prevalent, It should be easy for you to show me examples.

But you can't do that.

They want the law changed because they see it as an attack on free speech, not because it means they can't teach 6 year old boys how to suck cock. Nobody wants to do that, and I defy you to show an example of someone who does.

Little Susie isn't being given a course of instruction on knob-gobblin', why does the right suddenly think that that little Bobby will? As far as I'm aware, neither has happened. It's basically a law to prohibit something that isn't happening. I see it as being more intended to protect young kids from the "Tommy has two Mommies" discussion which they're not going to understand anyway.

But, yeah, if it's happening, I would love to see it...

If Liberals really don't want to teach the kids Gay Sex, why don't they come up with actual legislation to prohibit it?

Address the problem the people have identified, and I bet the bill would pass in a bipartisan vote.
If Liberals really don't want to teach the kids Gay Sex, why don't they come up with actual legislation to prohibit it?

Address the problem the people have identified, and I bet the bill would pass in a bipartisan vote.

I was in grade K-3 from 1967 to 1970. There was no legislation then to prohibit the teaching of gay sex, although I have to believe that there were gays on Long Island from 1967 to 1970.

And you know what? No one was taught gay sex.

Insisting that we need a law to keep it from happening is stupid. There's a long history of it not happening despite the fact that no law against it existed.

The law keeps the discussion about sexuality (gay, straight, whatever) and gender identification out of the classroom until, apparently, the 4th grade. Do you think a 9-year old kid is old enough to be instructed on the finer points of cunnilingus? Because the law you support, if we're to lend credence to the hysterics coming from the right, would allow exactly that...

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