Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

Several years ago, my wife and I promised our kids that we would spend a week in Disneyworld when they were old enough to fully appreciate it and enjoy the memories of their visit for years to come. My wife and I haven't been there since just after we married.

Well, they are at that age now. We planned for next Spring when they will be 12 and 10 respectively. They've been patient and are truly thrilled that they'll see it soon.

We'll keep our promise but unless Disney gets its act together that will be the last time.
So...you really aren't worried about Disney grooming your kids.................................it's all a sham.
Why not let them have their own fucking opinions with out the government butting the fuck in. You wanna smoke a cock. I don't give a shit. You don't want to smoke a cock I don't give a shit. You do what you think is best. I will do what I think is best.
At 5 years old get the fuck out of here. When they are adults I dont care At that age its brain washing
Lol, a business that's going to turn down tax exemptions. Ya sure. Florida did not give those exemptions with out getting shit back. They gave them the exemptions to get the jobs and development. Now Orlando is one of the largest tourist attractions in the world. It's one of the few times that shit worked out for the government. Disney maintains all there own infrastructure costing the state and county nothing while raising the property values in the area up tremendously also giving all those employees jobs in which the locals get tax from. Maybe Disney pulls the he'll out and goes else where because DeSantis wants to be an authoritative dick.Then that entire area can lose all that tax base tourism and have the largest eyesore known to man kind. Ever drive by a deserted mall? You want attacks by government for taking a political side just wait till it starts happening to conservative business for speaking their mind. Let's just wipe chick filled out every blue city in the US. Where does it stop? Want the mayor to come over and fuck your wife in front of you and threaten your business if ya speak up. Wanna have to luck the kings duck if he tells ya to?
You must be gay. You are losing it overa law that protects kids from perverts. It is not your business our Disneys to say we have the right to teach others parents kids Morality

Disney fucked up. They should have STFU
If your company is in the business of making widgets then they should stick to making widgets and stay out of politics. It's one thing to hire a person based on their skills, without regard to who that person sleeps with in the privacy of their home, or without consideration of that person's skin color.

It's an altogether different thing to tell one race of people that they're inherently bad because of their race. If they were to tell black people that they were inferior, the left (and right) would, rightfully, be up in arms. But if the company tells white people, as my employer does, that they're lesser human beings than other races, that's racism and the left (and right) should be up in arms.
Of course. This article was posted for Cannon as he requested information.

This is showing who Disney is funding.
It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

Lol, Disney is finished.......

Maybe next time they will back their government before they spout off and get smacked down like DeSantis did them.....lol...awesome..

That is the only way to fight back against this lib-woke-Communist cancel culture.
Lol, Disney is finished.......

Maybe next time they will back their government before they spout off and get smacked down like DeSantis did them.....lol...awesome..

That is the only way to fight back against this lib-woke-Communist cancel culture.

Does it bother you that Disney voluntarily censors ALL gay content out of everything they sell in China? Isn't that homophobic?
Disney is trying to force the Florida schools to teach homosexuality to kindergartners. A lot of people don't think that's a good idea.
Why do you lie? That is a complete falsehood. They oppose the bill making it illegal for teachers to teach sexual content to K-3rd grade. Personally, I support the Florid legislature and DeSantis for passing that law. Disney merely opposed that law for whatever stupid reason. However, what you claimed is a lie.
Does it bother you that Disney voluntarily censors ALL gay content out of everything they sell in China? Isn't that homophobic?
No, Disney virtue signals here in the US because it helps them sell more product to more people..here in the US...and because that part of the culture war here in the US -- despite Conservatives trying to hard to keep it going -- has been lost...HERE IN THE US

In China....the calculus is that being openly gay is very frowned upon and that sentiment is backed by China's authoritarian regime....so it makes money for Disney to follow suit...

What you should be asking yourself is....why do you and China's authoritarian government have so much in common??
This is reaction to the new supreme court judge. Desantis is passing laws to spite a tiny minority. He's manipulating you.
Desantis isn't doing anything out of spite. He's doing what the people of Florida asked him to do. He's not trying to hurt anyone. How is anyone hurt, and who is it that is hurt, by not teaching 4 year-olds about sex?
And this is why America is doomed. People like you sell their souls, completely abandoning their morals for a few minutes of fun.

It's called keeping his word to his kids. Maybe you should try it sometime.

I hope you're not a breeder...
When shareholders lose money, they often sue because it is the legal duty of the board to do their best to benefit shareholders.


It's pretty clear you're not an investor. When one invests, one assumes risks. One of those risks is that you can lose your money. The only way an investor would have grounds to sue would be if the board acted illegally or unethically. Taking some action which you personally disagree with isn't illegal or unethical...
This a lie - absolute lie. The Disney CEO said that Disney will do all they can to overturn the law. They didn't just voice an opinion, they promised action against the will of the people of Florida.
Fuck you, numbnuts. I don't lie.

If Disney opts to not donate any money to repeal this legislation; and that's entirely possible at this point, then all they've done is expressed an opinion..
Desantis isn't doing anything out of spite. He's doing what the people of Florida asked him to do. He's not trying to hurt anyone. How is anyone hurt, and who is it that is hurt, by not teaching 4 year-olds about sex?
It's a political lie. No one is teaching 4 year olds about sex.
It doesn't change a thing that you gave your word. They're children and you're the parent. Either you're OK with teaching children about homosexual sex or you're not OK with it or you aren't capable of telling your children that things have changed and that Disney is a threat to their well being so they're not going.

Sad for your children that their parent does not have the backbone to do the right thing. But it's your choice and your children.
You're a fuckin' idiot.

No one is demanding that children be "taught" about homosexual sex. There's no curriculum.

You need to familiarize yourself with what's behind this law and how it came to be. No one is demanding that children be taught about homosexual sex...

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