Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

I was in grade K-3 from 1967 to 1970. There was no legislation then to prohibit the teaching of gay sex, although I have to believe that there were gays on Long Island from 1967 to 1970.

And you know what? No one was taught gay sex.

Insisting that we need a law to keep it from happening is stupid. There's a long history of it not happening despite the fact that no law against it existed.

The law keeps the discussion about sexuality (gay, straight, whatever) and gender identification out of the classroom until, apparently, the 4th grade. Do you think a 9-year old kid is old enough to be instructed on the finer points of cunnilingus? Because the law you support, if we're to lend credence to the hysterics coming from the right, would allow exactly that...

Back in the 1960's, they didn't have gay teletubbies, drag queen story hour, or homosexuality on TV 24/7 either

Situation has changed, and parents are concerned.

Hopefully, there is something to say for your point of view.

But parents are the ones who are responsible for their children and they feel its important to have checks and balances on the teachers' unions and their instruction of the youths
Back in the 1960's, they didn't have gay teletubbies, drag queen story hour, or homosexuality on TV 24/7 either

Situation has changed, and parents are concerned.

Hopefully, there is something to say for your point of view.

But parents are the ones who are responsible for their children and they feel its important to have checks and balances on the teachers' unions and their instruction of the youths

Sorry, but I don't see the basis for the level of hysteria coming from the right. I just don't. No one is trying to teach your kids how to have gay sex, nor does anyone want to...
Desantis isn't doing anything out of spite. He's doing what the people of Florida asked him to do. He's not trying to hurt anyone. How is anyone hurt, and who is it that is hurt, by not teaching 4 year-olds about sex?
Amazing how this occurred after Disney said it wouldn't donate to Florida politicians.
Well, if it's so prevalent, It should be easy for you to show me examples.

But you can't do that.

They want the law changed because they see it as an attack on free speech, not because it means they can't teach 6 year old boys how to suck cock. Nobody wants to do that, and I defy you to show an example of someone who does.

Little 7-year old Susie isn't being given a course of instruction on knob-gobblin', why does the right suddenly think that that little 7-year old Bobby will? As far as I'm aware, neither has happened. It's basically a law to prohibit something that isn't happening. I see it as being more intended to protect young kids from the "Tommy has two Mommies" discussion which they're not going to understand anyway.

But, yeah, if it's happening, I would love to see it...
Bs How is an attack on free speach to make sure children arent supjected to this bs.

The law is 100% fine
This prevents it from happening Period. It has no place in schools. Crt has no place in schools. They have been using govt to attack us forever. They use a Baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. You want our response to hit them withba nerf ball. That is why they are winning bro. Some understand that.
Back in the 1960's, they didn't have gay teletubbies, drag queen story hour, or homosexuality on TV 24/7 either

Situation has changed, and parents are concerned.

Hopefully, there is something to say for your point of view.

But parents are the ones who are responsible for their children and they feel its important to have checks and balances on the teachers' unions and their instruction of the youths
How are teletubbies gay? They have no gender...

I could see the need for the law if there were actual instances in Florida. None have been cited in support of the law.

Inversely, I don't see the law having an impact warranting the great liberal freakout about it.
So it appears to be only fresh meat for the circus. I guess I am slow.
I was in grade K-3 from 1967 to 1970. There was no legislation then to prohibit the teaching of gay sex, although I have to believe that there were gays on Long Island from 1967 to 1970.

And you know what? No one was taught gay sex.

Insisting that we need a law to keep it from happening is stupid. There's a long history of it not happening despite the fact that no law against it existed.

The law keeps the discussion about sexuality (gay, straight, whatever) and gender identification out of the classroom until, apparently, the 4th grade. Do you think a 9-year old kid is old enough to be instructed on the finer points of cunnilingus? Because the law you support, if we're to lend credence to the hysterics coming from the right, would allow exactly that...
In those years this Woke religion didnt exist. It has NO business in schools ever. It is not the schools job to teach a cult mentality. What youbdo in your own house. I dont care. Leave this BS there.

The people will destroy them over this. Virginia showed this. Disney is now going to understand this
Trying out for Dumb and Dumber II?

Have you ever been to Disney World in Florida? It makes Disneyland look like a convenience store in downtown NYC!
I’ve been to both and agree with you but if Disney is that upset about Florida’s move and want a political climate more aligned with their views, then shut down. I say that knowing full well Disney will not give up on operating in Florida.
I’ve been to both and agree with you but if Disney is that upset about Florida’s move and want a political climate more aligned with their views, then shut down. I say that knowing full well Disney will not give up on operating in Florida.

OK, then why did you say what you did? That's moronic! You said something that you know will never happen according to your latter post.
In those years this Woke religion didnt exist. It has NO business in schools ever. It is not the schools job to teach a cult mentality. What youbdo in your own house. I dont care. Leave this BS there.

The people will destroy them over this. Virginia showed this. Disney is now going to understand this
Woke just means decent.
The problem with what the State is doing (and I'm a big DeSantis supporter) is that they're now trying to say this is being done because Disney has unfair business concessions, but anyone with a pulse knows that's not why they're doing it, at all.

I'm all in favor of the law prohibiting sex education to kids in grammar school, but I'm vehemently against the State now punishing a corporation for expressing an opinion. This will set a monumentally dangerous precedent, in that it will now be perfectly acceptable to financially attack any entity at all for expressing an opinion. Florida Republicans need to pray to whatever God they believe in that a democrat never becomes Governor, because this will come back to bite them in the proverbial ass, and they won't have a leg to stand on when trying to contest it.

As big a supporter of DeSantis as I am, I think he's dead wrong for doing this, and I think it could very easily hurt his political aspirations beyond the State House...

The state will lose hundreds of millions with the laws passed concerning Disney and their autonomy.
Disney provided government function because there are no residents to elect anyone. The state has a republican form of government. For example, military bases do not elect anyone, and are not subject to local cities and counties. Under the previous system, it would be like having the residents of Newark, NJ run New York City, if the city of NY was unpopulated.
Really? DIsney's relationship to Florida is like the Army's relationship to Florida? Does Congress get to vote to close Disney like they might a military base? Maybe you're right and Congress should do that.
What's "decent" about teaching kindergartners about gay sex or encouraging young people to take hormones and get a sex change operation?
It's a lie. You are being played. I hope when you realize what they are doing you won't freak out.
I gave my word to my children. They know absolutely nothing about the controversy. It is more important to their well-being that I keep my word at this moment in their lives. There is a difference between adhering to moral standards and moralizing.
You have a different idea of parenting than I do. If you promise to go outside with your kids tomorrow but it rains, do you go outside anyway?

That you are teaching your children that they get their way no matter what changes is scary. You're raising spoiled children.

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