Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

The problem with what the State is doing (and I'm a big DeSantis supporter) is that they're now trying to say this is being done because Disney has unfair business concessions, but anyone with a pulse knows that's not why they're doing it, at all.

I'm all in favor of the law prohibiting sex education to kids in grammar school, but I'm vehemently against the State now punishing a corporation for expressing an opinion. This will set a monumentally dangerous precedent, in that it will now be perfectly acceptable to financially attack any entity at all for expressing an opinion. Florida Republicans need to pray to whatever God they believe in that a democrat never becomes Governor, because this will come back to bite them in the proverbial ass, and they won't have a leg to stand on when trying to contest it.

As big a supporter of DeSantis as I am, I think he's dead wrong for doing this, and I think it could very easily hurt his political aspirations beyond the State House...
Well said. This is political grandstanding at its very worst.
Not really. Remember, it took an unethical, corrupt governor to force that.
Actually, the representatives of the people passed that; the governor just signed it. You remember democracy, don't you? Where the people have a voice in government? Where corporations don't get special privilege? Where corporations aren't literally government?

I know Democrats don't like representative government for which they're named but you're no longer even trying to fake it.
No they won’t. If those bonds were such a financial liability to Disney they would have dumped them long ago. Their sweetheart deal with Florida made them a butt load of cash.

And it also made the state of Florida a butt load of cash. It was not a one sided agreement.

As for the Bonds, Disney used them to pay for infrastructure improvements and now the counties will own both the debt and the upkeep on said infrastructure.
I gave up anything Disney several years ago. I do find it amusing that they could lose the rights to Mickey Mouse though.

Bet they are loving their activist employees now…huh?
I hope they have to sell off all their Mavel stuff they just acquired!!!

The problem with what the State is doing (and I'm a big DeSantis supporter) is that they're now trying to say this is being done because Disney has unfair business concessions, but anyone with a pulse knows that's not why they're doing it, at all.

I'm all in favor of the law prohibiting sex education to kids in grammar school, but I'm vehemently against the State now punishing a corporation for expressing an opinion. This will set a monumentally dangerous precedent, in that it will now be perfectly acceptable to financially attack any entity at all for expressing an opinion. Florida Republicans need to pray to whatever God they believe in that a democrat never becomes Governor, because this will come back to bite them in the proverbial ass, and they won't have a leg to stand on when trying to contest it.

As big a supporter of DeSantis as I am, I think he's dead wrong for doing this, and I think it could very easily hurt his political aspirations beyond the State House...
When a corporation is given governmental powers then they must live by the Constitution just as the government must. When a corporation tries to use their privilege to change the will of the people then that privilege must be removed. Remember that no one elected Disney or any government official in the Disney government. The Constitution states that all states will have a republican form of government. Disney being their own government is not that.

Their privilege was given in direct violation of the Constitution many hears ago. As long as they used that privilege for what it was granted they stayed under the radar and got no scrutiny. They brought the scrutiny on themselves and what the scrutiny revealed is that the entire deal is a violation of the Constitution so the Florida Legislature fixed it.
When a corporation is given governmental powers then they must live by the Constitution just as the government must. When a corporation tries to use their privilege to change the will of the people then that privilege must be removed. Remember that no one elected Disney or any government official in the Disney government. The Constitution states that all states will have a republican form of government. Disney being their own government is not that.

Their privilege was given in direct violation of the Constitution many hears ago. As long as they used that privilege for what it was granted they stayed under the radar and got no scrutiny. They brought the scrutiny on themselves and what the scrutiny revealed is that the entire deal is a violation of the Constitution so the Florida Legislature fixed it.

Nonsense. It "revealed" nothing, as Disney's standing was never a secret.

If DeSantis had said he was removing the concessions that Disney enjoyed because those concessions were unfair to other businesses, I would be behind him 1000%.

But he's doing it because Disney had the nerve to voice an opinion.

Is that where you want to live? In a country where you'll be punished for simply voicing your opinion?
Until they issue new stocks, trading on the NYSE has no relevance to Disney, or any other company for that matter. If I buy YOUR stocks in Disney, how much money do they see?
When shareholders lose money, they replace leadership. When shareholders lose money, they often sue because it is the legal duty of the board to do their best to benefit shareholders. When a company gets woke, they quit thinking about shareholders and start thinking about teaching children to have sex - perverted sex.
Nonsense. It "revealed" nothing, as Disney's standing was never a secret.

If DeSantis had said he was removing the concessions that Disney enjoyed because those concessions were unfair to other businesses, I would be behind him 1000%.

But he's doing it because Disney had the nerve to voice an opinion.

Is that where you want to live? In a country where you'll be punished for simply voicing your opinion?
It can hardly be considered a punishment. More like a removal of an unjustified privilege.

Those little government privileges selectively handed out are given with strings attached.

Those strings just got snapped.
When shareholders lose money, they replace leadership. When shareholders lose money, they often sue because it is the legal duty of the board to do their best to benefit shareholders. When a company gets woke, they quit thinking about shareholders and start thinking about teaching children to have sex - perverted sex.

Shareholders should drum out each and every faggot and child fucker from that organization.

I hope they do.
Several years ago, my wife and I promised our kids that we would spend a week in Disneyworld when they were old enough to fully appreciate it and enjoy the memories of their visit for years to come. My wife and I haven't been there since just after we married.

Well, they are at that age now. We planned for next Spring when they will be 12 and 10 respectively. They've been patient and are truly thrilled that they'll see it soon.

We'll keep our promise but unless Disney gets its act together that will be the last time.
And this is why America is doomed. People like you sell their souls, completely abandoning their morals for a few minutes of fun.
To be neutral in such times is taking the side of the insane Left. It’s no different than saying you were neutral during the Civil War. You’ve picked a side by claiming neutrality.
Those who claim to be independent or middle of the road are simply cowards. They're afraid of being wrong or making a decision so they wait until the issues are resolved and then can jump on the bandwagon at the very end of the road.

White6 is just about the most left person on this board though he makes token comments that he thinks sound conservative from time to time but he's not conservative in any way. And he's leftist in a lot of ways. That makes him a leftist.

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