Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

1. Florida House Bill 1557 (widely known as the “Don’t Say Gay” law) is an unlawful attempt to stigmatize, silence, and erase LGBTQ people in Florida’s public schools. It seeks to do so by imposing a sweeping, vague ban covering any instruction on “sexual orientation and gender identity,” and by constructing a diffuse enforcement scheme designed to maximize the chilling effect of this prohibition.

2. Through H.B. 1557, Florida would deny to an entire generation that LGBTQ people exist and have equal dignity. This effort to control young minds through state censorship—and to demean LGBTQ lives by denying their reality—is a grave abuse of power. The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that LGBTQ people and families are at home in our constitutional order. The State of Florida has no right to declare them outcasts, or to treat their allies as outlaws, by punishing schools where someone dares to affirm their identity and dignity.

3. H.B. 1557 piles one violation on top of another. It offends principles of free speech and equal protection by seeking to censor discussions of sexual orientation or gender identity that recognize and respect LGBTQ people and their families. It offends due process by using broad and vague terms to define its prohibitions—thus inviting discriminatory enforcement and magnifying its chilling effect on speech. And it arises from discriminatory purposes and outdated sex-based stereotypes that offend deeply rooted constitutional and statutory requirements.

4. To start, the law is clearly the product of animus towards Florida’s LGBTQ community. The bill’s sponsor in the Senate has stated that the law is meant to prohibit discussion of sexual orientations and gender identities that do not comport with Florida’s supposed “core belief systems and values.” He has also stated that the bill is intended to prevent students “coming out in school” to their peers from being treated as “celebrities.” The premise of these statements is fear that LGBTQ students might live their true identities in school and be met with acceptance rather than state-sanctioned hostility targeting their protected characteristics.
Newsflash---STraight people don't want to and don't talk about sex with 4-8 years old. ONly sick perverted groomers do-----and the Gay communities uproar over not being able to discuss their sex lives with other people's children is alarming about the character of the gay community. You want to make a bunch of people hate gays, start targeting their kids for sexual indoctrination.
Which of the following is more likely to cause a company's stock prices to go down:

A) A company says something that some people don't like.

B) A government agency debates taking targeted averse actions against the company that would hurt the company's bottom line, and then follows through.
Pissing off a probable next POTUS is not a good idea for a company. Investors hate risk. And even if Disney fired every one of their pedo management staff it will take years for them to regain stability.
This is reaction to the new supreme court judge. Desantis is passing laws to spite a tiny minority. He's manipulating you.
Why do you want to be able to teach 5 year old boys about sex? I see no reason outside of basic biology to teach any aged children about sex.

Desantis can not pass any law, unless that law is written and passed by the majority of the legislature of his state. The legislature will not remain the majority if they do not act for the people. Your attempt to use this as political propaganda to smear Desantis just educates more people as to the nature of the people who are Democrats.

What an eye opener, teaching sex to 5 year old children is something democrats fight for?
I hope Disney goes bankrupt. I want them to go bankrupt so they can be reforged into something better. I want to see Disney return to it's 1990s self when it was a good company.

I love star wars, the Dr strange character and so on but I won't see them in a theater anymore. I pirate the stuff. I won't even buy food at the store if it has a Disney promo on it. I refuse to give Disney a single cent.

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