Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

Why not tell this to the employees at Disney who overwhelmingly are protesting the change in language?
Maybe they are too close minded to be employed by Disney.
Why not let them have their own fucking opinions with out the government butting the fuck in. You wanna smoke a cock. I don't give a shit. You don't want to smoke a cock I don't give a shit. You do what you think is best. I will do what I think is best.
Several years ago, my wife and I promised our kids that we would spend a week in Disneyworld when they were old enough to fully appreciate it and enjoy the memories of their visit for years to come. My wife and I haven't been there since just after we married.

Well, they are at that age now. We planned for next Spring when they will be 12 and 10 respectively. They've been patient and are truly thrilled that they'll see it soon.

We'll keep our promise but unless Disney gets its act together that will be the last time.
Why do you people think the parks have anything to do with the topic. I was there in February and it was the greatest time in my life to spend the time with my grandsons.
Why not let them have their own fucking opinions with out the government butting the fuck in. You wanna smoke a cock. I don't give a shit. You don't want to smoke a cock I don't give a shit. You do what you think is best. I will do what I think is best.
Tell me why Disney should get State help when it only helps Disney?
My son-in-law is in Commercial Real-Estate and says Florida needs Disney like it needs acne.
There are a flood of developers in Florida who want to rebuild that land without any tax exemptions and they are happy to build tourist attractions to boot.
What does that have to with anything?

People are fleeing the COVID, high taxes, blizzards and nor'easters of New York for the sunshine and no state income taxes with no lockdowns or mask requirements. That has nothing to do with DeSantis.
Not true; people love living a safe state with beach front property that is being renewed left and right.
Tell me why Disney should get State help when it only helps Disney?
My son-in-law is in Commercial Real-Estate and says Florida needs Disney like it needs acne.
There are a flood of developers in Florida who want to rebuild that land without any tax exemptions and they are happy to build tourist attractions to boot.
That is hilarious! So do you consider your son-in-law to be an idiot?

Tourist from overseas will not spend money to go to Billy Bob's Water Slide and Gator farm.
That is hilarious! So do you consider your son-in-law to be an idiot?

Tourist from overseas will not spend money to go to Billy Bob's Water Slide and Gator farm.
Did you skip the part where THOUSANDS of BILLIONAIRES are moving from SOUTH of the BORDER to FLORIDA?
They are buying up and rebuilding the WHOLE STATE.
Why do you think you know everything about every inch of the US?
I lived in Florida for many years. Every mall was dying! I was in Orlando in February/March for 6 days. I saw no new construction on anything but condos and hotels.
Visit Florida again.
Florida died due to the Housing Crash and 2 Orthodox Jews bought up every available inch of land and are now smiling.
Thanks to COVID, Blue States allowing crime and Communism growing South of the Border, you can't pay less than 900K for a 1 story 3,000 square foot house in anywhere but the most remote areas.
Tell me why Disney should get State help when it only helps Disney?
My son-in-law is in Commercial Real-Estate and says Florida needs Disney like it needs acne.
There are a flood of developers in Florida who want to rebuild that land without any tax exemptions and they are happy to build tourist attractions to boot.
Lol, a business that's going to turn down tax exemptions. Ya sure. Florida did not give those exemptions with out getting shit back. They gave them the exemptions to get the jobs and development. Now Orlando is one of the largest tourist attractions in the world. It's one of the few times that shit worked out for the government. Disney maintains all there own infrastructure costing the state and county nothing while raising the property values in the area up tremendously also giving all those employees jobs in which the locals get tax from. Maybe Disney pulls the he'll out and goes else where because DeSantis wants to be an authoritative dick.Then that entire area can lose all that tax base tourism and have the largest eyesore known to man kind. Ever drive by a deserted mall? You want attacks by government for taking a political side just wait till it starts happening to conservative business for speaking their mind. Let's just wipe chick filled out every blue city in the US. Where does it stop? Want the mayor to come over and fuck your wife in front of you and threaten your business if ya speak up. Wanna have to luck the kings duck if he tells ya to?
Lol, a business that's going to turn down tax exemptions. Ya sure. Florida did not give those exemptions with out getting shit back. They gave them the exemptions to get the jobs and development. Now Orlando is one of the largest tourist attractions in the world. It's one of the few times that shit worked out for the government. Disney maintains all there own infrastructure costing the state and county nothing while raising the property values in the area up tremendously also giving all those employees jobs in which the locals get tax from. Maybe Disney pulls the he'll out and goes else where because DeSantis wants to be an authoritative dick.Then that entire area can lose all that tax base tourism and have the largest eyesore known to man kind. Ever drive by a deserted mall? You want attacks by government for taking a political side just wait till it starts happening to conservative business for speaking their mind. Let's just wipe chick filled out every blue city in the US. Where does it stop? Want the mayor to come over and fuck your wife in front of you and threaten your business if ya speak up. Wanna have to luck the kings duck if he tells ya to?
When you tell me you buy/sell and manage commercial properties I'll pay attention to you.
You don't need tax exemptions when you can charge what you want for food, etc.
Did you skip the part where THOUSANDS of BILLIONAIRES are moving from SOUTH of the BORDER to FLORIDA?
They are buying up and rebuilding the WHOLE STATE.
Why do you think you know everything about every inch of the US?
South of the Border? That tourist trap in South Carolina? I never knew billionaires lived anywhere near there!

They might be building, but it is nowhere near Disney as they already own the land.

I first went to Disney in 1976. How many years ago is that now?

I was stationed in Jacksonville 3 times in my Navy career.

I had recruiting stations in the Panhandle of Florida from Marianna to Milton, including Fort Walton Beach and Pensacola.

Who knows Florida better you or me?
South of the Border? That tourist trap in South Carolina? I never knew billionaires lived anywhere near there!

They might be building, but it is nowhere near Disney as they already own the land.

I first went to Disney in 1976. How many years ago is that now?

I was stationed in Jacksonville 3 times in my Navy career.

I had recruiting stations in the Panhandle of Florida from Marianna to Milton, including Fort Walton Beach and Pensacola.

Who knows Florida better you or me?
Columbia, Cuba, Chile, Brazil...bad times down there.
There's barely a new restaurant in Miami where you can sit down for less than $300.00 a plate.
It 2022.
When you tell me you buy/sell and manage commercial properties I'll pay attention to you.
You don't need tax exemptions when you can charge what you want for food, etc.
Lol, take away every tax exemption for every company in America then for economic reasons not for speaking up against a politician. Be glad you are hidden behind a screen name. Allowing this shit to happen tells every bad actor on the internet they can put their dice right up your ass and you will not only keep quiet but support it. Also you are telling me there is a reason for taxes now. So I am not going to hear you spouting off about how I should not be letting you keep your own money so we can pay for governmental services right.
Visit Florida again.
Florida died due to the Housing Crash and 2 Orthodox Jews bought up every available inch of land and are now smiling.
Thanks to COVID, Blue States allowing crime and Communism growing South of the Border, you can't pay less than 900K for a 1 story 3,000 square foot house in anywhere but the most remote areas.
Oh, shut up! Who the fuck buys a 3000 square foot house?
You realize that south of Disney is a remote area unless you are along the east coast all the way down to Fort Lauderdale and Miami. North of Orlando is nothing but remote areas until you get to Jacksonville or West to Tallahassee.

In 1995, I bought 2000+ square foot house in Florida, for a whopping $69,000. I sold it in 2007 for about $100K profit. At $170,000 back then, it was still a bargain. It is still only worth about $200K 15 years later.

$900K? What a fucking joke! I suggest you take a scouting trip to Florida and see how wrong you are!
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