Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

Disney is pushing shit too far, in my mind, but going too far the other way is seldom the correct answer.

in Orlando this week and it's interesting get the locals opinion. yes it may hurt Disney, but their taxes are going up now.

just a question of how much.
So what? The people of Orlando have to pay their own way now? To keep low taxes they sold their souls and their children to homosexuals. Raise my taxes and keep the homosexuals away from my children.
When a corporation is given governmental powers then they must live by the Constitution just as the government must. When a corporation tries to use their privilege to change the will of the people then that privilege must be removed. Remember that no one elected Disney or any government official in the Disney government. The Constitution states that all states will have a republican form of government. Disney being their own government is not that.

Their privilege was given in direct violation of the Constitution many hears ago. As long as they used that privilege for what it was granted they stayed under the radar and got no scrutiny. They brought the scrutiny on themselves and what the scrutiny revealed is that the entire deal is a violation of the Constitution so the Florida Legislature fixed it.
Disney provided government function because there are no residents to elect anyone. The state has a republican form of government. For example, military bases do not elect anyone, and are not subject to local cities and counties. Under the previous system, it would be like having the residents of Newark, NJ run New York City, if the city of NY was unpopulated.
I live in Florida and I have 9 grandkids (one biological) and I am a very overindulgent grannie----I won't be taking any to any Disney properties. I loved Walt Disney growing up---------but his descendents such as his grand neice is just a narcissitic woke nutcase....I will enjoy watching the Disney empire suffering.
I won't enjoy their suffering; I've very saddened by it. But, even so, suffer they must.
It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

Isn't interesting how sexual deviants always concentrate around places where kids are?
And when you expose them, they go ballistic, and somehow they blame it on us.
To be neutral in such times is taking the side of the insane Left. It’s no different than saying you were neutral during the Civil War. You’ve picked a side by claiming neutrality.
You completely went off the deep end with that one. The counties in Virginia that wanted nothing to do with the Civil War became West Virginia and was neutral. They had no side, Union or Confederate.

"Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far"​

And deservedly so. Disney is an entertainment company. The legislature and governor of Florida are in the government business. Disney works for profit. The legislature and governor work for the citizens of Florida.

Stay in your lane.
And this is why America is doomed. People like you sell their souls, completely abandoning their morals for a few minutes of fun.
I gave my word to my children. They know absolutely nothing about the controversy. It is more important to their well-being that I keep my word at this moment in their lives. There is a difference between adhering to moral standards and moralizing.
Of course not. But that ain't something that's actually happening. Completely manufactured outrage. A lie. Who's head is going to roll for this lie?
If teaching sex to 4 to 8 year-olds is not happening then why are you and the left up in arms about banning it? Why is Disney leadership planning to work to overcome the will of the people to ban teaching sex to 4 to 8 year-olds?

Have you even read the law? 90% of it is about requiring schools to notify parents when they give mental or physical health treatments to children. One small paragraph requires that they not teach sexual orientation or gender identity to Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

The schools start with the premise that gender is fluid in all children and that children should choose their own gender and that their first claim of wanting to change is final and that the change cannot be questioned or challenged and that steps are taken without parental knowledge to make the change irreversible.

When a little boy's sister gets something he didn't so the boy says, "I wish I were a girl", the schools want to take that statement as a request for gender reassignment treatment and not even tell parents.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's not a single thing in that photo related to Disney...
If it has nothing to do with Disney then why is Disney so upset that Florida will not allow such wacko's to teach their children.

But you're right; the Florida law banning teaching sex to children had nothing to do with Disney; they should have focused on the mouse and stayed out of it.
I gave my word to my children. They know absolutely nothing about the controversy. It is more important to their well-being that I keep my word at this moment in their lives. There is a difference between adhering to moral standards and moralizing.
It doesn't change a thing that you gave your word. They're children and you're the parent. Either you're OK with teaching children about homosexual sex or you're not OK with it or you aren't capable of telling your children that things have changed and that Disney is a threat to their well being so they're not going.

Sad for your children that their parent does not have the backbone to do the right thing. But it's your choice and your children.
But what, exactly, are they doing? What actions are they taking to thwart the implementation of the law? All I've seen so far is them expressing an opinion. It may be unpopular, but do we really want to legitimize the punishment of thought and free speech?
This a lie - absolute lie. The Disney CEO said that Disney will do all they can to overturn the law. They didn't just voice an opinion, they promised action against the will of the people of Florida.

The Human Rights Campaign also opposes the “Stop WOKE Act” (HB 7), another dangerous bill that is currently under Senate committee consideration. If enacted, this bill would limit protected speech in workplaces with more than fifteen employees and classrooms by censoring honest dialogue about systemic racism, gender, and race discrimination. It would also change Florida’s employment discrimination statutes to give employees the ability to file discrimination claims against an employer engaging in trainings or discussions about Black history, LGBTQ+ issues, and other concepts of injustice and discrimination.

If your company is in the business of making widgets then they should stick to making widgets and stay out of politics. It's one thing to hire a person based on their skills, without regard to who that person sleeps with in the privacy of their home, or without consideration of that person's skin color.

It's an altogether different thing to tell one race of people that they're inherently bad because of their race. If they were to tell black people that they were inferior, the left (and right) would, rightfully, be up in arms. But if the company tells white people, as my employer does, that they're lesser human beings than other races, that's racism and the left (and right) should be up in arms.
It doesn't change a thing that you gave your word. They're children and you're the parent. Either you're OK with teaching children about homosexual sex or you're not OK with it or you aren't capable of telling your children that things have changed and that Disney is a threat to their well being so they're not going.

Sad for your children that their parent does not have the backbone to do the right thing. But it's your choice and your children.
Ah, shut the hell up, you silly-ass moralizing dweeb.
It doesn't change a thing that you gave your word. They're children and you're the parent. Either you're OK with teaching children about homosexual sex or you're not OK with it or you aren't capable of telling your children that things have changed and that Disney is a threat to their well being so they're not going.

Sad for your children that their parent does not have the backbone to do the right thing. But it's your choice and your children.

How is Disney a threat?

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