Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

I agree with most of that.

But Disney was not begun to entertain children.
Disney was begun to make money.
If they could have made more money standing on their heads for an hour a day - they would have done that.

Never assume that corporations have holier-then-thou morals...they do not.

They are neither as bad nor as good as the masses seem to think.
They just exist to make LOTS of money.

And there is generally, NOTHING wrong with that.
You obviously have no clue as to the history of Walt. And you’re a dumbass to think everyone providing childrens entertainment must be a charity operation.
So, I was right. You can't provide an example of anyone trying to teach 7 year olds about sex.

Thanks for being a stand up guy and admitting that...
Yawn. Guess you just skipped over the videis where schools lied to parents over genders.

Up yours on this one. Florida has every right ti pass these laws. Disney just got their eyes dotted.

Go play with your nerf ball
No, your portfolio wouldn't impress me a bit. Your posts already show you don't know a thing about how to find good investments. Your portfolio, no doubt, consists of exactly what Vanguard spends your employers donations on.

Wow, you're stupid.

I don't have an employer, dumbfuck. I am the employer...

And then there's another lie. Wow. You're batting 1000 on the lies in this thread. It was NOT mentioned that investors can sue if they lose money.
Yeah, let's talk about li es, shithead. Post #256 in this thread, your words:

"When shareholders lose money, they often sue because it is the legal duty of the board to do their best to benefit shareholders."

You're a lying fuck...

It was mentioned that the board and management have a fiduciary obligation to the shareholders and not to homosexual employees. If the management does things that harms the value of the shareholders investment in the company, clearly ignoring the interests of the shareholders, then they can, and should, be sued.

You didn't say they can, and should be sued. You said they are often sued. If investors "often sue", then they can sue.

The loss of money is an inherent risk when investing. An investment can lose money even if the person, or people, managing that investment do so in good faith. WHen that happens you'd be spinning your wheels if you tried to sue them yet.

Perhaps when you move out of your parent's basement you'll get a bit more experience...
Yawn. Guess you just skipped over the videis where schools lied to parents over genders.

Yeah, I don't watch a lot of videis.

Which videis are you talking about? Did you link to any?

Up yours on this one. Florida has every right ti pass these laws. Disney just got their eyes dotted..

I never said they didn't, shit-stain, so fuck you.

This discussion would be more interesting if you were smarter...

Go play with your nerf ball

Um... what?
Yeah, I don't watch a lot of videis.

Which videis are you talking about? Did you link to any?

I never said they didn't, shit-stain, so fuck you.

This discussion would be more interesting if you were smarter...

Um... what?
Um what. You skipped by my videos you requested and skipped by my they are using a bat and you want us to use a nerf ball.

No sense posting to your request anymore.

Disney is getting what it deserves. They even Lie with their slogan Dont Say Gay law. It doesnt even come close to that. Fuck em. Hope they have to sell the place
Yes, it's definitely disturbing.

It does nothing to negate the fact that Eagle4etc was a failure at providing examples of that...
I showed videos that started the whole thing. Fuck off.

Disney is getting what they deserve. They should have shut their dang mouths.
Um what. You skipped by my videos you requested and skipped by my they are using a bat and you want us to use a nerf ball.

You seem to have some odd preoccupation with nerf balls.


Anyway, which videos were you referring to?
No sense posting to your request anymore.

Well, sure, you can tuck your tails between your legs and scurry off. I'm sure you've experience with that...

Disney is getting what it deserves. They even Lie with their slogan Dont Say Gay law. It doesnt even come close to that.


As I've said, I have zero problem with the intent of the law. I have a problem with the way DeSantis presented it. He should've said it was due to the fact that Disney enjoyed concessions which other corporations did not. That would send the message that every corporation doing business in Florida will do so on a level playing field. Instead, he said it was being done because Disney came out in opposition to the law. That sends the message that, if the government doesn't like your opinion on an issue, they will come after you in an effort to harm you financially. That's not the position a state government should take. Sooner or later, it could easily be a democrat governor going after a conservative company, and conservatives would have no right to complain, especially considering they're the ones who've set the precedent...

Fuck em. Hope they have to sell the place

Disney's worth $148 billion dollars. They're not going anywhere.

Here's a graphic showing what Disney owns. It's pretty mind-boggling:


It also makes you wonder if all of Disney's keyboard critics are going to now boycott all of these companies. Doing that would prove pretty difficult. It also makes it pretty clear that Disney could lose Reedy Creek altogether and not really feel the loss too much...
I showed videos that started the whole thing. Fuck off.

Disney is getting what they deserve. They should have shut their dang mouths.

You didn't start off anything. There were 80 posts made before your first one, and that didn't include links to anything. It took you eight posts before you provided a link to anything, so fuck off with your self-aggrandizing bullshit...
Disney is not being taxed, regulated, or in any other way, differently from any other company in Florida - well, at least now they're not. How is that wrong?

When they use the power of their special privilege to interfere in government then their special privilege must be stripped. They're completely allowed to interfere in government but they need to do it on a level playing field with all other corporations or companies who want to interfere in government.
You really don't see the removing of the self governing status as a retaliation because Disney dare criticize the law as a chilling moment? That the State would use it's power to silence critics?
You really don't see the removing of the self governing status as a retaliation because Disney dare criticize the law as a chilling moment? That the State would use it's power to silence critics?

The Governor, who I'm a big supporter of, handled this whole affair very poorly...
He's not punishing them; he's taking away a sweetheart deal Walt negotiated with the Florida and County governments to bring in tourism dollars.

Liberals should take notice, what a powerful government can give, it can also take away. That's why conservatives are in favor of small. weak governments that make decisions as close to taxpayers as possible.
This is a very good point. Those who give government power to do things they applaud rarely, if ever, consider that the very same power can and will be used in ways they do not applaud. And, it's not just in government. When Twitter banned TRUMP!, many were beside themselves with glee (not caring that outright enemies of the US were still allowed to spew their lies), but when Musk bought Twitter, they began voicing their greatest fear, that TRUMP! would once again have a public voice.
Passivity does not work. Total War does. Disney needlessly injected themselves and are now paying the price.


And they would've paid the exact same price had DeSantis not make it appear as though he'll target any company that disagrees with him.

A friend of mine owns a large entertainment company in Nashville, and has been investigating opening an office in Florida. I spoke to him last night and, with his tongue only partially buried in his cheek, he asked "What if I say something your Governor doesn't like?"

And, given how DeSantis has handled the whole Disney affair, that's a very valid question. Here's a successful businessman, who's considering bringing some of that successful business to Florida, and he feels he has to be concerned about how far-reaching the Governor's fist will be if he or his company takes a stance on an issue which is different than the Governor's.

That's not exactly the kind of impression a Governor, who wants to say that his state his business-friendly, should be giving...
It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.


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